Forum Thread
🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → 🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]They are now 500 PD each.
Pokémon: Male and Female aerodactyl
Pokémon: Male Gigalith
Box: 9
Pokémon: Female Gigalith
Box: 10
Pokémon: Male and Female Agron, Male and Female Pyroar
Box: 18
Pokémon: Male and Female Altaria
Box: 26
Pokémon: Male and Female Charizard
Anything else: No Sell 3
These 2 plz! :D
All Naughty Female Gardevoirs are MINE >:3
PP Me If You Have Mega Gardevoir or SM Gardevoir That is Naughty Female! I'll pay a lot ^^
Pokemon: Galatians farfetch'd
Box#: 2
Pokemon: Silicobra pair (just one male and one female)
Box#: 3
Pokemon: Talonflame pair (one male one female), diggersby pair (one male one female), frogadier
Box#: 27
Pokemon: 2x greninja
Box#: 29
Pokemon: zeraora
Anything else?: nothing tysm
Edit: I guess um the zeraora is nft so ye-
Sell Box 24
Pokemon: Solar eevee
Sell box 21
Pokemon:Shiny bulbasaur
Sell box 33
Pokemon:Soalr eevee
Sell box 26
Sell box 25
Pokemon:Shiny Gaslty
Sell box 30
Pokemon:Shiny camerupt and Zygrade (10% form)
How much price in total
Anything else? Shiny bulbasaur and Shiny Gastly,both with everstone
Trying to evolve
Trying to gmax it
Pokemon: Stonjourner, Mr. Rime, Drizzile, Sandygast, Comfey, Wishiwashi, Torracat, Decidueye, Dartrix, Avalugg, Trevenant, Clawitzer, Skrelp, Greninja, Frogadier, Braixen, Volcarona, Larvesta, Hydreigon, Durant, Heatmor, Mandibuzz, Pawniard x2, Mienshao, Cryogonal, Cubchoo
Anything else?: Everstone on Drizzile, Sandygast, Torracat , Dartrix, Skrelp, Frogadier, Larvesta, Vullaby, Pawniard x2, Cubchoo
but rest are done.