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This user account has been locked permanently.
Trainerlevel: 82

Trainerpoints: 12,993/20,253


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
416128,077 / 650,521


Send me a Meowth plushie and I'll pay 1k PD each.
No limit. Just put PD for the text.

Note: Please be patient. If you're in my blocklist, no-go.
The Plushie thread doesn't count, even if you put PD :p
If you tryna rush me, I'm blocking you.
Lastly, I'll give PD when I can (Unless I'm busy).



AlienSnowflake is currently hunting Spring Mareep
without Premium. Hunt started: (Taking a break)

242 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 38
Future SM Event hunts without Premium:

I have trust issues, so don't beg or annoy me. You're asking to be blocked.
I add anyone, but if you constantly post feeds, I'll remove you.

I ignore "hi/hello"s.
If you have q's about this game, visit the Wiki or ask the staff. Better yet Google it.

Nominated in 2023 for being helpful? by doing this?^ XD idk hah

Timezone (New Zealand): GMT +12.

Hall of Fame

Behold. My catfish.

SM event mon that took months, one single chain without premium or flutes. It's 2•0S (Chain #181) [19/June/2016 - 25/August/2017]

1•0S Shiny Galar Meowth!

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Last Visitors

MEGAsal3meNceSat, 22/Mar/2025, 21:24
SkillfullyMagicalFri, 21/Mar/2025, 04:33
SainagurlThu, 20/Mar/2025, 16:17
GosthTue, 18/Mar/2025, 05:06
Raikage~Mon, 17/Mar/2025, 04:24

Game Records

Trainer ID: #899292223
Registration: 28/05/2016 (8 Years ago)
Time Played: 4852:51 Hours
Total interactions: 15,762,339
Money: 3,693,440
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


Apparently the girl i liked from my old job last year was also in one of my class in high school. Wow small world😂😂

Just saw coz my mom looked through my old year books (we clearing out coz moving)
1 Year ago
It took me weeks to price up something in the market coz it was so cheap and it only took like 3 days for it go down easily.

Stupid item market/stonks ruining prices since it was implemented.
1 Year ago
When im at work, I only bother if the boss gives me my job list.

Other than that I don't rly care about my surroundings but earlier this dude who actually got a small accident and I was right next to his work station. I didn't even know he had an accident until the boss asked me what happened😂😂oof

I had 0 ideas he even injured himself.

I either listen to music or watch videos with my earbuds on thats why
1 Year ago
[ Free PD ]
Send me a Meowth plushie and I'll pay 1k PD each. No limit. Just put PD for the text.

Note: Read the rules in my profile. Feel free to reshare ^^
Plushie count: x3436 (I'll do a giveaway once it hits 4k)

Cobalion: 200k PD each.
1 Year ago
my bae is here XD

After idk over 10-20mil pd worth whitepowders or something. Accidentally giving all my orbs too coz my wifi lagged and I doubled pressed to hatch the egg faster man, aiyah. Eh *shrug*
1 Year ago
I remember getting a warning years ago for saying crap. Nowadays people say it so easily here (well the mod no longer a mod here anyways)

I mean.. its the same with saying idiot when Prof Rowan calls you an idiot for freeing Hoopa lol
1 Year ago
So someone commented on my cosplay that it looked great but it was wrong coz I was a dude.

Like broo you dunno how HAPPY i am coz I wore a binder for a year and gained weight and my curves don't exist anymore😂so thanks. Ig my binder is working XDDD until you hear my girly voice

Honestly, my tube didn't have any straps to hold up my chest in my cosplay. Gravity happens🤨😂
1 Year ago
Mom so happy. It's the one she first looked at and the one we ended up getting :3 Lawyer said we were rly organized and had every paperwork in hand too

Also for the cosplay bit, just buttons to be sewn in and I'm DONE. Why do I always put everything in last minute ;-; Expo is tomorrow ffs aaaaa
1 Year ago
When a mod keeps visiting yo profile: o-o;;

Fine. I admit. I ate all the cookies. What else ya want XD
1 Year ago
Someone in twitter called me stupid and saying I'm from Australia. But my flag is New Zealand and I said, "that's an NZ flag"

So they said "wait, I'm from Australia."

Soooo.. I think they just called themselves stupid for not knowing their own country flag, wow😆😆
1 Year ago
The thing I miss about the hype of PokeGo years ago was going with random strangers and let them gimme a ride to the next city just to catch a legendary bird XDD

I mean wow, I could have been kidnapped there, but no XD
It was so weird how so many people just came in one car just to hitchhike a legendary to visit a hospital haha.

It was raining so bad that time and one dude stayed under the rain coz his phone's location was bugged and kept kicking him out the raid xD
1 Year ago
...*casually leaves Pride Vivilion on my party to show PH allows LGBT stuff here*
1 Year ago
"Girl/girl kiss stuff ain't allowed in ph"

Bruh, who said so ?? I asked like a year ago at a mod for this specific thing. Idc what y'all say I ain't removing lgbt stuff.

I think a kiss image is okay, as long it's really just kiss. Like not kind overpassionate and half naked kisses..I guess you understand what I mean. XD
2 Years ago
People you blocked keep changing their usernames, then later saying they don't know you and wanna be unblocked??

Look no further--
Just URL link their "starter" mons and it will lead to their details/profiles/OT no matter how many times they changed their usernames without putting their old usernames in their profiles.

You're welcome ;)

Share: #BlockedUsers
2 Years ago
After a godforsaken year— Yes a year of raiding the Auction House.
I started like March 20 2021 and made it to #2 today :D

No I will not aim for #1. Nymphrasis can have that spot hahaha!!
2 Years ago
*clears throat* Well, incase if you fellas didn't know. I've made it in the Most Pokemon in Ranklist.
Took roughly 7 months of endurance of people reporting me for spending my rough earned PD in Auction House XD
3 Years ago
E L E C T R ⚡ C

Finally, after over a decade I got to see Katy Perry and Pikachu together.
My childhood is very happy <3
3 Years ago
.... my Gradndma is gone. ..
Rest in piece... I hope you'llbe in a better place..
I mean she was suffering.. she had a bad fever..
(Not covid related)
4 Years ago
I am new here. So bare with me.
8 Years ago


If you PM me when I bid the Auction House, I will report you.
Please don't beg/ask/offer for donations/trades/mons/items in my PM/Pal Pad.

I do not unblock. Once you're blocked, plz go.
Idc if you're a we/dog/they/milk/noodles/chair/pizza/grass...
If you respect me, I'll do the same for you.

𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒃𝒆.. 𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄.⚡


Jowee | He/She | 30+ | Blood donor #4💉
♡ I hang out in Auction House and Berry Garden ☆

If I get banned in this site, my username is everywhere in Google. I'm hard to miss.

FB | Carrd | dA | Twitter | Insta | Pixiv | Tumblr | A03 | FF
If I love something but y'all hate, unfriend/block me. I'd rather not get bullied from playing a game. If you don't wanna accept how I am, then go. I don't exist to please everyone🤷‍♂️



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Viewing a Userprofile (1 Year ago)