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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 47

Trainerpoints: 6,342/6,673


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Castform7116 / 169
Castform7133 / 169
Castform7103 / 169
Castform87 / 217
Castform16761 / 817
Castform686 / 127

Last Visitors

vstarTue, 23/Jul/2024, 09:35
vkaiMon, 22/Jul/2024, 04:05
Pearl~Fri, 21/Jun/2024, 08:03
RiodiseWed, 05/Jun/2024, 12:42
Ace~Fri, 24/May/2024, 15:41

Game Records

Trainer ID: #652067264
Registration: 12/10/2020 (3 Years ago)
Game Time: 1196:01 Hours
Total interactions: 826,964
Money: 1,065,344
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


so many good memories on here lol
10 Months ago
remember when nuggets were 1600
1 Year ago
do you use the index finger or middle finger to hit left click? please i need to know i feel like i going crazy
1 Year ago
tempted to change my username but i think letus is too iconic to change...
1 Year ago
what happened when i was gone lmao? i come back to see a bunch of serious feeds from my friends lol
1 Year ago
Kinda bummed by the remote raids nerf in pogo
1 Year ago
Scrolling through twitter after not opening the app for a few months is such a wild ride lmao
1 Year ago
being active on more than one site is hard :( gpx+ has been taking up all my time lol. how are you guys doing?
1 Year ago
i remember when i got sm crobat during valentines day increased breeding 2 years ago but then sold it and now i regret it so much
1 Year ago
i have seen it all
1 Year ago
the lifecycle of a ph user is like registration -> fun -> leaving giveaway -> rebirth a few seconds later
1 Year ago
black fridayyyyyy
1 Year ago
did you know biden's middle name is robinette
1 Year ago
i was crossing the road and some guy was standing in the middle of the crosswalk just staring at his phone. held up the traffic for a good 30 secs before people started honking lol.
1 Year ago
officially 365 days older
1 Year ago
have you ever
1 Year ago
feeling like youre going to throw up is the worst feeling in the world. you can feel it right there and you just want to get it over with but it just wont come out...
1 Year ago
i like cookie
1 Year ago

named it lawnmower for legal reasons :P
1 Year ago


1 out of 222 Bird Fossils