Riako, did you know our Gyarados's were the same level until I put
mine in my party? *In the test example?* And mine won't be a secret
._. I love the team I have.
I've already mostly planned out my team, :) I can't wait until this
is implemented! And just wondering each pokemon has 4 moves right?
Or are they limitless?
I was also wondering if we're including HMs and TMs perhaps?
Are we going to have a lvl set like all the pokemon in your team is
a certain lvl. Example - My lvl 85 Reuniclus vs a lvl 85 Machamp
will then be turned to a lvl 50 Reuniclus and have the stats as a
lvl 50 Reuniclus and a lvl 50 machamp have the stats as a lvl 50
machamp. Lol i just made this suggestion up cause no one wants to
fight that mudkip and thats sorta unfair for Nisky :/