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Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Mon, 21/08/2017 00:55 (7 Years ago) |
done-o! on my way to palpad it to you!! anyone from here? <3 [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Wed, 16/08/2017 07:03 (7 Years ago) |
Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Serious. Solemn. Doesn't talk… at all. Communicates by occasional stern glare and snarky gesture. She's very observant, with a passion for exploration and geography. As a ghost, she spends most of her time outside; free from typical human dangers, she uses her abilities to observe wildlife, nudge wandering passersby in the right direction, and occasionally spook the heck out of the living when they linger a little too long near her favourite places. Appearance: Of Asian ethnicity; her extended family immigrated from regions near Vladivostok. Li has dark, medium-length hair and matching eyes. She stands at about 5'7". Tends to wear practical, outdoorsy clothes. Of course, since she's a ghost now, she's far less colourful, and far more see-through. Cause of Death?: Stumbling around at night after an emotional day was probably not the best idea - seeing as she got lost in the city, tripped, and hit her head on an unfortunately sharp rock. Crush: N/A Significant Other?: N/A Other: Aromantic Ace; not here for the ghost ships, just here for the ghost quips. Maybe not even those. [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Tue, 08/08/2017 20:06 (7 Years ago) |
@ Error and yeah, i'd agree with that. it's kind of like math? getting started is the worst thing ever, but once you've gotten into the rhythm of writing, it's easier from there. ;w; good luck, both of you! [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Tue, 08/08/2017 03:16 (7 Years ago) |
good luck!! [
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Mon, 07/08/2017 19:03 (7 Years ago) |
Pokemon (names): Pelipper (Box 1) Form of payment: PD: 1,000 Total: PD: 1,000 thanks in advance! <3 [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 00:57 (7 Years ago) |
it's a good a start as any! the only real feedback i have for you is... if your MC is 21, why mention the middle school? i'd think that high school or university would be more important. unless the middle school is vital to the plot and they work there or something, otherwise it just seems a bit out of place. [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Mon, 31/07/2017 03:05 (7 Years ago) |
i'm really only comfortable with sharing my writing online if it's fanfiction. original stuff, i have a strict "only through limited Drive access" or "literally handing people a hard copy to read" policy. i do have a few things in the works i'd like to publish eventually, and pretty much all contracts void anything that's been publicly shared. i did use wattpad for a while, although it was some amount of years ago - when the community was pretty nice and there was a lot of good original fiction. now, however, i gotta warn you guys - their competitions now are more of a popularity contest than anything else, so i'd say it isn't worth joining them. [ shrug ] still, overall, it's probably good practise for self-publishing online. [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Sun, 30/07/2017 21:46 (7 Years ago) |
thank you! and good luck! wattpad is a monster, haha. @ Dragi & screaming james from my days in Fanfiction(TM) i remember the ideal ratio being about 2,500 words (two major scenes) per update. generally, i found that people appreciated 4k updates more, but even knowing that i rarely stick to it, pffft. aside from how you pace your stories, it really just depends on how long your scenes are - i tend to write long scenes, and i need them completed so i don't leave chapters in a weird place, which leads to longer updates in general. [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Sun, 30/07/2017 19:02 (7 Years ago) |
[ throws confetti at'cho face ] CONGRATS! i'm proud of you, this is like the one time july nano hasn't entirely kicked my butt, so we both made it to the other side! same tho, i'm reallllly bad at estimating how many chapters a given story is gonna have. i always end up juggling word counts between chapters, trying to figure out how to distribute it all, haha. but, nano-wise, at least we got it mostly written down, and that's what counts! [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Thu, 27/07/2017 02:05 (7 Years ago) |
yeah, i get the feeling. i'm SUPER distraction-prone, like i'll message someone telling them i'll read their thing and then end up on tumblr or chickensmoothie or toyhouse or artfight or............ yeah. same. but at least if you're drawing you're still doing something that's creative! and you shouldn't try to force yourself to write, either. if it's motivation you're lacking (like the kind of motivation that makes you want to get up early / stay up late just to write), maybe you do just need a break, and that's perfectly okay. it happens to everyone, tbh. [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Thu, 27/07/2017 01:54 (7 Years ago) |
[ reinforces door with steel bearings ] what kind of writer's block are you having trouble with? :0 like, do you not know what's going to happen next in a scene? or are you stuck with details like motive, background, pacing, etc.? i haven't stumbled across a universal cure, but as was mentioned before, you can try either distracting yourself (e.g. music, podcasts, reading someone else's work for inspiration) or by removing distractions (quiet room, take a walk outside)? [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Thu, 27/07/2017 01:36 (7 Years ago) |
holy kecleon i know right i'm as surprised as you are honestly, it isn't even November nano :'D and yeah, i didn't get started until the 15th haha, not counting a couple paragraphs i wrote early on. i'm glad i'm getting all this writing in, tho - it's good practise, and i probbbbably won't be able to do it in November since i might be just too busy with school. my secret is CONSTANT word wars even tho i'm not a competitive person, and also just being really excited to get a draft of my story written down [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Wed, 26/07/2017 17:55 (7 Years ago) |
you can do it! i just passed 45k so i'm fairly certain i'll be able to hit 50 or 60k by the end of the month. (6 days to go! it's both gone by really fast and really slow?) @ everyone else good luck! :0 sounds like you're all working on interesting things! [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Sun, 23/07/2017 01:16 (7 Years ago) |
yeah. please don't share that kind of emotionally-sensitive writing here, however indirect it claims to be. @ Dragi dude i wishhhh!!! i'm really close, but i'm also at comic-con and haven't had the time to write literally anything. it frustrates me so much, haha. (on the other hand, i met the author of Princess Academy, so that's a plus.) are you close to validating yours?? [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 22:18 (7 Years ago) |
i'm done! palpadding you now! next person, please draw me any kind of reptile or amphibian? snake, crocodile, frog, gecko, kecleon, anything like that? [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 01:09 (7 Years ago) |
@ Galaxy if it has themes / emotional weight like that then maybe you shouldn't post it here? :'D uhh you could link it to interested parties separately? [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Mon, 17/07/2017 18:27 (7 Years ago) |
most comic artists i know always sketch out the story with text first; even if you're not gonna write a whole novel, you do really need to summarize the events in each issue. maybe try script format? @ Waffle that's exciting! i'd read it and give you some feedback, if you want to send it to me via palpad or PM! :0 [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Sat, 15/07/2017 18:48 (7 Years ago) |
after that i pretty much immediately ran over to google docs with armfuls of journals of paper and typed it all up, desperate to never again know the pain of losing like a fifth of my work. rest in pieces. and god bless auto-save, i don't know where i would be without it. :'D [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Thu, 13/07/2017 18:13 (7 Years ago) |
oh! speaking of published authors, another thing that's great about nanowrimo / camp nanowrimo is the advice they send you from published authors + past nano winners. popular authors, too, like James Dashner, Suzanne Collins, etc., which is pretty neat-o. although, if you're not allowed to access other sites, that isn't very helpful, sorry. :') [Read more] |
Ufimtsev OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 403 |
Posted: Thu, 13/07/2017 17:37 (7 Years ago) |
it handles large bytes of text really well, too, which is great for writers. :'D [Read more] |
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