Aww, thanks guys. Super Famous badge obtained, :3 And just
obtained... a Pokeradar~
Jumper(Cuddlithe) & Camila(Catercream): Produced 4 Caterpies, 5
Growlithes, and just now: a Catercream egg. <3333 Yeeeess!
Holy f**k. I got my first shiny. I wasn't even trying. I just
wanted a Spinarak from the lab. Then he hatches all blue and pink
and has a SHINY sign when I got home, after he hatched while I was
Got my Slowyore for 14,002, thank the lord. <3 She's beautiful.
I also got a handsome little Tepig, only have one more starter to
go (Snivy) ^^
I named *her* Sabia; the sweet one. I also just recieved my first
Daycare egg, a tiny bulbasaur. [I promised popo one of the babies.]
Oh my. I just won a cute little shaymin for 9k. I was having a pal.
night, and hoped up in the middle of the movie Kiki's Delievery
Service to make popcorn. o:
Omg just got a Cuddlithe 8D -dies over and over again- I've been
clicking and clicking since yesterday morning, this is my first
Yay, my fifth egg was the Finneon. ^^ I gave her an everstone since
Finneon is one of my favourit pokemon <3 Oh, and I'm calling
Spinda Spinda :D I loved that character in the Pokemon Mystery
Dungeon games (:
My first egg to hatch happened to be my sixth one cx I now own a
cute little Azurill, going to name her Bubble