Forum Thread
The Awakening (RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Awakening (RP)*Maddy looked at Dylan and hugged him* How did you find me? *Maddy let go of Dylan not long after she started hugging him. Dylan walked around the cabin* I've been following the Cloaks. Trying to find their homeland. Then I stumbled upon this *Dylan motioned to the whole town, burned and neglected* town, and stopped to scout it out. And then I found the girl *Dylan motioned towards Emi* and not long after you barged in
*One of the Cloaks looked at Zinx and pointed a spear at him.* Identify yourself!
Gwen inches forward, finding some destroyed trees. She recognizes this kind of damage, it was from an active war machine. She sighs, her worse fear was quickly becoming a reality. There is only one army that is skilled enough to recreate this, the Cloaks were indeed back. But where were they now?
*Dylan looked outside and looked around at the town* What even is this place, Maddy? *Maddy sighed and sat down* Where I woke up. *Dylan looked at her* I thought you didn't remember your past. *Maddy looked him in the eyes* After I came here, memories came flooding back to me. *Maddy began to have a flashback of rain and fire. She looked down at the ground and closed her eyes* Me and Talla rode into this town with the intention of killing all in our path. But something came over me. I finally saw what was wrong with my actions. I began to fight the Cloaks and eventually Talla. But she was too strong. She overpowered me and next thing I knew, a burning building fell on top of me. When I woke up, everyone was gone and half the town was gone. *Maddy began to cry* I know I can never be forgiven for my past and- *Maddy sniffled and wiped her face* and if I were ever to hurt anyone I would never be able to forgive myself. That's why I ran away Dylan. *Maddy looked up at Dylan with open eyes. Her eyes had changed to black as she cried* That's why I haven't gone back
*Benton straightened his back and looked at Tani* Well then, do you have any proof that they are back? *Tani looked at him* Well no, bu-*Tani was interrupted by a furious Benton* Then you dont summon the council you idiot! I am starting to question why you were ever let onto this council, considering your so naive and immature and retarded. No wonder that traitor ran out on you
Honey frantically ran around the city, wondering where her house was. How could she not have seen it by now?
*Tani looked at Sage.* Thank you Sage, for defending me. But if we are to vote him off, we will need a majority of the council to vote and it's almost night. How are we to do it?
*Dylan walked over to Maddy and squatted down in front of her* Dont say that. Talla was a truly evil person, but your not. Your better than her. You fought along side many brave men to stop her. In my book, that's what I call redemption. *Dylan heard a faint noise of a bell off in the distance and stood up* The council only rings that bell in an emergency. *Maddy looked at Dylan* Council? What do you mean? *Dylan looked at her* No time to explain, but I need to go. The kingdom may be in danger.
"You four can go ahead" Gwen tells them. Her eyes are focused on the destroyed trees. She could use this to tell which direction the war machine had been fired from. She doesn't wait for an answer. She turns her horse around and races deeper into the woods before they can follow.
Blossom's anixeity was building up when Emi hadn't come home when she was again called to the concil, the anxeity worsened when Sage stated that the Cloaks were back and it took everything she had not to cry then and there worring over her adopted child who she saw as a daughter.
*Tani tried to stay with Sage. But then she heard the horns men blow his horn. She looked over her shoulder and wondered who had returned. She turned back to Sage* Hey Sage, I'm gonna go see who's at the gate
Gwen isn't able to find anything. There were no tracks, no nothing. The only sign of the war machine was the smoke, which had long disappeared. Other than that, it was the busted up trees. But now that wasn't a good enough sign. "Come on" she grumbles to herself as the turns her horse around and begins to return to the kingdom. Just her luck, she is going to turn up with nothing. This'll defiantly put the kingdom at ease.
*Tani ran to the gates and saw Dylan dismounting from his horse. Tani shouted in his general direction* Dylan! *Dylan turned his head and saw Tani running towards him. She jumped into his arms to hug him* Its been too long, Dylan. Why didn't you try and write? Gwen's missed you, even though she wouldn't admit it. *Dylan chuckled* Its difficult to, but Tani, could you let go? I'm struggling to breathe. *Tani realized how hard she was hugging him and let go. She stood in front of him and looked up at his eye* What happened here? *Dylan shrugged* Run in with some Cloaks *Dylan looked around* Where's Gwen? You wouldn't happen to know would you? *Tani shook her head* Last I saw her was earlier today at the council meeting. Did you come back alone? *Dylan shook his head* No *Tani looked confused. She looked around and didnt see another rider* Then, where are they? *Dylan opened his mouth but decided not to tell her exactly. He pointed past Tani's head and Tani followed with her head* They went that way. I'd suggest you go look for them. *Tani have Dylan and puzzled look. But when he nodded, she got excited and began to run in the direction he pointed*
Blossom was already back at the house, she had been calling out for Emi in worry knowing that the Cloaks would probably kill her on sight.
*Tani raced through the streets, occassionally asking people if they saw a horse ride by. And then she saw it. The horse she was looking for. Its rider spoke in a very gruff, almost forced manner* Is this children yours? *Tani's eyes began to tear up as she slowly began to walk towards the rider.* Maddy?
"Moooooooom." Emi whined playfully as Blossom held her in her arms. "I was getting blackcaps. . .then I got lost."
Blossom knelt down and put her hands on Emi's shoulders. "Next time try to be a bit more careful." When Emi nodded Blossom hugged her again then looked to Maddy. "Thank you so much. . .um . . .I dont think I caught your name?"
"Mom, it's Maddy!" Emi chirped excitedly.