Forum Thread
The Awakening (RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Awakening (RP)Barry sighs as he continues walking around. He looks at all the happy people. He doesn't smile but is a little happy on the inside.
Barry feels a tiny shake but ignores it. He sighs, then closes his eyes and he continues walking around as if he had nothing to do.
*Tani ran outside upon feeling the "earthquake". She saw a small cloud of dust and smoke far off in the distance over the forest. For a moment, she wondered what it was, until she came to a horrifying realization* The Cloaks. *She began to back pedal and call for Sage* Sage. SAGE!!! *She erupted into a full sprint to find Sage as soon as possible*
*Deep in the northern mountains, Talla was scaling the largest one until she reached an unnatural flat. And in front of her stood a towering gate, made of metal.*
Zinx watched Talla in horror, still in shock that she had just risen from the grave like that. What was going on...? What was she doing? And what were the Cloaks doing here? All these questions ran through his head as he watched.
Sage suddenly feels the rumbles too. Her heartbeat quickens when she hears her name being called in the distance. She jumps in surprise when she hears Honey speak. "Oh my, you scared me" Sage says with a laugh, "I'm not quite sure... I'm going to try and-" Sage turns around to look at Honey, her eyes widen when she spots smoke rising in the distance. What is going on?. "Hey, you should go home. Just to be safe. There is just a small- um, storm coming" Sage tells Honey calmly and evenly, trying hard not to worry the girl. Sage quickly takes off into a run, trying to move towards the source of the shouting. "Tani!?" Sage calls out.
Barry sees what’s in the forest. He sighs. He wished he could help but he can’t. He runs to where his house is.
How...? How was there a city, right in the middle of the forest? How did he not see that?! From the size, it seemed like it would’ve taken decades to build. How was he so blind to it?! He saw the guards and knew he wouldn’t be able to enter without some sort of trickery, but did he want to enter?
"Tani!" Sage shouts out again, finally spotting her. "What is going on?" Sage asks. "Or.. what do you think is going on?"
*Maddy watched as the Cloaks continued forward. She wanted to attack but she knew it would only end badly for her. And with Erie alone in the cabin, she couldn't let that happen. Once the Cloaks were out of site, she moved quickly to get back to the cabin. When she arrived, she noticed something wasn't right. When she left, she left her horse tied to the tree. But now it was walking around freely. She put one hand on her sword and the other on the doorknob. She opened the door and drew her sword to attack, but instead her sword was greeted by a familiar faces sword.* Maddy? *Dylan stood with his sword in the way of Maddy's. He looked much older than the last time they met. His eye had a silvery tint to it, and the area surrounding it had a large scar. Maddy lowered her sword* Dylan?
Gwen raises a hand in the air. They made it to the smoke before Luke only because they were on horseback. They were close enough to smell the smoke, but far enough that they wouldn't be seen yet. The four men stop their horses. She raises a finger to her lips. She points to the left, then points to the right. Two of the men very slowly ride off to the left, while the other two ride off to the right. They are careful to make as little noise as possible. Each of them is armed with a horn (and a sword/now). If there is danger they'll blow the horn, signalling to either retreat or fight. Gwen slowly moves straight to the source.