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Queen Tatiana


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Queen Tatiana
Galarica Wreath

Level: 5100
EXP: 86,425,603 /93,501,446

Health Points 297
Attack 233
Defense 205
Sp. Attack 290
Sp. Defense 278
Speed 266
Pokédex No. #407
Rarity Easy
Nature Impish
Trainer RoyalGecko
Origin. Trainer RoyalGecko
Obtained 6 Years and 1 Month ago
Caught on Route 53
Family Tree
Hatched 6 Years and 1 Month ago


Queen Tatiana wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (54)

sleepynebby, John_1123, PrincessStormfly, purepeacetea, Emelicious, RoyalGecko, WonderWeb, Gyutaro, momalia, Keatah, Braixie, Bambiii, yuki~, Sakuraa, Xiao, Zheirhos, Kloppo, BerryGeneral, Cherry_Blossom, Mioobi1, Tamim1234, mcbeeftarts, Purrloin, RahRahYh, Chomie, loppbunneary, Shiny, Calypso25, Tsubasa90, BarnacleBoy, ~-MysticM-~, SigmaPolaris, MiniEarth, Shyrenia666, Grietine, Whimsicott, -XYZ-, Boots, Absbor, Steco, Shinekiara, vvangel, Nadgobus, deehukka, _Nyx_, SensGirl25, teethmark, Kuroo, Moon_Starlight, Galvadyne, Gojirath, Homework_sis, Castalia, meggylu5.