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RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Wed, 11/09/2024 14:31 (6 Months ago) |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Sat, 13/01/2024 06:40 (1 Year ago) |
September 26th, 2003. 9:37 pm. The SF Giants are in the middle of clobbering the rival LA Dodgers 10-1. The roars of over 40,000 people all chanting "Beat LA" can be heard throughout the city. As fans begin to exit the stadium, a brawl breaks out in the bleacher seats. Security is seen rushing in that direction to no avail. Strangely, as the crowd of people fighting begins to grow, bystanders who begin to run away are only chased down by attackers. More people in the crowd decide to start leaving the game as the fight escalates and as people begin leaving in droves, the stairs begin to clog up. A man is heard yelling above the rest causing some to look towards him to only see him tackled down by a security guard who begins biting the man's throat. Others are soon tackled as well and begin to be mauled to death by the attacking parties causing more chaos and bloodshed. Those who manage to escape to the streets witness the horrors of what has become the China Basin. Hordes chase after pedestrians and begin ripping away at their flesh before moving onto their next victims. Gunfire can be heard from nearby law enforcement trying to maintain order, but soon the gunfire ceases and is replaced by the screams of civilians and monsters alike. By sunrise of September 27th, 2003, mass chaos had erupted within the city. Whole buildings are on fire, the streets are paved with blood and bodies, and the sounds of the usual angry driver have been replaced by the roars of horrific creatures. San Francisco has been lost. Those who survived the night must learn to endure and survive. The world will never be the same… The Day Before Day 7234 --------------------------------------- I miss you my love... I wish you got so see what we have built here [Read more] |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2024 20:08 (1 Year ago) |
WIP and Reservation noted [
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2024 05:12 (1 Year ago) |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2024 00:49 (1 Year ago) |
My Forms: ![]() Your Username: RoyalGecko
Character name: Santa Clara Age: 44 Gender: Male Appearance: ![]() Personality: He is generally very stoic. As the co-leader of the bunker colony, he spends his time putting the needs of the many before the needs of the few. Weapon(s): Machete, shotgun, and a revolver Other: A former English and History teacher, he dedicates his time teaching the children of the bunker how to read and write and the history of the world before the outbreak. Although he is one of the bunker's founders, not much is known about his past. However, seems to always be wearing a wedding band on his left hand as well as a locket around his neck Your Username: RoyalGecko Character name: East Texas Age: 24 Gender: Female Appearance: ![]() Personality: Weapon(s): Axe and Hunting Rifle Other: She is a former FEDRA soldier who left when her QZ went under, she went on a "spiritual" journey that eventually landed her in SF [Read more] |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2024 21:28 (1 Year ago) |
Title: 1/10/2024 HG Sim1. Lily 2. Sun 3. Absdor 4. ball 5. Taavi 6. Azalea 7. Food 8. June Bugg 9. Daiko 10. Niko Nick 11. Guy 12. tord 13. Wave Shaper 14. Kaede 15. echelon 16. Hipster 17. Kastel 18. RaRa 19. Dusk Keldeo 20. Alexander Hamilton 21. Lal Voe 22. Ryan 23. Torracat Scratch 24. Sens Girl District Placements 1. District7 2. District4 3. District6 4. District8 5. District12 6. District9 7. District5 8. District1 9. District10 10. District11 11. District2 12. District3 Kills 5: Lily 3: Food 3: ball 2: Sun 2: Niko Nick 2: echelon 1: Guy 1: Taavi 1: Alexander Hamilton 1: Absdor 1: Hipster [Read more] |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2024 19:02 (1 Year ago) |
RP A month ago, an unknown disease broke out and began causing mass chaos. People are dying in the streets. Whole families are being turned. Some people have begun throwing the word “zombies” around. I still have no idea what's going on but what's left of the government is telling us that everything is under control. Ya right! They can barely even tell us what is happening! And now we are hearing rumors of whole cities being bombed! The world as we know it is gone. And there is nothing we can do about it. ![]() ![]() 1. All PH rules still apply (and PH
roleplay rules)
2. I reserve the right to reject your form (I will PP/PM you why if I do so) 3. Limit the one liners please, they kill roleplays (I have my own definition that I'll explain if I see it) 4. Only two characters per person (If you have good reasons for why you should have more than one, let me know, however I don’t want too many characters in a zombie apocalypse rp so I reserve the right to deny your request) 5. The characters name must be a city or generalized area in the US to signify where the character is from (i.e. Miami, SoCal, etc). 6. If I reject you more then 3 times for the exact same or similar reasons, you are automatically banned 7. Max 3 reasonable weapons (melee or firearm but no more then 2 firearms. No absurdly crazy weapons and remember, ammo is limited in this world so chose your firearm wisely) 8. When filling out your form, please remove things that are in parenthesis. It’s mostly so its easier on my eyes. 9. Reserving a spot is fine but please communicate if you are reserving a spot. I would like to know if you are no longer interested. 10. Have fun! Let me know if you have any questions! ![]() Your Username: (actually type it here
Character name: (Rule 5) Age: (If your character is under 22 years old, they were born post outbreak or do not remember the world pre-outbreak) Gender: (i.e. male, female, nonbinary, etc.) Appearance: (image preferably, but description is fine as well) Personality: Weapon(s): Other: (Backstory, Sexual orientation, etc.) Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: [Read more] |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2024 18:49 (1 Year ago) |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2024 16:03 (1 Year ago) |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Sat, 23/12/2023 08:48 (1 Year ago) |
Title: A Tribute to RaRa, TGG, and KaminiMy memory has been slowly ruined through my own personal experimentation however I believe I first met TGG while working on their roleplay APL in mid 2019. At the time, I was really into roleplaying as a werewolf character and their roleplay allowed me to do so. While they easily couldve told me to stop taking over their roleplay, they were kind enough to let me share ideas with them and together we began to form a friendship that would last what felt like several lifetimes. Almost every roleplay I was in, they were in too. Each roleplay we created had some ideas from the other or was a collaboration between the two of us. TGG was someone who was there for me when i needed them and I was there when they needed me. I met Kamini around the same time. Kamini and I became friends almost instantly. The two of us were perfect for eachother while roleplaying. The chemistry between us was there with barely any experience with ine another and they helped me advance my skills to heights unimaginable when i first started. They left a few years ago but their impact is still felt for me to this day. I want to say more but my memory is too corroded to truely say more without doubting myself I met RaRa in 2020. At the time, I wasn't roleplaying alot due to burnout and general disinterest. But for some reason or another, I decided to join a roleplay they had created called "Haven of Beasts". I joined after it had started, however the minute I joined I felt a spark. I had so much fun playing Talla and that was aided by the support of RaRa, who let me take my ideas for the roleplay and run with it. After that, me and RaRa collaborated on countless other roleplays and with TGG, the three of us created a roleplaying trio that created countless roleplays with one another. RaRa was a friend who i trusted and confided in (i believe they are one of the few people on PH who have ever seen my face). For years, TGG, Kamini, and RaRa were a part of my family. They will always be. Without the three of them, i probably wouldnt be on PH at all anymore. Its because I REFUSE to let the memory of them leave this site. I refuse to let anyone who comes to this site and becomes a roleplayer not know who they were and how important they were to the roleplaying community, a community that in my opinion was carried by the three of them for the better part of 2-3 years. But this isnt about my opinions, this is about three people who I miss and just wanted to say I love you too. I apologize for leaving you guys, i will always apologize for that. But I promise, you will never be forgotten. [Read more] |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Thu, 16/11/2023 15:01 (1 Year ago) |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 22:41 (1 Year ago) |
Haven of Beasts. Below The Clouds. Kingdom of Aeraya. The Kingdoms Three. All roleplays listed were once nominated for "Best Roleplay". Each one uniquely different from the last. Each one with the story, cast, and creator to help push it to the finish line. Tonight however, one roleplay will join the likes of The Viper Pit and APL as "Best Roleplay" recipients. Those roleplays are: Great Mother in the Sky The Land of Ayerial Those Who Carried On And the recipient is... Each one of them is without a doubt some of the best roleplayers to ever grace this lowly site and its frankly a shame that some of their best work is confinded to the walls of Pokeheroes. Basically what I am trying to say here is congratulations guys. I'm so proud of all of you. Now before I announce this years "Roleplayer" I want you all to make a promise to me. Continue to go beyond the realm of possiblity. Continue to create memories together that will last forever. Continue to make me proud. This years nominees are: AthenaHere Daiko ItsKendo Serendibite And this years recipient of the Oscar is [Read more] |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Tue, 10/01/2023 02:16 (2 Years ago) |
*Maya sighed and lifted her hand to her face to pinch the bridge of her nose as she shook her head.* Kendo is on his way Marius, and beside they're all late because of me. *Maya looked at Kaori and Aryan* They were going to be here on time but decided it was best to let the rest of their group catch up so the fault is mine, not theirs. *Marius looked up from his paper slightly and took a deep breath in before shifting his eyes toward Kaori and Ayran.* You two may go and wait with the others for Commander Lucas. *Maya stood firm.and watched as Marius' attention shifted towards her* Show up late or make others show up late to their shift again, I will be forced to move you to the south wall. Understood? *He looked up towards Maya and ripped the paper to give to Maya. She gave him a slightly dirty look before snatching the paper from him and turning around to go to her post.* [Read more] |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Tue, 10/01/2023 01:48 (2 Years ago) |
*As Kendo nodded his head, Maya backed up and ran through the door back to the outside world. She looked towards her left and saw both Kaori and Ayran talking at the corner of the building. She let out a small whistle to get their attention and then began to start walking towards the assignment station* [Read more] |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 04:52 (2 Years ago) |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 04:34 (2 Years ago) |
*As Kendo spoke towards Maya, Maya snapped out of her own head and yelled* Hey! Thats enough from both of you! *Maya walked in between them and started speaking in a stern voice towards Kaori first* We need all the help we can get if we want to win this war so back off of him- *Maya then rapidly turned her head towards Kendo who had a small smirk on his face* And you know better then to stay in here all night, understood? [Read more] |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 01:10 (2 Years ago) |
*Suddenly Maya realized something and stopped.* Hey guys- *Ayran looked back towards Maya and stopped, but Kaori kept walking for a bit until they also stopped and huffed* Where's Kendo? [Read more] |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 04:36 (2 Years ago) |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 01:23 (2 Years ago) |
RoyalGecko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 740 |
Posted: Fri, 06/01/2023 23:47 (2 Years ago) |
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