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The Awakening (RP)

Forum-Index Roleplay The Awakening (RP)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 04:07 (4 Years ago)
Luke tries to find another window, but can’t seem to. He guesses he has to watch through the broken one. “Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead Tani and Gwen. You two were some of my first friends. I can’t lose you.”
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 04:08 (4 Years ago)
*Tani heard people from outside the house and began to desperately whimper for help, but those whimpers were interrupted by loud fits of coughing. She then started to repeat the same thing over and over again* Silver....... Maddy........ war......

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 04:10 (4 Years ago)
"I'm already prepared for that. Find Tani, try checking by the door or windows! She would've tryied that first." Blossom called after Gwen, she then looked at Luke. "Get more people to help if you can. We'll need to get the fire out incase it tryies to spread."

Emi woke up and pushed herself out of bed, there was an odd feeling in her stomach and she couldn't shake it.
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 04:12 (4 Years ago)
Luke nods his head. He starts shouting everywhere, “FIRE AT TANI’S HOUSE! BRING ALL OF THE WATER YOU CAN! WE HAVE TO PUT IT OUT!” He grabs a big bucket of water and starts running back to Tani’s house with it, determined to not let anyone die. Except for the people who tried killing Tani.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 04:15 (4 Years ago)
"Sh*t Tani!" Gwen shouts. The smoke has gotten really thick now, she can barley notice the silhouette of Tani's body. She bends down and picks Tani up, Gwen's adrenaline rush makes it easy to carry Tani. As she walks back outside, she rubs her left shoulder against the wall. Her eyes are shut now, the smoke was way too thick for her to be able to see. "Don't talk" Gwen tells Tani. "You'll just breathe in more smoke" as the two make it outside, Gwen repeats everything Tani had said in her head. They were all important, but made no sense to her, expect the statement about war. The two practically fall out the open window when they eventually make it out.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 04:18 (4 Years ago)
Emi perked at at Luke's shouts and got out of bed with a gimp and headed outside where she watched the fire go on. Yet she couldn't move from her spot.

Blossom starts the CPR trying to help get rid of some of the smoke, she know's she's scusessful once Tani starts gasping and coughing. She sits on her knees and gives a huff of relief. "Give her room, she needs to breath. Did she say anything to you Gwen?"
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 04:19 (4 Years ago)
Luke has splashed the bucket of water onto Tani’s house. He sees Tani and Gwen make it out and he rushes towards them, making sure not to be too rough. “Are you two okay?” he asked quickly. He says, “I think we should get you two to the healers.” He was really worried about what was going to happen. He starts to hyperventilate. He lets Tani and Gwen have their space while asking the questions. He then remembers that Blossom was a healer so he sighed a bit, then went back to panicking.

Barry gets up and starts crying, then runs off from the guards. He just wanted to be alone with his own useless self. Not able to do anything.
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 04:22 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy began to come too in the hands of Lou and Doo. She hear Lou making another joke* So I tell him, "Call me Van Goh cus I wanna be Van Gone" *Doo groaned* You are a worse comedian than a drunk Sir Trump the Whinny *Maddy began to struggle out of the twos arms* Please, let me go, I need to save my girlfriend! *Doo looked at Maddy* We are just doing our job miss. Guards! *Some more guards came to help restrain Maddy to take her to a jail cell*

*Tani continued to repeat the three words she was saying* Silver....... Maddy........ war....... silver....... Maddy........ war

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 04:25 (4 Years ago)
Barry watches as this all happened from behind a barrel, but he was able to be seen easily while looking at Maddy and the guards from behind it, although he didn’t worry about that much.

Luke is getting even more worried. He paces even more, getting frustrated. What was happening? He thought that everything was all safe and happy like how Gwen said it was, unless she lied to him. He knew people always tried to protect him because of his parents but he didn’t need it. He doesn’t say anything about it now though.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 04:27 (4 Years ago)
Blossom looked at Tani. "Take it easy Tani, don't speak now, you need to catch your breath and rest."

Emi snuck in behind the gaurds, she ducks behind the walls and trees as she watches them take her. Maddy catchs sight of her but says nothing about it.
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 04:28 (4 Years ago)
Gwen listens carefully to what Tani is saying. She wants to ask Tani what she means by this, but right now isn't the time. "Just relax Tani, you are safe. We hear you, don't worry" Gwen assures Tani. She rubs her eyes, trying to blink away the stinging tears.
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 17:59 (4 Years ago)
*An hour passed by and Tani was taken to Blossom's house to be watched and protected. Maddy sat in her cell with her face in her palms and her legs shackled to the floor. She then heard movement outside her cell and talking. The door to her detainment area was opened and 4 people walked in. Lou, Doo, Sage and Gwen. Maddy looked at Sage* Is Tani alright?

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 18:06 (4 Years ago)
Sage nods. "Yes, she is recovering right now at Blossom's house" Sage responds. She opens up a parchment, rolling her eyes as she does so. "You have received an official pardon. Your attempts to trespass in this kingdom will be forgotten..." While she reads the statement Gwen steps forward to free Maddy from the shackles, it's clear that Gwen wants to ask about a hundred questions, but she holds back. She steps back, allowing Maddy to stand up just as Sage finishes reading the statement.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 18:24 (4 Years ago)
Barry saw them enter earlier and continued to sneak around and eavesdrop on them. He found something strange about this particular group of people.

Luke is throwing his sword at a tree, taking out his anger on it. Who would ever want to kill Tani? She was kind, funny, and she was beautiful. He grabs the sword from the trunk and he walks around deep in the forest, secluded from others.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 18:43 (4 Years ago)
Irin's hand shot up, grabbing another person's wrist. He opened his eyes, cursing and muttering. He quickly stood up, looking at whoever has been reaching for him. Quickly, he let go of the man's wrist, apologizing. "How long did I just sleep for? A week?" He stretched and yawned, then froze as the man said, " You could say that, yes. " The man beckoned Irin to follow, then started to walk away. "I.. uh... What do you mean? Also, I'd -" The man cut him off. "Like to accept my offer. I'm fully aware."
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 18:48 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy stood up and looked at Sage* Please, take me to her. I need to be with her.

*Dylan knocked on Blossom's door. He had heard about what happened to Tani. Blossom opened the door and saw Dylan* Hello Blossom, might I come in to talk to Tani? *Blossom nodded and let Dylan in. After she closed the door, she vanished into the other room*

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 19:13 (4 Years ago)
"Of course" Sage tells Maddy. She gives Lou and Doo a nod of farewell before she leads Gwen and Maddy to Blossom's house. Sage looks tired, she had to work tirelessly to get this order. But being able to help Maddy made the whole thing worth it. "You'll be able to stay with Tani for tonight, just be prepared.. Benton is going to be pissed when he learns that you are back" Sage tells Maddy.
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 19:27 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy looked at Sage* If he wants me gone, he will have to use more than a few men to remove me from the city. *Sage lead Maddy to Blossom's home. Maddy put her hand on the doorknob but the door opened from the otherside. Dylan opened the door and looked slightly surprised upon seeing Maddy* Maddy? Wh er n did Benton let you back into the city? *Maddy shook her head* Never, I just came to be with Tani. *Dylan chuckled* That's right, I keep forgetting. Well *Dylan moved out of the way* she's all yours. *Maddy nodded and went inside. She saw Tani was asleep and laying in a bed. She was covered in burn marks, bandages, and what looked like a herbal lotion on her skin. Maddy sat down next to Tani and helped her hand.* Tani, it's me, Maddy. *Tani remained unchanged upon hearing this. Maddy began to tear up* Tani, I promise you. I will find who did this to you. Just hang in there. *Tani began to say the phrase she had been saying before in her sleep* Silver....... Maddy...... war. *Maddy heard this and leaned over Tani to kiss her forehead. After kissing her, she stood up and began to walk out the door. She passed Sage and looked at her* I want guards watching this place at all times.

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 19:36 (4 Years ago)
"You can stay longer" Sage tells Maddy, "It must've been years since you've seen her. An extra minute wouldn't hurt"

Maddy's words struck a nerve in Gwen. I want guards watching this place at all times. Why didn't she realize this sooner? There should've been guards by Tani's house. There should be guards at Blossom's house right now. Did they forget? Or was there something much darker going on? "It was nice seeing you Maddy" Gwen tells her. "I'll send guards over ASAP" she assures Maddy before leaving.
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 19:45 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy looked towards Sage* I'm going to find the bastard that did this, Sage. And when I find th er m *Maddy's eyes turned black* I cannot guarentee they will live to tell the tale.

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)