Gaelos struggled against the ice, now clawing desperately at the
ice with his arm. "Haha, you've made your point now let go. You
won't kill me, your just some kid trying to play hero."
The ice tightened its grasp on him, this time it branched out and
forced the free hand to his side and pinned it there. "Maybe I am,
but I guess that's what makes us diffrent right? You don't feel bad
about killing where my morals differ from yours."
Eve looked at Maeve. "Are you okay? Is something bothering you?"
"I can leave you alone, I won't touch the dead that mean something
to you again! I can bring her back again, she won't attack you I
swear. Whatever you want!" Gaelos pleaded.
Avery yelled out before swinging her arm in front of her chest. The
line of ground momentarily turned to dust before solidifying and
creating sharp “rocks”, floating in the air and spikes of earth,
inches away from Gaelos’s face. “ENOUGH!” She yelled before taking
deep, harsh breaths. She grabbed her decaying arm and looked at
BACK!” She hesitated. “You can’t beat her, not like this... it’s no
Poppy stared at him for the longest moment then melted the ice both
on him and around them. "Run. Run away and never come back. You owe
me one. If you ever come back, you might not be so lucky."
Suzan has avoided the attacks, The mumbling from the mouths all
over his body had turned into constant chatter. “Nice on brother!”
He said with an evil laugh, referring to the kiss he stole. “Now
that I’ve had my fun. I’m getting tired of this. Time to end it” he
said. In a flash, Suzan was gone. From around the room, a strange
language could be heard.
Something was coming into the atmosphere, Something the size of a
human. But it had a large suit, and was coming in fast.
Lilith's sword ending up hitting air as Suzan disappeared. She let
out out an annoyed yell she was clearly mad, until she heard the
voices. She tensed up, not liking the sudden feeling moving through
her. She tried to swallow it down as she glanced back at Travis.
"Look at this!...your brother left you to die" she taunts, but her
voice comes out fearful. She shakes her head, knowing she can't
pretend. "...I don't like this, something is definitely wrong" she
whispers. Suzan's power felt strange now, whatever it was, her
instincts were telling her to run
Maeve was about to respond until she looks up at the sky. A
startled gasp escapes her lips as she watches something fly
downward. "A..another one?" She asks
Travis was going to say something to spite Lilith but stopped when
Madrix towered over him about to stab him, eyes going wide once
more as he used his blood marionette manipulation, stopping
Madrix's knife just shy of stabbing his face.
he used every ounce of his power to make sure Madrix didn't move a
muscle as he stared at the blade, an actual look of shock and fear
entering his gaze after seeing just how close to death he had
''hooooooly hell Madrix, A for effort but there is no way i'm
letting you of all people kill me'' he said, giving a bit of
a weak laugh to try and hide the emotion that showed in his eyes as
he forced Madrix back.
He growled before trying to force his way forward. He only moved
about a centimeter due to Travis holding him back. He fought so
hard to keep going forward, trying to get close to Travis. He
didn’t care about anything he did anymore, he wasn’t going to let
him kill him. Suddenly, a terrible idea popped into his head, one
that would never work and would just be suicide. He had to try it,
it was the only way to even have a chance. It would cost him
though, so he had to be careful. He yelled out before slashing his
knife across his thighs, causing an extreme amount of blood to flow
Avery looked at her arm, her eyes wide in fear. Her entire hand was
gone already. She needed to do something. She ran out of the room
and into a smaller, emptier room.
Suddenly, the room fell quiet. The whispers stopped. Then, a small
blue portal opened at the end of the room, Worm like creatures
started to come out slowly. Everything that they would touch would
turn black. This was Suzan’s final trick. He had to get the star
now, He appeared and scooped up Travis. Before disappearing again.
He was almost out of this forbidden power.
The figure slowly landed on the planet. Assessing the carnage. When
he landed, He took off his suit. It was a tall blonde male, With
shining purple eyes. In his right hand, he clutched a spear made of
what seemed to be light.
Avery didn’t notice the man landing until now. She felt something
above the surface, so she decided to check it out. She thrust her
hand up to the ceiling and it made a small hole. She climbed out
and ran to check it out. She wrapped her arm in some bandages while
she ran, hopefully not making it obvious her arm was literally
dusting off.
he stared at Madrix, shock now plain on his face at what he was
doing, deciding to go against his better judgement and sealed his
wound back up by using the blood he was loosing to heal it back
soon Travis perked up when he was pried off the wall and grinned,
knowing just who it was before he was pulled through the
Freya and Fredrick both had taken the people they had carried and
the star to a grotto they and Freddy's sister knew of since they
were kids, having decided to group up there.
Freya had already made it there, having sat the chief down on a
rock while she held onto the star, Fredrick having just arrived
with Kendo when they decided to take a break.
the grotto was a good ways away from the crater their village was
at, but it wasn't extremely deep in the forest to find.
"Madrix!" Lilith screams as she races towards him. She races up to
him, desperately trying to think of what to do. Her panic goes into
overdrive when she spots the portal and the worm-like creatures
moving out. Even though Mardrix's thigh was sealed she was still
concerned he wouldn't be able to move. She looks around at everyone
in the tunnel. Would they be able to move fast enough? She didn't
doubt that those creatures could easily kill them. She clenches her
hands. She knows what to do, but she doesn't know how this'll
affect her. She remembers how Suzan disappeared and she focuses on
doing the same. Blood trickles down her nose as her body starts to
glow, even more strangely, everyone else in the tunnel starts to
glow too. Suddenly the glow becomes increasingly bright. With a
blink of the eye everyone is moved above ground. Lilith collapses,
knocked out from the power loss and blood falling down her face
from the affects of Suzan's power.
Madrix winced as he cut his thigh, but he slowly noticed it was
healed. After Travis left, he collapsed on the ground, passing out
for a few seconds. He only heard the faint sound of Lilith yelling
his name, then... black.
Avery stood a few yards away from the blonde haired man, wondering
what the hell was going on. She wanted to keep the element of
surprise, so she didn’t attack yet. Besides, it would take an even
bigger toll on her.
Galahad decided to take a peek and see what was happening outside.
He had left the temple the same way he entered and hid behind and
underneath a stand. He was completely overwhelmed and his foresight
didn't help him calm down either. He stuck his head out and looked
around,hoping to find someone.
(Sorry for my lack of posts,I'm very busy and the timezones aren't
really in my favor)
Galahad's eyes lit up and immdiately ran over to Ced,closely
inspecting him. "Are you okay?!?What is happening?" He looked to
the side before looking at Ced again. " too intimidated by
the whole situation and opted to hide...I'm sorry..." He wasn't
feeling too proud to still be alive.