“...I’ve heard that they were able to get the star and chief to
safety...albeit temporarily but...be wary...” Ced panted. “Suzan’s
just....did something...” he looked around cautiously.
"Calm down....do you know where the others are? Are you injured?
Maybe they need our help. I promise to never hide and retreat ever
again..." he stomped his foot due to his passion and regret. He
had to make up for it but didn't know how. Galahad placed
his hand over to Ced's shoulder and sighed in relief. "I'm just
glad you're still alive..."
“I don’t know...I just know that Suzan is preparing something.” Ced
said through gritted teeth as he gathered wind in his palm in order
to get ready to defend himself and his friend
Galahad stiffened his posture and his stance preparing himself for
possible combat and having to fight alongside Ced. He didn't know
if Ced was badly,if at all, hurt. "Ced,do you this guy?" he turned
to Ced and quietly asked.
Admin grabbed his spear and put it on his back again, strapping it.
"I fought Lux with Gen, along with fighting Travis and Suzan with
lots of help, but, as you can see, I got stabbed."
Lilith slowly opens her eyes. She coughs up a bit of blood and
grimaces. Everything hurt. She winces as she forces herself to
raise her head. She smiles to herself when she notices that Poppy
and Madrix are safely above ground. Or were they safe? She lays
back down, not wanting to imagine getting into another fight. She
pushed herself too hard. She senses more danger coming, the frantic
pull of Suzan's power confirmed it, but she cannot bring herself to
care at the moment. She shuts her eyes; finding it hard to keep her
eyes open
Galahad loosened up. "I'm Galahad...the way you say you got stabbed
makes seem like no big deal..." After introducing himself to Admin
he turned to Ced yet again. "Who are these Suzan and Travis you
keep referring to?" And the others Admin said?"
“Well...they are some of the per pretty to our little predicament.
In short, they’re the ones trying to steal the star.” Ced said
tersely. “The reason why everything’s gone to hell.”
"Ne'er do gooders who hate us and try to kill us, although most
except for Suzan and Travis are good now... But it is really no big
deal that I got stabbed. And I think Lux is dead?..."
Madrix woke up with a groan. Like Lilith, he pushed himself way too
hard. He noticed Lilith beside him, seemingly passed out. “Lilith!”
He yelled, but it wasn’t very loud. His throat hurt way too much to
keep talking.
"Are they dealt with? Sorry I-...I wasn't there to help,but that
won't happen again! I promise!" Galahad's expressionless face
turned into a somewhat furious one as he raised his head.
He thought of his power and whether he should use it but he
hesitated,thinking to himself that he will use it when needed.
"Meh, Its okay." Admin pulled out a blunt arrow that had medical
equiptment and shot it down the tunnel to the wall next to Madrix
with a note saying " Help is here! "