Forum Thread
[L] 1/10th of a ditto! [OVER]
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] 1/10th of a ditto! [OVER]

While I am running this lottery, it is for ShyreniaRose's shiny ditto hunt. Prizes for this lottery have been donated by me, ShyreniaRose, and m_hewson.
The goal is to get 1/10th of a ditto, one thousand normal gems. So the only thing accepted for tickets is normal gems.
Since this is on PH, all PH rules apply.
I use for drawing winners. I may or may not be able to post screenshots.
If you've blocked me, or I've blocked you, please do not enter.

How do you trade those gems for tickets? Fill out this little form, and gift the gems to Zerenity!
[b]# of Gems:[/b]
[b]# of Gems:[/b]
Username: Zerenity
# of Gems: 25

Wait, you want prizes? There's totally prizes!
However, each prize level unlocks after a certain amount of normal gems.

~First Prize, at 1000 normal gems~
Wow, the full evo line!
donated by ShyreniaRose
~Second Prize, at 750 normal gems~
Crystal Aron breeding pair, with different OT!
original pair donated by m_hewson, with a new partner from Zerenity
~Third Prize, at 500 normal gems~
Retro duo!
~Fourth Prize, at 250 normal gems~
Candaria breeding pair, with different OT
original pair donated by m_hewson, with a new partner from Zerenity

As these are added after the start, there is no requirement for them!
~Prize A~
Pretty flowers!
~Prize B~
Alright boy, it's just a bit of snow... In June.
No, I'm not watching Beauty and the Beast again! Okay, yes I am...
~Prize C~
It's a multicolored bagel!
Prizes are hanging around in this box.
So when the bar hits 25%, the 4th prize will be given out at the end. 50% for the 3rd prize, 75% for 2nd, and all 1,000 normal gems for 1st prize!
At each 10% of the goal, I'll also send 10 random gems to one lucky ticket holder! This will be drawn from the total current list.

Goal Bar
Ends on March 10th, one minute before reset OR when 1k gems are collected, whichever is first.

Ticket List

1-62 FallenAngel
63-213 SwampFall
214-229 Kaisa
230-235 GayPidgey
236-335 ProfessorGreenie
336-345 Kaisa
346-356 Rose~Kitty
357-371 Wolflesshowl
372-377 Rose~Kitty
378-395 Lemon_Zap
396-430 SWDLove (+25 free)
431-465 Rose~Kitty (+25 free)
466-500 GayPidgey
501-505 GayPidgey (plushie)
506-510 Rose~Kitty (plushie)
511-515 BabyEevee22 (plushie)
516-520 GrannyMaths (plushie)
521-995 GayPidgey
996-1000 Kristoph
Officially approved!
30% reached! So 10 random gems goes to Swampfall (143).
I am a mobile only player.

We're just going to ignore a certain post.
But you know, pricing the gardevoir line at 200k each, that's still easily 800k. And I haven't seen them go for much less than that.
And 1k normal gems at 1k each is 1m pd.
So honestly? The prizes are totally worth it.
I am a mobile only player.