Forum Thread
[R] ◾Quitting Raffle◾
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [R] ◾Quitting Raffle◾Username: Jacharias
Reason: I'd like to have a chance to win a Victini to complete my Unova Dex..
Other: Best of luck on whatever you wanted to do in the future. ;)
Username: -tomato-
Reason: I'd love a chance to get the ditto! I am almost always shiny hunting and have no time for the lab. Plus, going along with the shiny hunting thing, I'd love to be able to hunt genderless, cause that would help me get people the shinies they love.
Other: take care!
Username: Luckylikeit
Reason: I'd like the ditto not only for breeding purposes, but to complete my kanto dex as well. As for the victini, I can't click nearly fast enough to get one from the SCE events.
Other: Good luck in your real life, and I'm sorry to see you go!
Credit to Viper
Reason:I would love love love LOVE a ditto since I am shiny hunting 24/7 and I also love the pokeheroes events on here.I am not completely sure if breeding a ditto with a event gets you event eggs but if I do,then I would give my extra events out for people who need them or just wants them but that would be for friends.I also would love to hunt some legends as well and give some certain legends out for friends.
Other:Be safe outside of pokeheroes!I wish you and your family as well as friends to stay safe and healthy!We will all miss you!
Username: Corporal
Reason: I am a user on PH who is disliked by much of the community. I am trying to fix the wrongs I have done. I have had a hard time getting around and joining raffles because much of everyone has me blocked. I am entering this raffle to help myself out with gaining more valuable things. Maybe I can give something away and give the goodness on.
Other: Thank you very much for doing this and I hope you have a great life outside of PH <3
Ooh just realized this sounds like a story. It isn't I promise aha
Username: Accident
Reason: I'd like something special to remember you farewell <3 we never really talked but you were there, just as kind of a presence on PH. I saw you around the site, and I'm sad to see you leave :(
Other: Good luck in the real life :)
Username: PokemonLoverz
Reason: Would just like to enter, even though I don't know you its still sad to see someone leave
Other: Anything won will be given a good home, good luck to everyone and hope things go well for you ShinyNinetales best of luck
Username: deliriouss
Reason: uuh- there's not much to add for me, i don't know you, i never participate on this stuff- so this is like my first time on a raffle, but i actually feel bad you're quitting i honestly don't like seeing people quitting- this has nonsense so i understand if i'm not accepted haha
Other: i hope you go well on your life uvu
Reason:Kinda of sad to see someone leave but I want to try my luck, cause wynaut?? (wobbufett, that's why XD)
Other: I wish you the best of luck and wonderful times. It's sad to see you go :( But I wish you good vibes and the best of times~~
Reason:sorry you're leaving but it's awesome you are putting things up for raffle,hope whatever you're doing instead brings you great happiness and thank you if I win and thank you if I don't nice to at least have the chance enjoy what you do after this and maybe you might decide to come back one day :)
Other: Might not know you but good luck to you and all those in this amazing raffle have a great day and life :)
Username: heha192
Reason: because its sad to see another person leave and if j won i could share what i won with my good ph friends and share that jow of freee stuff
Other: i hope yoy decide to acasionaly drop in and say hi to us all
Username: Lemon
Reason: To be honest- if I win anything at all its all going to my friends, because they are so amazing to me. It would be so special to win these things from a user who quit PH because the legacy can pass on.
Other: I hope you can find happiness in life, not as a user who randomly joined a raffle, but as a human wanting the best for another human.
Username: Saratank
Reason: It is sad that you are leaving PH, but it is kind of you to give your items/Pokémon away to others so they can continue their game. I would like to help others in the way I was able to be helped when joining, and continue to make this site fun to join.
Other: I hope you have a happy life where ever it takes you