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Interaction Multiplier IconSteel Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 67

Trainerpoints: 2,698/13,533


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Slowpoke1369 / 547
Slowpoke13201 / 547
Slowpoke13205 / 547
Slowpoke12316 / 469
12226 / 469

Hello! I'm Castalia, or Cassie for short. I'm a student who's been a Pokemon fan for most of my life! I first joined this site 8 years ago, and even with some extended haituses, I have always found my way back to this fun site. Interested in chatting? Send a PalPad message or PM! I am an artist, historian, and lover of Pokemon games (especially Generations 2, 4, and 7)!

Future Shiny Hunt

Future Shiny Hunt: Shiny Uxie

Starting Date: April(?)
Method: Game Corner
Need: Uxie Egg Vouchers

Goals 2025 :)

🍂 Collector's Goals 🪵
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💛 Shiny Nihilego - Completed! 2/5/25
☀️ Shiny Mega Altaria - Completed! 2/22/25
🌤️ Shiny Groudon - collecting Maps/Rubies
🌋 Shiny Heatran - collecting Maps
🌞 Shiny Uxie - collecting Uxie Egg Vouchers
🌊 Shiny Azelf - collecting Azelf Egg Vouchers
🎵 Shiny Meloetta - paying another user to gather Festival Points- hoping to obtain by April

🌲 Personal Goals 🍁
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📝 Complete the Alola, Galar, and Hisuian PokeDex (living dex)
📙 Go back and complete living Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn Pokedex
🥇 Win a medal in any category (maybe Strongest Pokemon?)
😏 Reach Trainer Level 69
🧸 Collect missing plushies (mainly distribution plushies)
🎊 Adopt 1 Legendary/Ditto egg from the Lab


Last Visitors

MeowsterTue, 25/Mar/2025, 23:25
SharelyTue, 25/Mar/2025, 11:30
GOTOSun, 23/Mar/2025, 00:51
DestroyercamThu, 20/Mar/2025, 17:14
SourAppleWed, 19/Mar/2025, 14:41

Game Records

Trainer ID: #995750538
Registration: 16/06/2016 (8 Years ago)
Premium member until 19/May/2025
Time Played: 2344:20 Hours
Total interactions: 3,078,882
Money: 466,735
Starter Pokémon: Sceptile


aahhh, only 4 uxie egg vouchers away from the guaranteed shiny! my goal is to collect all 50 by the end of the month, so lmk if you're selling any :)
7 Days ago
hey all! I'm looking to complete the alola dex! in the comments I'll have an updated list of the Pokemon I need. I would prefer to buy them, but with certain Pokemon (cough cough Magearnas) I'll definitely consider loans (with appropriate collateral of course!)

I can offer PD, nuggets, or art in exchange for the Pokemon I need. thanks :)
3 Months ago
If I added you to my friend list randomly, I am just trying to liven up my Notification Wall and meet people, so no pressure if you don't want to add me back.

My friend list is open, though! Like I said, I'd like to meet some active players.
1 Year ago

🍂 please do...
✔️ palpad me with questions you have about the game!
✔️ treat me with kindness and respect.
✔️ inquire about pokemon in my extras/for sale or for sale - rares boxes. (please make an offer in your inquiry, however!)
✔️ keep in mind that I am a 20 year old adult. If that makes you uncomfortable, I understand, just move along!

🍁 please don't...
❌ beg for items or pokemon. I can (and will) report you.
❌ inquire about pokemon that aren't in the above stated boxes, including pokemon shown on my profile - they are not for sale!
❌ be homophobic, racist, or antisemetic. I'm a proud jewish lesbian, and if you have a problem with that, just leave me alone!


Shiny Hunt

Castalia is currently hunting Slowpoke.
Hunt started: 26/02/2025

Chain: 327
7 5 0

Items I'm Collecting...

Show hidden content
- 28/60
- 13/60
- 47/50
- 13/50
- 2/60

Show hidden content
- Psychic Gems
- Water Gems
- Dragon Gems
- Super Honey
- Oran Berries
- Everstones


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Castalia 3 Days ago
Gojirath 3 Days ago
Kazyaquin 14 Days ago
Gojirath 19 Days ago
