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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 75

Trainerpoints: 9,735/16,949


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Bidoof12 / 8
Starly12 / 9
Taillow10 / 9

About Me

I have a bangle tabby mix (Nala), and I've just added 2 Chihuahua poodle mix puppies to my life (Gideon and Lola).

My kitten does tricks
More kitten tricks

1 Shiny Mega-Able Ralts - BlazeFrion
1 Shiny Mega-Able Ralts- GetsugaTenshou (900K)
1 Adamant Mega-Able Male Ralts- troy3030
1 Mega-Able Ralts- PersecutedSoul


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Shiny 22 Days ago
BluRay 23 Days ago
punisher023 24 Days ago
WalkingOnSunshine 25 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Saratank hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #963365844
Registration: 01/02/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 2572:40 Hours
Total interactions: 936,627
Money: 32,629
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


I think once I have 8,000 nuggets, I might slowly buy enough Normal gems for a Ditto hunt. 0.0 I think I might be crazy
4 Days ago
1767/8000 nuggets. Slowly but surely getting there. Trying to get another year of premium for more hunts. (I do not plan to hunt while waiting to get it)
13 Days ago
Anyone here actively play PFQ as well? I could use some help with pricing Shiny and Albino pokemon I hatch.
11 Months ago
Well, I have 3/5 of the Hoopa rings, and I just dont know where else to look. Might just give up actively looking and if I find them I find them.
1 Year ago
I totally forgot how to play with Hoopa. XD
1 Year ago
Well, I havent really played this in a long time. Guess it's time to try and get back into it.

Personal note~ I need 3 more Mega Cuffs, and a year+ worth of premium and then I will be back to hunting things. In the mean time, I guess it will be lab hunting. XD
1 Year ago
By PokéRadar - 14 Minutes and 14 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ralts hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #115)!
By PokéRadar - 14 Minutes and 17 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ralts hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #113)!

Well, almost twins. Lol
2 Years ago
33 Mega-ables and Shinies I need to sell. They are in my sale box for them.

Open to offers (PD or nuggets only, and willing to do bulk sales)
2 Years ago
0.0 SCE?! How could I forget that was happening? Well, I might pause my Shinx hunt for the day and start over once the SCE is done.
2 Years ago
Your coin is shining bright in the water!
(Slightly increased shiny chance)

Uh, ok, but then why have I gotten 3 mega-ables and no shuny today? XD
2 Years ago
Oh no. Now a 4-way tie for my poll. 0.0 I mean, 5 more days and May starts...
2 Years ago
Looks like my poll currently has a 3 way tie. Hmmmm.
2 Years ago
Last 2 eggs of this hunt, then until May, I have a poll up for my next hunt. So far there is a tie
2 Years ago
Just a few more days to vote on the poll for my next hunt. (Will start it May 1st)
2 Years ago
By PokéRadar - 23 Hours and 49 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Weedle hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #60)!

Shiny Mega already? 0.o
2 Years ago
67 eggs in the daycare?! Well, hopefully I get at least 6 Crystal Arons.
2 Years ago
Full party. Time to start playing. XD
2 Years ago
My nugget amount is 7,777. 0.0 Well, soon I will get to be able to get the Year of Premium, and all the flutes/mega cuffs for the year. Ok, I still need a bunch of nuggets, but hey, funny Nugget amount. XD
2 Years ago
Anyone want to help me add more codes to my shop to make it look nice. I want to add more so I dont need to keep editing it myself.

My Shop
2 Years ago
Looking for easy to hunt SINGLE typing Pokemon for gems in the game. Taking offers on ideas. (will shiny and albino hunt them to sell)
2 Years ago


Last Action
Visiting the Item Market (3 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

SakuraWolf23Yesterday, 19:14
SainagurlTue, 23/Jul/2024, 21:47
LeberkasFri, 19/Jul/2024, 21:13
KoishiSat, 13/Jul/2024, 16:01
ChristophTue, 02/Jul/2024, 19:56