Forum Thread
Make Pokeball Vivillon Not Needed for Dex Filling
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Make Pokeball Vivillon Not Needed for Dex FillingNow that filling the Kalos dex gives you Diancie, everyones happy.
Right? Wrong.
As far as I know, you actually need the Pokeball Vivillon to fill the Kalos dex. And thats jut unfair for people that recently registered, since Pokeball Vivillon was a Facebook event.
Correct me if I'm wrong since I don't play the X Y games, but Vivillon (Pokèball) is a Vivillion pattern that you could only get through an event, right? A completionist would do anything to get one if they missed the event and this is what PokèHeroes is about, being a conpletionist and getting them all. You get a Diancie for this for hell's sake.
It's not unfair, you just need to work hard. I've got a Pokèball pattern and borrowed it to someone for their dex sure, but even if I don't have it, it still doesn't make sense why won't you need it because it's a Kalos Pokèmon and you need one to complete the Pokèdex. If you don't need it, it's not completing the Kalos Pokèdex just because you can get it on a limited time.
This suggestion just seems like users just don't want to work hard to get a Diancie and are giving lots of reasons to make it easier for themselves.
// just realized I may sound aggressive, I apologize, that's just the way I type.
I wasn't on the site when the event started, so, though I had a Facebook account, I couldn't claim the event.
And I agree with Musashi, so rather than it not being a requirement, I'd suggest a redistribution of Vivillon pokeball for the newer users.
I have already had a few people complain on my feed that their pokeball Villivion was scammed from them and redistrubited elsewhere which is unfortuate so another Distrobution of this pokemon is really needed to stop this from happening.
People are also charging for their pokemon to be used for this which is outragous (I'm not sure this is the right word but it is unfair) for amount for 100k and up! Even in exchanged over 3-4 Dragon gems for the pokemon to be used for a mear few minutes.
I also wasn't here for the event which means how should I be able to obtain it? People are very werey on this site and won't let valuable pokemon Like Victini and this new pokeball Villivion out of their sight, so trying to find someone who will is hard enough.
And Honeslty You shouldn't Need it anyway because it's NOT needed for the games! It's an event pokemon it doesn't count for the Dex in the real game so why should it count here? - but that's just me
So yes, Support until another event is held for it.
Art credit: gelatin
There was a suggestion similar to this but with Mew for Johto Pokèdex, but since Mew is a yearly distributed legendary the thread dies down. So redistributing the event for the PokèBall Vivillon is the better option here.
So, at the least a redistribution event would be alright, if not yearly, atleast once more to increase the count of PokèBall Vivillons.
I disagree with you on your (second) last paragraph.
It's about completing the Pokèdex of PokèHeroes and you get a lot of dex entries from different form of Pokèmons. Such as Fufrous, Vivillons, Flabèbè, etc. It makes literally no sense why you don't need a Pokèball pattern Vivillon when the Pokèdex registers it. PokèHeroes is all about getting them all, in literal senses such as different forms. If we don't need all the different forms of a Pokèmon to complete the goal, it takes away the 'Collecting them all' concept, taking away the fun.
Also, it obviously will be distributed again in the future, very likely already this year.