Forum Thread
New Rule
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → New Rulei think 99.9% of our users are far more interested in catching em all than dating em all when they come on the site anyways
even if it was a rule, there'd be no way to prevent it because people can talk through private messages, or even on other forms of communication offsite
no support
AutumnStar is Right,, We Dont know if they were Online-Dating,,,, But ow will you Prevent them if they love each other and they were not distracting others

Happy Summerween - Candies
I see nothing harmful in dating online. But like Autumn said, people would focus more on hatching and interacting, rather than dating. There are plenty of dating sites and they could do it there, but It's also not illegal to do it here or anything.
How would online dating affect you or the site in any way?
No support.
[i]"Shinah. It means
But seriously.. What is up with this suggestion? I don't see anything wrong with online dating - as long as people don't do it everywhere they can. It's just not necessary- And you don't see anybody on here online dating - at least they are not spamming everywhere with it so I don't see any problems around it or any use of this rule.


Hypothetically speaking a person in their 20s can get with a person who is 12. The parents of the 12 year would then sue the 20 year old person if they find out and perhaps maybe the site that allowed it to happen? There should be a rule mainly because then Pokeheroes wouldn't be at risk for this scenario. I'm not sure what the laws are in this situation in other countries but in America at least it's a serious crime.
I highly doubt that it would happen with Pokeheroes now as it is, considering all of us have been so amazing so far, the fact is that in the future who knows what kind of people are going to be on this site. People might start faking their ages and being all weird around others. You may think it wouldn't happen on a children's click site, but I have seen cases of it on other children sites so maybe think about that?
So yeah I'm a bit neutral though because I do agree with what others, specifically Autumn, has posted. Guess I just thought I'd find reasons to support the idea because it seems like no one is really considering this....
Besides when you say no online dating you aren't just stoping law breakers, you're stopping people of age as well, but again you wouldn't know if they were dating or not and if they were what would happen? Ban them for finding love online? Ban them for getting shipped together? Ban them for making kissy faces .3.? No one would support that kind of punishment.
This rule: no online dating, would still be broken be it by people who are willing to break the law or people who just want to date. I mean if certain people see the law and scoff at it then I highly doubt a rule on Pokeheores is going to scare them straight. This rule would have no real power behind it anyway, that's the reason why most people don't support.
This is a rule that is very very very hard to enforce.
And what about people who are already in an online relationship who brings their partner to the site? Would this make it to where the two can't interact on the site? Or would this rule not apply to them because they were together before they joined the site?
And then when does it apply and when would it not apply?
Also, as I have seen in the past, some online dating isn't planned at all. It's just two people who get along well and things develop without either of them really wanting for it to. Are you saying that these situations should be punished?
I think there's just too much gray area for this rule to be of any use to the site.
I think what the OP means is public display of affection (which I haven't seen yet, thank goodness) or flirting, maybe?
But then again, this would be pretty hard to enforce. I think if people like each other, they should just exchange Skypes/emails/phone numbers rather than talk on this site about their...erm, more personal stuff.
If two people like each other, they can't help it. It's natural to want to display affection with each other. Sure, it can be annoying to others, but it is impossible to enforce the rule. Having this rule here is like the police arresting a couple for holding hands or saying "I love you" in real life. It's irrational. Liking someone is not a crime.
If it's innapropriate/vulgar affection, then sure, report the people. You could ask them to talk through PM's or other social media websites, but for the reasons above and what I just said I am still against it.