are you bursting at the seams with excitement and need someplace to
vent your ORAS spoilers? my brother is getting me AS for christmas
- comment and let me know all the neat new things i have to look
forward to when i get into this! :D

to the
#bronieswillwin hashtag posters - please delete your
notifications with this hashtag - it's admirable that you're
against this behavior, but pokeheroes is not a place to post and
rally against this stuff and there are other more productive places
to do so, please keep pokeheroes a comfortable and safe place for
everyone to play!

you should wish
happy birthday cause he's a pretty spiffy dude :D

small request for all Heroes those already are able to play
For some reasons the european Heroes have to wait one more week
until the games have their release. Please don't spam/spoiler
things about the games in your feeds.
Thank you.
(yoinked from pucky, be courteous to your peeps, peeps! remember
your notifications can be seen from the wall!)

psa: please don't make 'should i stay' hashtags! this can put
people in the very uncomfortable position of feeling like they have
to beg for you to stay and being thought less of if they don't do
so (or make them feel that their frienship is not enough), and you
should never ever put your friends in this position

Kankri_Vantas is
filling me in on things that happened while i was sick and gone and
everyone should totally love him for being awesome and on top of
things and being the most kawaii person

Happy Give to a Friend Day (which is everyday)!
Go to your friendslist, use random.org, count to that friend, and
send them a random gift!
(8 - Ilovcows)
good example of a fun hashtag

psa: wishing death on someone, or saying you're going to kill them
then saying it was a joke does not mean it was funny or acceptable
- behavior like this has no place on pokeheroes, so please think
before you post/comment! every username on this site has a person
with feelings behind it, be kind! :)

if anyone has spare enigma stones they're looking to sell,
twinArmageddons is on
the prowl for one :)

psa: lots of people are collecting legendary summon items, it's
-not- okay to guilt trip them though, or make a fuss in public if
someone from our large user base 'suddenly' decides to hunt it too!
remember, please keep the drama off the site and be kind to your
fellow heroes! <3

thanatos and
sollux would like some berries - feed and comment
here, and receive a party berry click in return :)

how much sweet loot did you halloweenies gather from your
escapades, and what did you dress as? :D

if there was no preview function for private messages so many
mistakes would slip through lol derp derp derp :D

no puppet strings can hold me down
so patiently i watch this town
abnormal soon will be the norm
enjoy the calm before the storm"
happy halloween... if you survive >:3

no shortage of nifty contests going on,
Navuso is also holding a
variety-type raffle/contest
here, make sure you read the rules, and check it out!

is holding a scary story contest
here with some really awesome prizes - go read the
rules and check it out, and get an entry in! :D

fskkfdhsdlfkajd you people holy cow thank you so much i'm gonna go
hide in the corner and blush my face off until the blood pops out
of my ears you guys are so great aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

psa: if you think someone is cheating, please,
report them
instead of making a feed to alert others about it! even if you mean
well, it may lead to people getting upset enough to hassle the
other person when in actuality they may have friends giving them
things, or had a lucky break - drama is no fun, let's keep it to
the smallest minimum possible :)