Forum Thread
Ōmagatoki: Umarekawari Signups [Full]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Ōmagatoki: Umarekawari Signups [Full]逢魔時の生まれ変わり
If on barren fields we meet again,
Would love re-bloom, or fade to ash?
Would we, like morning dew, together cling,
Or be scorched anew by age-old wrath?
"Hello, hello! Welcome to the second Ōmagatoki! My name is Kojirou Inari, nice to meet you!"
"Feel free to look around before I reincarnate you back into your mortal vessel! No incorporeal stupidity this time, I'm not like Ms. Disembodied Voice~ Yeah, I kinda fired her from her job, to be honest, she kinda sucked."
"Oh, and watch out for the evil spirits if you're not going to join. They'll come for you as soon as you leave my evil spirit ineptitude field, so basically I'm forcing you to join."
Magical Tome "A Guide to Ōmagatoki" (Basic Overview):

"Welcome to my finely crafted Ōmagatoki game, a variant of the classic party game Mafia that we Yōkai play in the Otherworld! In this roleplay, each one of our players will be secretly assigned a role aligned with either the Humans or the Yōkai! The Yōkai meet together every night while masquerading as ordinary players throughout the day, while the Humans must get together to eliminate the genuine Yōkai before they are outnumbered and killed!
The game alternates between two stages: night and day. During the night, the Yōkai-aligned members discreetly conspire among themselves to kill a Human while devising a strategy for the day. During the day, the entire cast of surviving players debate who among them is aligned with the Yōkai and vote to exterminate someone. The game will continue to alternate between these two phases until either all of the Yōkai are eliminated (the Humans win), or the number of remaining Yōkai-aligned members is greater than or equal to the number of remaining Human members (the Yōkai win)~"
"Good luck in your futile attempts at survival, because either way, it's a win to me, eheheh..."
- Kojirou Inari
Magical Tome "The Roles":
|| A small piece of paper is stuck on the cover: ||
Once all the character slots are filled, you (or rather, your character) will be assigned a Role from the list below in a private message. Revealing your character's role is strictly forbidden anywhere outside the game, but lying about your role iiiis permitted inside the game~

The Civilians are regular people that have been kidnapped to the Otherworld from mysterious forces.
They have no special ability.
The Rokurokubi, despite being a yōkai, is friendly towards humans and poses no threat.
They see themselves as a Civilian, but divinations see them as Yōkai-aligned. Upon their death, they will be revealed as the Nukekubi.
The Author is a writer skilled in the arts of literature. (Roll Poll winner!)
They start with a Will that they may write in the night. Upon their death, the contents of the Will will be shown to all living characters, and the identity of their killer will be included in the Will.
The Miko is a person trained in the arts of divination.
They may Divine a character’s alignment each night.
The Itako is a spiritual medium capable of communicating with the Eight Million Gods.
At the beginning of each day, they receive a list of three characters, with exactly one of them being Yōkai-aligned. However, they will not receive any names if they are visited, instead learning the identity of their visitor.
The Komainu is a guardian spirit in the form of a human.
They may Protect a character each night from any kills.
The Kishin is a vengeful spirit holding an ageless grudge against the Humans.
They may Kill a character each night. They attend the Yōkai Night Meeting.
The Nukekubi is a yōkai seeking revenge for a discretion against them.
They have no special abilities. They attend the Yōkai Night Meeting.
The Korōri is an elusive yōkai that spreads disease. (Role Poll winner!)
They may Infect a player once per game. If the infected character visits another character, the visited character will be infected as well. Infected characters die at the end of the next night. Upon the death of an infected character, gains the ability to infect another player. They do not attend the Yōkai Night Meeting.
The Shikigami is a mysterious ghost without an owner or purpose. (Role Poll winner!)
They must Follow a character on the second night. They Join the followed character in a night meeting for the rest of the game and wins with them. If the followed character already has a night meeting, the Shikigami will join their meeting instead
There will be a total of 12 roles. The full list is below.
Civilian (3)
Rokurokubi (1)
Author (1)
Miko (1)
Itako (1)
Komainu (1)
Kishin (1)
Nukekubi (1)
Korōri (1)
Shikigami (1)
Magical Pamphlet "The Rules":
(not to be confused with the Roles)

1. Hate the characters, not the
roleplayers. Be respectful.
2. This is a very, very fast paced roleplay. Your character may die quickly into the roleplay. Please keep that in mind before signing up.
3. Romance is allowed, but please keep it minimal.
4. Cursing at a minimum. Alternatives are allowed. "[Gosh darn] it!" or "[Redacted] it!" are both acceptable.
5. I, Kojirou Inari, am the admin. The admin is necessary to the game. Respect my power. Muahahaha.
6. This rule has been removed. :P
7. Any back door detective work, i.e. separate Palpads and PMs, are not allowed. I'll promise to stay out of your walls if you don't do that.
8. If/when you die, do not reveal any information. I will personally reveal your character's role to everyone, mainly because I can.
You can spectate and mayyyybe interact with the characters as ghosts if I permit it.
9. Respect the rules.
10. Have fun. >:)
11. The password is Ōmagatoki.
11.5. This isn't really a rule but I completely shattered the fourth wall in this pamphlet so that's a thing I can do.
2. This is a very, very fast paced roleplay. Your character may die quickly into the roleplay. Please keep that in mind before signing up.
3. Romance is allowed, but please keep it minimal.
4. Cursing at a minimum. Alternatives are allowed. "[Gosh darn] it!" or "[Redacted] it!" are both acceptable.
5. I, Kojirou Inari, am the admin. The admin is necessary to the game. Respect my power. Muahahaha.
6. This rule has been removed. :P
7. Any back door detective work, i.e. separate Palpads and PMs, are not allowed. I'll promise to stay out of your walls if you don't do that.
8. If/when you die, do not reveal any information. I will personally reveal your character's role to everyone, mainly because I can.
You can spectate and mayyyybe interact with the characters as ghosts if I permit it.
9. Respect the rules.
10. Have fun. >:)
11. The password is Ōmagatoki.
11.5. This isn't really a rule but I completely shattered the fourth wall in this pamphlet so that's a thing I can do.
- Kojirou Inari
Magical Plaque "The Characters":
(11/11 forms completed)

Artemis Wright (ItsKendo)
Drax Zacira (Drakonia)
Kathryn Arbred (Sawyer)
Felicity (ZamaRama)
Idris Kallikrates (alexiis)

The Ruins of the Kami-no-Tokoyo's Tower
The ruins of a divine tower that once reached above the clouds, until the erosion of timeless millennia and the descent into obscurity caused its destruction.
Few remember the tower's existence in the present.
Piles upon piles of bone-dry, crumbling rocks surrounded the base of the ruined tower. The oppressive dust had settled long ago, yet it remains a holy site for those who take time to recollect.
Talismans were scattered all across the tower ruins- some neatly stacked in piles, others strewn all over the floor. Any divine yōkai-sealing power they once had would have dissipated over such a long time. An old, detuned harmonica brought from some human rested on one of the piles of talismans.
Crushed stone lanterns and shattered ancient komainu statues that were thought to ward off evil, just like real komainu, dotted the overgrown grass around the tower. Collapsed pillars that were once colored a bright red blocked off most of the openings, but thankfully not the tower entrance.
Inside the tower, one could find all sorts of divine objects and statuettes. As with the talismans, eons have drained away their powers, rendering them almost completely useless.
A tightly-shut trapdoor, covered by some ancient bricks, was situated in the corner. No mortal key would open its lock- a kami's power was required to open it.
Kojirou's magical ability opened the trapdoor, revealing a dusty staircase to the depths of the basement.
First Floor:
All sorts of alchemy equipment were scattered across the floor. There could be potentially harmful fumes here, even to yōkai and divine spirits. It would be best to obtain a way to prevent breathing in the fumes before entering here.
In the corner was another trapdoor, this one shimmering slightly in the almost pitch-darkness of the basement.
Sign-up Form:

Name of Character:
Character Age:
Backstory (Optional, but recommended):
Reference Image (Optional, but recommended):
Password (Found in the Rules):
Name of Character:
Character Age:
Backstory (Optional, but recommended):
Reference Image (Optional, but recommended):
Password (Found in the Rules):
Final notes:
Everyone will automatically be added into a Palpad groupchat. The Yōkai-aligned characters will additionally have a groupchat of their own so I can monitor their decisions, and any other role with a meeting function will have a groupchat with other applicable roles as well.
Character depth may be minimal.
Roles will be randomly assigned in a private Palpad message once the roleplay starts.
The Author, Miko, Komainu, and Shikigami will be added into a chat of their own so they may decide their night actions.
All general announcements (deaths, exterminations/condemnations, Oracle revelations, etc.) will be made by me as System Messages.
There may be delays due to life, timezones, or other causes. Please be patient.
Characters from previous Ōmagatoki roleplays are allowed.
Thanks to JustCath for creating the original Pokeheroes Mafia roleplay
Name of Character: Kaori Kim
Character Age: 14
Personality: Emo, antisocial, still a big softie
Appearance: Kaori has luminescent amber eyes that stick out from her dark hair pale skin. Her hair is in pigtails, and she has a skinny frame. She wears a dark grey sweatshirt and white jeans.
Backstory (Optional, but recommended): Later...
Reference Image (Optional, but recommended):
Password (Found in the Rules): Ōmagatoki
Other: I apologize that this form is rushed. This was made to beat Pa's form.
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿
Username: JustCath
Name of Character: Paiyoon Ji
Character Age: 18
Personality: Paiyoon likes to be in control. She likes to create because it gives her the freedom to control the outcome. She appears reserved, but beneath her even temperament are a few grains of optimism. She will speak to people politely, even being the first to approach someone. To those she becomes friendly with, she will converse with dry humor and derisive sarcasm.
Appearance: Wears a purple and gold cloak the majority of the time. Dark purple hair, golden eyes.
Backstory (Optional, but recommended): ...ask me in a few days.
Reference Image (Optional, but recommended): Password (Found in the Rules): Ōmagatoki
Other: Yay, Mafia lives again again! Steal as much as you need ;)
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟
My current RP work:
Name of Character:
Artemis Wright
Character Age:
Cynical, distrusting, depressed, apathetic
Backstory (Optional, but recommended):
Returned from the depths of the inky black void of eternal oblivion to play a cruel murder game, Artemis does not care about anything at all. He feels nothing, and all but one emotion have been wiped from his cold, dead soul. He feels no sympathy, no pity, and simply wants to return to the afterlife.
Reference Image (Optional, but recommended):
Password (Found in the Rules):
Or is it
You decide.
Username: Daiko
Name of Character: Suki Eirvato
Character Age: 19
Personality: Suki is quiet, reserved, and hardly one to be involved in any situation requiring more than a few simple tasks. She can be very sweet, albeit awkward, despite the obvious attempts to deter people from interacting with her. The rest is TBRPD.
Appearance: Suki has long, well-kept gray hair and ice-blue eyes, as well as a face that constantly looks unenthusiastic. She is 5'4 and relatively thin, but otherwise she looks completely normal. Other than that, she just wears whatever. Idk what else to say tbh
Backstory: That's my secret cap, I'm always refusing to make backstories
Reference Image: her
Password: Kokichi Ouma-gatoki
Other: She's gonna be bland idk
[Name of Character]
[Character Age]
| Cunning | Shrewd | Nonchalant | Teasing | Mischievous | Untrustworthy |
Ayran has curly low saturated golden hair that is swept to one side, and golden eyes with pale skin. With a height of 5'9, he have a well-built stature. A slender figure, that has lean muscles hidden beneath his loose outfit.
Ayran tries to wear comfortable clothing when he can. Like, but not limited to, a knitted turtleneck, blouse, and windbreaker. Paired with some black jeans, and white boots that are somehow completely white, without a single stain.
Very often, he carries multiple pairs of black gloves in his messenger bag.
[Backstory (Optional, but recommended)]
[Reference Image (Optional, but recommended)]
[Password (Found in the Rules)]
I better get my pr ^^
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ;[Alien Blues - Vundabar]
1:07 ——◦———— -4:14
↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
Was it the best you ever had?
Was it the worst? You'd never know
I try to tell you what I think and play it off like it's a joke
Oh no, more surprises, guess it's like this
I'd do anything for you, Mrs. Highness
Idris Kallikrates
Username: alexiis
Character Age: 18 [14th February]
Personality: Idris is a calm and collected individual, with a sharp tongue and a lot of wit. He's quick to anger at the slightest thing. He hates socialising and prefers to become a simple hermit and hide in a dark corner when needed. Idris dislikes physical contact. He's harsh and rude to everyone he meets, worrying that they'd see him as weak and pathetic if he's nice to them. Idris has severe anxiety issues and prefers to distance himself from everyone.
Appearance: Idris has quite pale skin, small, porcelain features and pale lips. Messy, black hair dangles in front of his almost-black eyes. A small black tattoo in the shape of a teardrop is visible under his right eyelid. Idris has several golden piercings in his right ear. He often wears baggy hoodies in all shades of grey and black (rarely sporting brightly-coloured clothes), with a black turtleneck underneath, ripped jeans and checked trainers. Idris wears small silver rings on his fingers, with several precious stones embedded inside them.
Backstory (Optional, but recommended): tba
Reference Image (Optional, but recommended): x
Password (Found in the Rules): Ōmagatoki
Name of Character: Drax
Character Age: 21
Personality: Brave, sometimes crazy, loves being alone or with animals
Appearance: Pale skin, red hair, freckles, eye scar, dirty face and clothes, high
Backstory (Optional, but recommended): none
Reference Image (Optional, but recommended): none
Password (Found in the Rules): Ōmagatoki
Other: none
Also really want to be Yōkai

Username: @Serendibite
Name of Character: Suko Nobu
Character Age: 17
Suko is a cheerful, mischievous person who lives in the moment. Their self-sacrificing nature is largely contradictory with their amoral, self-absorbed attitude.
They care for their own feelings, and disregard the existence of other people. They have a tendency to treat others with pragmatism, while also paying a little too much attention to their own mental health. However, they do focus heavily on social situations and ensure a positive environment for everyone involved, using their humour and playfulness to chill down the atmosphere.
In most situations, they're on the verge of hysteria, playful and fun. Their jokes tend to be rude, but steer clear of offensive topics. In grim or serious atmospheres, Suko's humour turns dark. It often has negative effects on themself and others and doesn't seem to be fully genuine. They're quick to recover and turn their focus to relationships and gossip, but their excessive levity often damages the bonds they form.
They're obsessed with living in the moment. When danger arises, this becomes more clear. "I can't focus on this person or feel bad, because that'd be living in the past, and I can't do that." They shut down any line of thought that isn't happy, which can be disturbing to those around them. Though to some extent, that obsession may not be entirely truthful... and there could be an underlying issue that they refuse to address, beneath the happy, and the scared veneer they possess.
[]Height: 168cm
[]Weight: 65kg
[]Skin Tone: Medium Brown.
[]Hair Style: Their hair is shaggy and long, very spiky all over and a total mess. Very, very messy bangs. Their hair is very silky.
[]Hair Colour: Mint green. They will vehemently deny their natural colour being anything else.
[]Eye Colour: Electric blue.
[]Clothes: They wear a red winter coat, even in the summer. Black cargo pants. Heeled boots.
[]Accessories: Bow and arrow on their back. A set of throwing knives on their belt.
[]Other: --
Password: Õmagatoki
Other: n/a