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Trainerlevel: 48

Trainerpoints: 4,433/6,959


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The Basics!

╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
She/Her :. 18 .: Tries to roleplay occasionally .: INFJ 5w4 so/sx
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝

Matching with !!

Eggie0-0 -*- Dorky

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨
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Reading a forum thread (3 Hours ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #939146845
Registration: 21/03/2021 (3 Years ago)
Premium member until 11/Aug/2024
Game Time: 1976:52 Hours
Total interactions: 284,023
Money: 1,733,955
Starter Pokémon: Torterra


I got this little "raspberry electrolyte mix" thingy and I'm drinking it and it's lovely and pink and tastes like jello.

I actually want more so bad. Why is this barbie liquid so good???
Yesterday, 01:33
I'm trying to trim my guinea pigs' nails. So far, this is how it's going:

They have kicked me in the face. Twice.

They have tried to mutilate my arm.

And of course, all three of them have tried to dive onto the floor, because apparently death is better than experiencing two torturous seconds of hygeine.
1 Day ago
Older ladies calling you "darling" or "sweetie" makes you feel so pure inside, as if all your mistakes and failures are forgiven. Thank you random older lady wearing a Blink-182 shirt I love you
12 Days ago
Disclaimer: I don't own guinea pigs, I own sentient wigs that scream whenever they see cranberries.
20 Days ago
Alrighty y'all. The people have spoken and I, your benevolent bad-accent god, have answered.

I will sing "Baby Shark" in a bad Southern Accent on Friday. Prepare yourselves.
25 Days ago
Started a new RP! It's about children in a dystopic world who get trapped in a dream turned nightmare as their friends and family try and save them. It's called Dreams in Fairyland. Got inspired after watching Coraline for the hundreth time lol.

Feel free to sign up if y'all are interested! I'm planning to start it this upcoming Monday. Prepare for lots of wacky fantasy hijinks, love and betrayal, and some awesome big bads!
30 Days ago
In summer, I rapidly transform from a healthy human being who gets good sleep and is generally well nourished to an angry ice cream gobbler who occasionally remembers to take a vitamin.
1 Month ago
I chugged a bunch of water, said "CALCIUM", and returned to my room. It was only upon arrival that I came to the realisation that water, in fact, does not contain calcium.

Sick me is a very interesting person. And I mean this in the worst way possible.
1 Month ago
Last day of high school for me... ever.

Time to lie on the floor for the rest of the day and imitate a Magikarp until this makes sense. I have to figure out the rest of my life now??? What??? Girlie I should be like 12 wdym I'm graduating high school?
1 Month ago
I just typed the word "who" into spotify and the second result is "The Duck Song. 🦆" It's not even the artist's name. No words can describe my confusion.

Just how addicted to children's songs do they think I am?
1 Month ago
I think this is the first time I've touched the Emera Beach in months. This event is bringing back my fishing obsession. I'll see y'all in three hours when my bloodshot eyes and shaking fingers have pulled that final Oshawott.
1 Month ago
So excited about this event ngl. I think this one's tied with Easter Bunnelby for being my favourite.

Race y'all to the shiny :D
1 Month ago
Y'all something is happening with my love life but it's happening so quickly and idk how to feel it's stressing me out. Help out a sentient rock? :)?
1 Month ago
Things have been kinda quiet lately. I feel like we should spice it up.

What memey song should I record in a bad Southern accent this week? Remember- the worse the better. Make me suffer.
1 Month ago
My friend was getting so mad at me for calling my brother short, because she thought I was being mean (which tbh I was) and then I told her that he's 6'4.

She's just really confused now.
1 Month ago
How many kindergarteners could y'all take in a fight?

I love this question, because people are either going to be like "ha, like 1" or "50, keep 'em coming" and I'm not sure which is more chaotic.
1 Month ago
Looking at cults in sociology. Very cool, very interesting :)

On an unrelated topic, is anyone interested in joining a fun little group dedicated to the enjoyment of oreos? First meeting is now in the comments, be there or be square.
2 Months ago
Anyone okay with me venting to them for a bit? Kinda had a bad day :(
2 Months ago
The tea you get just sitting on the bus is phenomenal. I'm just chilling there, listening to some lady talk about what it's like being a teacher and she bursts out with a "yeah and I'm totally in love with this kid's dad."

Like that is some next-level Hallmark stuff right there and how dare she not share the details and just move onto talking about some work friend smh. Where is my single dad x kindergarten teacher AU???
2 Months ago
Y'all I have a 9 hour shift tomorrow; meaning I have to both open and close the restaurant... but it's Victoria Day, AKA 1.5x pay.

I will die so that my bank account can live. Remember me, comrades.
2 Months ago

Shiny Hunt

Serendibite is currently hunting Easter Bunnelby.
Hunt started: 26/12/2023

Chain: 111

Last Visitors

Cardboard_SpaghettiYesterday, 23:27
DorkyYesterday, 21:10
ImmortesYesterday, 20:57
SakuraWolf23Yesterday, 19:14
Eggie0-0Yesterday, 18:34