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Forum Thread

Additional Premium bonuses

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Additional Premium bonuses
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 64
Posted: Tue, 07/03/2023 09:37 (1 Year ago)

I got some additional bonuses for premium users:

No PDtaxes at the GTS
Free extra ticket at the lottery
+50% max gamechips invested in the coin flip and higher or lower game
Extra places for writing on your profile
Doubled daily rewards
Getting wondercards rewards with event tickets
increased amount of Speed Click Tokens earned
Discount on a random plushie daily
Discount on event eggs you have wondercards of (the more wonder cards, the bigger the discount)

Maybe take the time considering which ones will, and which one won’t come.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,665
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2023 18:04 (1 Year ago)
Thread has received Mod approval and is now open for discussion.
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

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Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 187
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2023 18:12 (1 Year ago)
This would only widen the gap further between premium and non-premium users which is already too wide imo. No support.

Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2023 22:11 (1 Year ago)
I'll have to agree with -XYZ- on this one. The gap between premium and non-premium is already pretty wide, especially considering increased shiny chance, breeding chance, and the Pokeradar not needing new batteries after every shiny. By adding more bonuses to premium accounts than there already are, I think it would cause many issues, like:

-Increased number of cheaters. (People hacking in pd/nuggets, using autoclickers to get more pd to buy nuggets off of other users, ect.)
-Younger players stealing and spending money on nuggets in emera mall, which are by no means cheap if you're aiming for premuim. (I'd be mad if say, my little brother stole my credit card and I got an $80 charge from an online game, just as any older sibling or parent would.)
-The game becoming not fun for players without premium, especially new players, due to how unfair the advantage is.

I'm sure there are many other issues that could arise from this that I can't think of at the moment, but these by themselves are already big problems.

When it comes to things that don't affect gameplay, like extra places for writing on the profile page, I think those are fine to add to premium, just not more game-changing things that already exist. Some things that you mentioned wouldn't be bad as site-wide changes for all users in my opinion, like a discount on event eggs you have wondercards for and no PD taxes (because like... where are they going to? The bank? Riako? The void? Darn capitalism.), but premium users already have many big advantages in this game, and I frankly don't think that they really need any more.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 782
Posted: Thu, 06/04/2023 01:53 (1 Year ago)
What Shrimbly said

Tbh. I would rather Premium users get fewer benefits (or that the gap between premium and non premium users for shiny hunting be closed a bit)

Once you get Premium, its a lot easier to earn PD on the site. Shiny hunting becomes profitable because you can get more shinies, faster, and with lower upfront (radar battery cost). I would prefer if the economy was less skewed like that since most of PH revolves around shiny hunting. You need premium to feasibly SM hunt too which isnt the best

QuoteNo PDtaxes at the GTS

No, PD taxes help with excessive reselling and multi-accounting as you cant endlessly trasnfer PD

QuoteFree extra ticket at the lottery

Meh, doesn't change much IMO

Quote+50% max gamechips invested in the coin flip and higher or lower game

No, I'm not sure how much this affects the economy but considering recent concerns about multi-accounting skewing the Magearna raffle

QuoteExtra places for writing on your profile


QuoteDoubled daily rewards

No, economy is skewed enough as is

QuoteGetting wondercards rewards with event tickets

What are wondercard rewards?

Quoteincreased amount of Speed Click Tokens earned

No, the SCS tokens aren't that hard to get, and I wouldn't want to reduce their value even further

QuoteDiscount on a random plushie daily

I don't see the point tbh

QuoteDiscount on event eggs you have wondercards of (the more wonder cards, the bigger the discount)

Oh this is interesting, but I would prefer if it was a one-time nugget purchase item, or if it affected event pass pricing, since most people buy passes directly, and people with passes already have premium
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 1,310
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2023 10:40 (1 Year ago)
...You're encouraging pay to play, my dude.... so nope '-')
This is a kid's site.

You're also letting cheaters to play even more.
Rn what they're doing is:

- Make alts
-Interact loads
-Get pd then trade them to their main account
-Use that pd to get coins
-Use those coins to get magerna tickets
-Use those tickets to get loads of pd for nuggets then premium

(Ps: for those of you gonna ask how I knew this... I lurk in ph drama and put the puzzle pieces together.
I knew implementing "PD -> coins" was a bad idea)

But I do agree on this only. Its like deviantart core xD
QuoteExtra places for writing on your profile

I guess it's different from other families. My sis and I weren't raised like that. My sis always asks my perms when she wanna borrow something. We never taught to steal from each other..let alone money.

edit: read it wrong lol xD
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Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 2,119
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2023 10:58 (1 Year ago)
I think the benefits of premium members is fairly balanced rn, so no support.
Though, i find ur take on wondercards to be interesting. Those wondercards are just sitting there, barely with no sort of incentives to collect.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2023 13:06 (1 Year ago)

Yeah, I know my little brothers would never actually do anything like that too, and I don't think it would even normally be an issue if this weren't a game that explicitly allows young children on and accommodates for them (ie. No cursing rules along with others). I think that because Pokeheroes actively encourages very young players it should acknowledge that many could end up doing things like that, even knowing that it isn't inherently malicious. I'd like to think the higher ups on here care more about making a safe environment for their young players, which includes what may happen outside the game due to implementations put in the game itself, if that makes sense.

Also, I don't know how I didn't even think of alts happening lol. I agree with you that the use of alternate accounts, and the plan you set out for us using the drama, would most likely skyrocket if this were to happen.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 794
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2023 20:17 (1 Year ago)
Got a feelin this update could cause a downfall to PH.
Capitalism magalor
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 659
Posted: Mon, 10/04/2023 15:49 (1 Year ago)

Title: Discount on a random plushie daily

Only can support this point because it would mean more interaction between users as friends. Other than that, every other point feels absurd to me.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,665
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2023 22:02 (1 Year ago)
This suggestion has received less than 60% support and was moved to rejected.

Total votes: 66
Support ratio: 36.4%

Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
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