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Something is in Control (Sign ups)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Something is in Control (Sign ups)
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 01:43 (3 Years ago)
You can't control me...

Roleplay Thread

You are a trainer in the distant region of Shirimasne. You've been on your journey for quite a while now, and your team is fairly leveled. The final badge and possibly even the champion title is just within reach, and your dreams are creeping ever closer.

Today is just a normal day for you. You wake up, brush your hair, get dressed and head out for breakfast and all that, ready for a day of training your Pokémon or whatever you plan to do. Walking outside, you notice something strange in the sky, and take a glance at it....


You do a double take. It looks as if a giant ring has appeared in the sky. What--? Look! There's another one! And another! In no time, the sky is filled with huge golden rings, but what are they? You hear the people around you start whispering, something about--holy shinx!

Suddenly, Pokémon start emerging from the rings. Powerful Pokémon, legendary, in fact. They seem to be going insane, and start attacking everything and everyone around you. People start to panic. Trainers send out their Pokémon, trying to fight back and protect everyone. You do the same, unsure of what to do. You hear someone mention Hoopa somewhere, and suddenly you remember what you heard about mythical Pokemon.

The rings...must be portals...this is the work of Hoopa! Somehow...


You are human who lived a relatively normal life...or so you assume. It's unclear whether you were a trainer before, maybe a butler, maybe the owner of a fancy mansion somewhere. You've lost all memories of yourself, apart from your name and relative age. You find yourself in a strange dimension, in your direct vision is a broken prison bottle. You look at yourself, and realize you aren't quite human anymore. You taken the form of a legendary Pokémon somehow. You, lost in confusion for a second, barely notice when a ring appears around your neck.

Suddenly, your vision changes. You see red, and are filled with a sudden desire to destroy anything and everything around you. When a portal built by a ring appears in front of you, you rush through it, beginning to attack everything in sight without a second thought. You realize your strange urge seems to outweigh your repulsion from pain, and as you harm your body more and more, your entire being seems to refuse to rest.

Life is agony. But you can't stop.

Something is in control.


A Legendary Pokémon called Hoopa in its terrifying Unbound form seems to have gone mad with power. Somehow, it's using its rings to take control of Legendary Pokémon, sending them to attack the people of Shirimasne, they all seem to have rings around their necks, which can be assumed to be its source of control. No one is sure where these Legendary Pokémon are coming from, though, as there appear to be too many considering the legends surrounding some of them...The number of Pokémon like say Ho-oh is unreal. The only Pokémon that isn't there...

Hope comes in the form of...Hoopa? This one, a second individual, whose only crime was a few mischievous pranks here and there, is terrified of what its kin has become, but in its current form, is too powerless to stop it. What it needs is help. Help from benevolent trainers to free the legendaries Hoopa has enslaved.


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Do not join unless you plan to be active! Do not bother taking up a slot if you plan to go inactive for long periods of time. This does not mean you have to post every day, just don't leave for a week with no explanation. Refer to my next rules.

Do not bother signing up if you plan on posting one-liners. I will kick you immediately. In fact, I will not accept anyone without valid proof that you can make posts with substance on a consistent basis. (If I have roleplayed with you before, you don't need to provide me with this)

Try not to spam the forum, please. I don't want the posts to end up coming out so fast that others can't keep up. Simply so we don't overwhelm those in other timezones. As I am in school, I will likely only make 1 post per day at best, maybe more, maybe less. We aren't trying to make the most active forums, just to go at a reasonable pace, if that makes sense.

I will be making a PP group chat that you will be added to if you are accepted, so please be aware of that.

If I give a nudge to the group chat asking how you're doing, do not ignore me please. If you have a reason for not posting, tell me! Ghosting me is seen as rude, and I will kick you out! I'm very stingy about this!

You are allowed to have 1-2 legendaries in this RP if you are a trainer. Just refer to the next spoiler, as some legendaries are blacklisted due to logic regions. Just know that box art legends are always a no-no.

Megas, Z-moves, and Dynamax are allowed! However, I'm only allowing one per character. That means one Mega able pokémon or one Z-move or one Dyna/giga max

Yes, res is allowed

Corrupted Legends may be any legendary/mythical you choose. No exceptions.

Password is your favorite flower. Include this somewhere in your form so I know you read the rules.

Legendaries(For trainers only)

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No mythics/box art legends allowed(Minus Solgaleo/Lunala because of the Cosmog thing)! That said, there will be limited slots on the following Pokemon. (You may have 1-2 legends per trainer character)

Mewtwo: 3 slots (Immortes) (slot 2) (slot 3)
Articuno: 2 slots (Hornet) (Slot 2)
Zapdos: 2 slots
Moltres: 2 slots

Entei: 3 slots
Suicune: 3 slots (theinsaneone) (slot 2) (slot 3)
Raikou: 3 slots

Latias: 3 slots (theinsaneone) (slot 2) (slot 3)
Latios: 3 slots (Burn~Drive)
Regirock: 5 slots
Regice: 5 slots
Registeel: 5 slots

Azelf: 3 slots
Mesprit: 3 slots
Uxie: 3 slots (Grainnotbread) (Slot 2) (Slot 3)
Cresselia: 1 slot
Regigigas: 3 slots
Heatran: 3 slots

Thundurus: 3 slots
Tornadus: 3 slots
Landorus: 3 slots
Cobalion: 2 slots
Terrakion: 2 slots
Virizion: 2 slots

Volcanion: 1 slot (BlackReshiram)

Lunala: 1 slot (Amaris/Tsukoyomi)
Solgaleo: 1 slot
Tapu Koko: (Tidetaiko)
Tapu Bulu: 1 slot
Tapu Fini: 1 slot
Tapu Lele: 1 slot
Type: Null/Silvally: (shimmeringsuicune01)


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Form for trainers

[center][b]I'm here to help![/b]


[b]Character Name[/b]


[b]Pokemon Team(5-6)[/b]


[b]Anything else?[/b][/center]

Form for corrupted Pokémon

[center][b]Something is in control...[/b]


[b]Character Name[/b]


[b]Pokémon Species[/b]


[b]Anything else?[/b][/center]

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 03:50 (3 Years ago)
res mewtwo one slot
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 04:07 (3 Years ago)
this sounds interesting

I'm here to(attempt to) help!

Username: Grainnotbread

Character name: Grian

Gender: Male

Pokemon: Shiny Eevee(main pokemon)lv 39- female, name: Sora, adamant, adaptability, moves- double kick, helping hand, last resort, and take down.item- everstone , Starter pokemon given by a Professor from another region

Blitzle lv 26 - male, name:Blizz , Jolly, lightning rod, moves- thunder wave, shock wave, double kick, flame charge. Found in a volcano. Long story

Poochyena lv 24 - male , name : Lucky, Quirky, quick feet, moves- bite, sand attack, roar, assurance. Fell out of a tree before caught.

Lapras lv 35 - female, name: Nessie, Modest, shell armor, moves -water pulse, confuse ray, brine, ice shard. Found in a lake.

Uxie lv 42 - female, name: Kate, Calm , Levitate, moves - Psybeam, amnesia, Imprison, extrasensory. Found in lake shrine.

Shuckle lv 34- male, name: Tor, Gentle, Sturdy, moves- rock throw, stone edge, rest, bug bite. Found upside down on a road

Appearance :He has brown hair, black eyes .Usually has a blue shirt on with black streaks. Grian comes from Alola before moving to shirimasne. He almost always has a hat and most prized possession is a n- lunarizer hidden in hat. Keeps a photo in his bag of a Lilly flower. Never explains this.

More on character. He is an expert on berries and curries which is why he absolutely hates manufactured potions and heals, and prefers berries, and always has a stock of berries for emergencies. Not that competitive. Eevee will evolve eventually , 6th slot is saved to catch something else. He has a Z-band and a Z-crystal for extreme evoboost.

Why do people keep saying I look like a mincinno?
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 04:36 (3 Years ago)
I'll reserve an Articuno slot, please!
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 04:39 (3 Years ago)
as it was shown already in my sign up, i'll reserve an uxie

and the eevee is shiny
Why do people keep saying I look like a mincinno?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 911
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 06:26 (3 Years ago)
Something is in control...

Username: Purpleeda

Character Name: Astar

Gender/Pronouns: She/her

Pokémon Species: Azelf

Appearance: Can I use the fan made Mega Azelf in the picture? if not just a shiny Azelf

Anything else?: Meaning of name Astar, She who resolves, who decides

This is where I got the info of the name from, it also slightly explains her personality-

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 07:48 (3 Years ago)
How much people do we need to start?
Why do people keep saying I look like a mincinno?
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 09:26 (3 Years ago)
I'm here to help! Probably


Character Name
Amaris (Child of the Moon)

Bigender| He/She

Pokemon Team
Lopunny (Fleeting Dream [Meng]) | Female | Jolly | Limber | Lopunnite | Partner Pokemon
Fake Out | Giga Impact | High Jump Kick | Ice Punch
Meng was given to Amaris by her parents at a young age. Hatched from a bunnary egg, Meng and Amaris traveled through Shirimasne on his trainer journey. It was Meng who cemented Amaris as a young legend, the lopunny sweeping through challenges with an explosive bang. She is fiercely loyal to Amaris and there is very little the Lopunny wouldn't do for her trainer

Dratini (Honestly Desired Hope [Yuan]) | Female | Hasty | Shed Skin | n/A
Dragon Dance | Outrage | Extreme Speed | Agility
Gifted as an egg, Yuan was given to Amaris as a celebration of his retirement from the public eye. Amaris has a soft spot towards Yuan and will drape her across her neck. Out of everyone that Amaris keeps on his team, Yuan is the only pokemon not trained for combat. She baby. Despite this, however, she seems to have picked up some hard hitting moves from her siblings

Altaria (Flawless Jade [Qiong]) | Male | Jolly | Natural Cure | Life Orb
Dragon Dance | Return | Roost | Fly
Qiong was originally bred as a contest pokemon before being released into the wild. He was found under attack by a pack of arcanine and growthlite and Amaris was the one to save him. Due to his coordination background, he dislikes fighting and prefers to scare people off with grad displays of beauty. He is a protector and has a big soft spot for Yuan

Lapras (Beautiful Accomplishment [Cheng]) | Male | Modest | Water Absorb | Assault Vest
Hydro Pump | Freeze-Dry | Ice Beam | Surf
Cheng was caught off the shores close to Amaris' home town and the first pokemon she ever caught. As a child of both the moon and the sea, Cheng was like bringing a piece of home along on his journey. Cheng is aggressive and vicious, snapping at anyone he doesn't consider family and revels in battling. He was the one who has had the hardest time adjusting to Amaris' retirement and is a big grump about it

Lunala (Dawn's Stardust [Xing]) | Unknown | Modest | Shadow Sheild | Leftovers
Moongeist Beam | Moonblast | Roost | Calm Mind
Part of a pair. Xing was encountered by Amaris on the night of a meteor shower as a Cosmog along with its twin, Guang (Dusk's Scattered Light). Guang was raised by another trainer while Xing stayed with Amaris. Despite Amaris' many attempts to release it into the wild, Xing stays by Amaris' side in hopes to see Guang once more

Amaris is kind of plain faced, nothing all that striking about him from a lanky build to dull brown eyes. Her brown hair falls to about mid-back but is mostly tucked away under worn beanies or old caps. His fashion sense really depends on what she's feeling like each day but it doesn't really make a difference when his defining visual mark is Yuan draped around her neck. He keeps pokeballs on a belt that is never worn correctly. Usually has the scent of Aconite flowers lingering on her person. Is it perfume? Did something die? Who knows.

Anything else? A former competitive battler who retired to live in the country side. Usually doesn't care whats going on in the world but is getting very annoyed with the attacking pokemon. Please stop. It's very rude.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 09:46 (3 Years ago)
I'm here to help!

Username: Abra~Kadabra

Character Name: Ashe (Ash/Ashi) Mashido

Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/her

Pokemon Team(5-6)
Altaria (Stratus) Level: 42. Moveset: Dragon Dance/Draco Meteor/Heal Bell/Dual Wingbeat. Ability: Natural Cure. Held Item: Leftovers

Shiny Kadabra (Delphi) Level 40. Moveset: Calm Mind/Drain Punch/Substitute/Psycho Cut. Ability: Synchronize. Held Item: Focus Sash

Xatu (Xocoatl) Level 39. Moveset: Giga Drain/Roost/Cosmic Power/Air Slash. Ability: Early Bird. Held Item: Choice Band

Kartana (Lin) Level: 40. Moveset: Knock Off/Psycho Cut/Air Slash/Swords Dance. Ability: Beast Boost. Held Item: Life Orb

Ferrothorn (Fred) Level 41. Moveset: Spikes/Leech Seed/Protect/Giga Drain. Ability: Iron Barbs. Held Item: Leftovers.

Lurantis (Lulu) Level 39. Moveset: Leaf Blade/Swords Dance/Leech Life/Poison Jab. Ability: Leaf Guard. Held Item: Assault Vest

Appearance: Ashe is a girl of medium height, her face is framed by long hair, which is a light chocolate colour. She wears a simple white t-shirt with a Tapu Fini pattern on it and slim jeans. On top of this, she wears a cropped, sleeveless, tan-coloured waistcoat with white fur along its collar, which she leaves unbuttoned.

Anything else? She likes roses. I also changed my form a bit, I didn't want to be a Pokemon anymore.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 10:26 (3 Years ago)
Why do people keep saying I look like a mincinno?
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 11:39 (3 Years ago)
@grainnotbread first off, if you want to add more info to the character, please edit the form, it helps keep organized. Second, please reread the rules

@Purpleeda please reread the rules. And no, I'd prefer no fan megas please

@Tsukoyomi Ima have to ask you to limit the megas to just one, please. Sorry, I forgot to put it in the rules, I'll edit them when I have time

@Everyone who reserved, done! If I didn't accept you, your legend was reserved.

Okay, so I didn't put this in the rules, so I'll add it here and edit later

QuoteMegas, Z-moves, and Dynamax are allowed! However, I'm only allowing one per character. That means one Mega able pokémon or one Z-move or one Dyna/giga max

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 12:10 (3 Years ago)
I'm here to help!

Username: Zane_From_Ninjago

Character Name:Charlotte but goes by Charlie




Pokemon Team(5-6)

Growlithe [Ability: intimidate] [moves: Flame wheel, Crunch, Wild Charge, Roar] (she could never find a fire stone.)
Torterra [ability: overgrow] [Moves: Earthquake, giga drain, synthesis, stone edge]
Boldore [ability: sturdy] [Moves: Power gem, Iron defense, mud slap, bulldoze]
Clefable [ability: Magic guard] [moves: metronome, moonblast, hardboiled, shadow ball]
Lopunny [ability: Klutz] [moves: switcheroo, return, Ice punch, bounce] [held item: flame orb]

(This spot may or may not be filled with a Tyrunt.)

Appearance: She looks a lot younger than she is. She looks 10, which leads to her not being took seriously. She wears an olive green jacket with a jaw fossil necklace (she got the fossil as a souvenir from a trip to kalos.) and sweatpants. She doesn’t dress too formally. She has dark skin, brown eyes, and curly black hair.

Anything else? I will add more detail to this later.

Also, Asparagus

Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 14:44 (3 Years ago)
@Zane_From_Ninjago accepted!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 17:25 (3 Years ago)
Something is in control...

Username Scolipede

Character Name Elizabeth ( goes by Liz or Eli)

Gender/Pronouns female , her pronouns

Pokémon Species Mew

Appearance A normal mew apperance, but she wears a bow in her hair ( now on her tail ), as a human she had different colors in her eyes left blue , right brown. She ideally wore a grey muscle shirt with jean shorts and black sneakers with her hair in a ponytail.

Anything else? Nerium oleander is a pretty flower btw

The stars shine bright and are calling me to go

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 18:47 (3 Years ago)
@Scolipede accepted!
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 21:43 (3 Years ago)
Ok, I edited it.
Why do people keep saying I look like a mincinno?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 248
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 22:12 (3 Years ago)
I'm here to help!




Honchacrow (Artur), Mimikyu (Cloth), Banette (Enchantress), Lurantis (Bouffon), Chandelure (Pyro), Audino (Alice)

A female humanoid that has the appearance of a plague doctor with a black cloak and a black bird mask

Her mask is actually her face but she is physically unable to speak due to her lack of vocal chords

*she would produce a Black Rose from her medical bag, she would then marvel at the beautiful flower*
The mute plague doctress
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 22:15 (3 Years ago)
@grainnotbread accepted!

@DrGrimm Ima gonna hafta ask you to add a bit more info to your form, and read the rules again
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 248
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 22:18 (3 Years ago)
*she would nod her head apologetically*

*she would point to her post to show it was edited*
The mute plague doctress
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 22:31 (3 Years ago)
@DrGrimm you haven't quite done what I asked