Forum Thread
Inanis (RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inanis (RP)Eyre took a few steps back from the scene, she didn't want to be directly involved in it, but she'd help if push came to shove. Now a little further away, she noticed some rustling in the foliage near where Hokori entered. Out popped two foxes, one black one white. They approached the rest of the group, sniffing about. They were probably getting a feel for the area, like dogs. "They're kinda cute," She remarked. Eyre hadn't seen foxes in person before, let alone ones that were black or white. "Wonder why they're here."
Despite the seeming act of meekness, Alaparos' eyes did keep themselves trained on the perceived threat, as if daring him to attack or turn down his offer at talking things out. A challenge disguised as a diplomatic move.
Vale, however, was more hesitant to let the challenge end. "You're in the way." His breath was warm, despite the cold similarities between him and ice. His breath was warm, especially on the back of Alaparos' neck, where Vale had decided to focus on. Having been wrapped around two trees most of this time, he'd hardly needed his upper body to do anything. Though, now he let his head lower slowly to try and move Alaparos.
Whatever, she wouldn't be able to do anything about her homesickness in the near future. She watched Vale melt into the foilage and wondered if he'd be back. Eventually, she concluded. She did make note of where he left, in case it wasn't the case. She waited for Alaparos, who was placed back in his wheelchair as quickly as he was shoved out of it, to explain it to the newcomer. She would add details if need be, but Eyre figured that it wouldn't be necessary.