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The Awakening (RP)

Forum-Index Roleplay The Awakening (RP)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 20:31 (4 Years ago)
Irin blinked, then dropped his arms to the side. "You don't?" A hand went to the back of his neck. "Oh.." He seemed both embarrassed and excited to hear that. "I uhm..." He looked foolish, having dropped his guard at the very beginning of a potential fight. His free hand twitched a little, his awkward stance clearly indicating he had no intention of fighting Gwen.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 20:46 (4 Years ago)
He may not be about to fight her, but Gwen was. She keeps her knife pointed at him. "You still have yet to defend yourself against my claim... do you work for Benton?" She holds up a finger, stopping him from answering this. "Three more questions... who are you? What do you want? And how did you find us?" Gwen asks.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 20:55 (4 Years ago)
Rose snorted again before turning around. She flounced away, keeping her bow armed. She was on the look out for more prey. In her pack, a few sour smelling herbs made there appearance. She chewed on one, and put the others back. The tangy herb smell wafted around her.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 20:59 (4 Years ago)
"Hell no I don't work for Benton! My name is Irin Drakonov, only son of Chakti Drakonov. I came here because I need answers to my father. I didn't find this place, I came to it. I never understood what it was until now." His expression was solemn, his stance less awkward now, more solid and commanding. "Now your turn. Who are you, how did you find this place?" His eyes seemed to flash every time he mentioned his father.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:06 (4 Years ago)
Gwen relaxes. Everything he said lined up. What really helped was him not knowing who she was. No guard of Benton would pass up the opportunity to arrest Gwen, they would also have realized that the others were bound to be here too. She puts the knife back into her pocket, she takes her time doing this. Buying her crucial time so that she can choose her words wisely. "My name's Gwen Gold" cringy last name.. but this was kinda on the spot xD. "I worked for Francis before he was killed, so I knew of this place for years" she lies. "I'm just seeking shelter down here until the chaos above is fixed"
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:14 (4 Years ago)
Irin's eyes seemed to flash across suspicion for a brief moment. "Oh, alright. I was just looking for some members of a certain group down here because I found something Benton might just be afraid of. Don't suppose you've seen anybody else down here?" He was so nonchalant it seemed like he was talking about something boring. One hand went to his waist, the other to his hip. "Yeah, I thought it was pretty interesting, but it's sort of on a uh.. Need to know basis, get it?" He smiled warmly, his eyes betraying nothing more.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:17 (4 Years ago)
"Is that a threat?" Gwen asks. Realizing that she was coming on slightly too aggressive she quickly adds. "If there were such a group, why would you want to join them? Are you an idiot? That would almost mean certain death" she points out.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:24 (4 Years ago)
Irin sighed, then grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled up, revealing his glimmering chain mail. "This stuff keeps the swords away just long enough for me to hit them with-" He let go of his shirt and flicked the handle of his Kanabō- "That. Makes for a pretty easy attack. Put me in a room and I can hold off anybody for a good amount of time. Long enough to get everybody either armed or out. Besides, death doesn't scare me. It only makes me mad. Benton had my dad working on something, even though he was really working on it for the resistan-" He slapped his hand over his mouth, the next thing coming from it being, "Shit!" His eyes were wide, and they met Gwen's, suddenly turning angry. He didn't make a move, he simply let his hand settle back down to his side. "If Benton comes and grabs me tomorrow, I swear, I will find you and execute you." His words were a hiss, his mind believing what she said, only halfway. His eyes were slits now, his hands curled into fists.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:33 (4 Years ago)
"I already told you... I don't work for Benton. Even if I did want to tell Benton that you are a suspected Resistance member, I couldn't" she bites her cheek, looking lost in thought. This guy seemed like he was telling the truth. If he really did want to join the Resistance... well, that would be his loss, but they would welcome him. "Because I am also part of the Resistance" she turns around and walks a few steps away, she pauses and turns back to Irin "Come with me" she tells Irin. What she just revealed was risky, but in this day and age, risks were part of their everyday. She walks towards Dylan's room. "Give me a minute to talk with him... then we'll talk with you" she tells Irin.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:36 (4 Years ago)
Irin looked at Gwen out of the corner of his eye, but followed her, then waited outside the room, his hand on the handle of his Kanabō if he was attacked. He believed her, but he still was on edge. He tried to make it look like that was just his resting position, resting his hand on his weapon. He seemed suddenly very bouncy, his knee quivering.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:39 (4 Years ago)
Rose decided to climb another tree. She sat on a branch, high above the ground, and just took in the scene. She could hear something scurrying below her, maybe a squirrel.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:40 (4 Years ago)
When Gwen walks into the room, she notices many broken objects scattered across the floor. For a moment, she was scared. If Dylan was still mad, then that would be a problem. He was not going to like the new situation she just put them in. "Dylan?" Gwen asks carefully. "We have a situation... I have it mostly taken care of" she assures him. "But I need a second opinion"
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:50 (4 Years ago)
*Dylan stood up and looked at Gwen, who looked slightly shocked to see things broken in the room.* Sorry about the mess, Gwrn. But what do you need a second opinion on?

*Tani collected herself and let go of Blossom. Her eyes were bloodshot as she looked at Blossom.* Thanks for the comfort Blossom, but I think I need to be alone for alittle

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:53 (4 Years ago)
Irin began to hum the tune he'd been singing earlier. Quietly, of course. He didn't want.. Whoever it was in that room to see him as too much of a surprise. Slowly, he began to whisper. "He will tear your city down, Oh lei, Oh lie, Oh lore.."
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:56 (4 Years ago)
Blossom nodded and gently patted Tani's shoulder. "If you need something find me or Emi. Don't be a stranger okay?" Blossom got up and left Tani's room.
I wish Pokemon were REAL
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:58 (4 Years ago)
"It's fine" Gwen tells Dylan. "Somebody found us" Gwen explains as they walk towards the door. "It isn't a Cloak, he seems to be a civilian. He wants to join us" she quickly explains. "He said something about his father... Chakti Drakonov... does that ring a bell? Apparently his father had worked for a Resistance like this once" She opens the door. The two find Irin humming to himself. "That's our guy" she tells Dylan.

Sage leaves quickly, eager to give Tani the space she needed
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 22:00 (4 Years ago)
Irin grew silent, his eyes meeting Dylan's. He brought his hand down from his weapon, his brow furrowing. Almost like he recognized Dylan, although he was quite sure they'd never met. Maybe his father had been over once? Irin almost shook his head to clear the thought, then returned his face to something neutral.
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 22:42 (4 Years ago)
*A red light flashed when he heard that name. He pulled Gwen into the room and closed the door* Gwen, you need to get rid of him. His father, that man was a lunatic from beyond the Eastern seaboard. He brought exploding flames with him, and they brought nothing but destruction

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 22:49 (4 Years ago)
"He did?" Gwen asks. "Shouldn't we give him a chance though? Blood doesn't determine fate. Just because he is related to Chakti doesn't make him dangerous" Gwen points out. "Wouldn't it be dangerous to get rid of him anyway? He now knows that we are down here... wouldn't it be safer to have him stay with us? So we could keep an eye on him?"
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 22:52 (4 Years ago)
*Dylan raised his voice* Gwen, you haven't seen what I've seen. His father was nuts, and it definitely transferred over to his kin. So if you want him to stay, fine but dont expect me to stay here and watch. *Dylan stormed out of the room with his sword in hand. He began to walk down one of the tunnels to cool off.*

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)