“It’s...difficult. There’s a lot going on at once. The fact is
though...the star’s still in danger.” He sighed. “But it’s hard to
describe how I feel about the situation.” He was calm
Eve rose up some of the trees to protect the star and the cheif and
the villigers. Another tree wrapped its thick branches around Suzan
and a second around Travis.
Suzan took a few seconds to get his bearings, after his arm was cut
off and he was stabbed. “Heal” he muttered. The stab wound closed,
and his arm came back slowly. ’He’s fast! I need to take this
seriously.’ Suzan thought. Suzan kicked Fredrick away.
Finn dodged the swipe, “Watch yourself, Friend.” Finn said as he
grabbed Travis’s arm.
Travis blinked when his arm was grabbed but quickly cut the
branches away, soon going in for a swipe at his head to try and get
him to let go.
''you don't just harm him and get away with it!'' he shouted, still
rather angry at Finn.
Fredrick went tumbling and rolled a little bit before quickly
getting up, picking up a nearby tree limb that had fallen to the
ground before taking another run at Suzan, this time trying to
whack him in the head with the tree limb.
"Yeah we kno-" by the time he got to finish his sentence Admin had
already left. "We got this!" he turned to Ced "We'll just have to
fight them and beat them!"
(Admin, Please give the chance to dodge every once in a while)
Finn dodged the second swipe, “My friend, your moves are sloppy. I
can read you like a book. Oh wait, I can’t read” Finn said as he
started talking to himself. Finn’s grip was rock solid, and he
wasn’t going to let go.
Suzan grabbed Admin’s spear, and took it out of his hand.. He spun
it and cut the tree branch Fredrick had. He needed a way to get
them off him, then it hit him. He started to mumble some words as
he threw Admin’s spear way into the forest.
(wow I missed a lot)
Lance rolls his eyes. He didn't have the time for this chaos. The
shield protecting Kendo and the group is gone. Instead the shield
forms around Travis and Suzan. Lance's eyes glow as he focuses on
holding them in place. The shield is breakable of course, and it's
the quickest way to hurt Lance, but it takes a lot of power to
break the shield especially when Lance leaves no room to move. He
squints, focusing on making the sheilds like mini domes, forcing
the two to the ground
(Uh, you guys can destroy the sheilds if you want. Gonna be offline
for a bit)
After getting inspired by Ced he dashed to the side of Suzan and
Travis,not wanting to be vulnerable, and came close enough for him
to be able to fight. He wiped out his shortsword and decided to
move in and attack Travis as he was being held by Finn. He is met
with Lance's shields and starts swinging at them trying to break
them so he can attack Travis.
Ced used his wind to make Galahad faster and more nimble with his
movements. He shot wind arrows at the shield and after that, had to
briefly pause to get his concentration back
Fredrick froze when his tree branch was cut, looking at it before
he tossed it and stepped back from Suzan a bit, trying to think of
something else to do now. running out of options, what do i do..?! he thought, getting
a bit panicked now.
Travis hissed loudly as he bared his fangs, swiftly sinking them
into his wrist, already trying to drain his blood. release me you dumb giant! he thought bitterly.
Madrix stopped when he noticed that the poor kid wasn’t going to
listen to him. He sighed before turning around, but stopped to look
at the hunters. How was the one taking a nap even a hunter? He
didn’t even do anything. Another one was dumb, and the other was
somehow related to Lilith. His eyes filled with shock whenever he
suddenly noticed everything going on. “What the-“ he said before
being cut off by something flying at him. He dodged it, but hid so
he could better think about the situation.
Avery wasn’t even fazed by all the chaos. She kept walking, making
sure to avoid the danger. She knew she couldn’t do anything, so why
butt in?
Albin sighed as he “woke up”. He knew that s*** was happening. He
walked away from the tree and approached his allies. “Again,
starting the party without me... big mistake...”