Forum Thread
Revamped OG Dream World Task View
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Revamped OG Dream World Task ViewThis is personally by far the main thing I want changed on this site as this is effectively reversing a change that I deeply felt negatively affected user interaction/experience with a system that the vast majority of users on this site use.
This suggestion was originally suggested by Zerenity, and you can find the original suggestion here.
What's this replica suggestion supposed to be? Well, if you've been around for a while now staying in the loop, then you know I like to do things big, and I do love to create and present things I feel that the community would also love as much as I would. I spent some good time re-creating what I'm about to show, and felt that it should be deserving of its own thread.
First Change

This new link is added below the current Dream World Tasks.
Clicking on it would bring you to what will be a new page.
What's the new page?

That's the whole re-created page. The one many of us miss.
For older users that have been around, you'll know that the table layout is more or less the same basically, but as you can see not only did I re-create it, but I also revamped it all to the new style to how I felt that it could work, and where it's also appealing.
Simple, clean, and loads fast. Easy to collect your DP just like before, and don't have to scroll down every time just to collect your earnings. Dream Level also shown there for convenience sake as well.
I really appreciate all the support that this would get as this is something that I'm deeply passionate about wanting a change for as you can see. I'm sure many of you would feel the exact same way as me.
I really do this all for you guys, I really do.
Nothing but love

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon
I loved that they added new tasks, since it gets me more motivated to interact and do things around the site- but the newer layout bothers me to no end.
The scrolling and how it's viewed presently irks me a lot, as I'm a bit ocd.
Also, I'm not sure if it's me, but the text in the newer layout seems smaller to me, as I have to squint a bit to read it.

However, I think it would be nice it the font and spacing would be bigger for those of us on mobile. Tiny buttons, big thumbs :/
Also the gem exchange task should be moved somewhere between a task that most (newbie) users would not complete. Cuz it would suck if you accidentally traded in those gems you were saving up. It's a few gems, but still.
Another suggestion would be links to where you can complete those tasks. Though, I guess that would defeat the purpose of the way PH operates.
There is also the barest change in 'support' votes [percentage, not amount] and there is no influence on 'Most Popular', so this suggestion will be locked for being a duplicate.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!