So I officially remade
oldest AMV! I wanted to give it similar vibes like in the
actual music video. What do you guys think?

My plan for this year is to remake my old AMVs.
What do you all think? Is it worth it?

New AMV on the way! I'm about halfway done, excluding the special
effect process.

How would you guys rate the new games out of 5?
I'm just curious.

Came across a stealer in ACNH... I can't believe it, I'm still
shocked by everything that happened.

There's important stuff I have to get done today but someone online
is persistent about me hanging out with them (I don't know them
irl, but like I said I'm too kind to be abrasive)

You have 20,582 Candy at the moment.
Which new event egg should I get? >_<

I've had an overwhelming day, a nap would be nice :)

So there's this person online who keeps asking me the same question
every 5 minutes but I'm trying to hide my frustration... like this
is painful man

So someone tried to trick me three times today...
It's a few days too early for Halloween, don't you think?
sorry if this was a terrible joke

You have 14,601 Candy at the moment.
At this rate, I will definitely be able to get one event egg!

I made a good friend here once, but now it seems like they're done
with me just because I told them my opinion during a rough
situation. What do I do? I was nothing but kind... and this is the
thanks I get...

I'm often stuck in the wrong mindset; this is the worst :/
Sorry to be negative

What level is everyone on for the Halloween Event?
And no, over 9,000 doesn't count

Item Market - Search Filter:
A new item trade has been posted that matches your filter!
Finally! I can continue and hopefully achieve my Zamazenta hunt.

♬ We were made to be
Nothing more than this
Finding magic in all the smallest things
When we notice that's what really matters is
Make tonight go on and on and on
You make me feel
(We were made to be
Nothing more than this
Finding magic in all the smallest things)
You make me feel
(When we notice that's what really matters is)
You make me feel
Like my troubled heart is a million miles away ♫

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I just might be able to get at least one of the new event eggs this