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Snowwdrops Art Shop! ]CLOSED]

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanarts Snowwdrops Art Shop! ]CLOSED]
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 104
Posted: Thu, 08/08/2019 07:08 (5 Years ago)
User: FermentedMemes
Character(s): My precious Speder Boi and Lasagna
Type of shot: Fullbodies
Type: Digital
Payment 6 Star Pieces

^^ Creative freedom on this one! So long as it's cute, typical owner/dog stuff :0

User: FermentedMemes
Character(s): Lasagna
Type of shot: Icon
Type: Digital
Payment 85K PD

^^ If you include the name tag, can it please say the name of my pupper?

Have a nice day/night! Thank you so much for your time in advance : )
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 57
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2019 21:15 (5 Years ago)
User: EvilWeasle
Character(s): my profile pic is heavily based off of this {sorry I don't know how to do it right} but she has a brown bag with scrools in it, https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=265F51A7C13AC78DB7A863213AD7BDC96015038B&thid=OIP.9OKlLA22KJ76nuO1xDgCowHaEy&mediaurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimg12.deviantart.net%2Fcc8d%2Fi%2F2015%2F184%2F7%2F9%2Fnightwing_seawing_hybrid_by_reddian-d8zr3i7.png&exph=663&expw=1024&q=seawing+nightwing+hybrid+names&selectedindex=11&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=0,1,2,6
Type of shot: full body
Type: digital
Payment: 50K but I will probably will give more

I'm EvilWeasel not much else to say :p
Bykuya AAAa
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 95
Posted: Sat, 17/08/2019 00:21 (5 Years ago)
Ok ok that's enough Commisions for now. I'll finish all of your Commisions and then I'll let others making a request, ok? Thanks

Level up my baby boi uwu
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 95
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 17:11 (5 Years ago)
Ok, you guys can post now! I just need to finish two. Sorry about that, I've been taking a while cause I have lots of st if to do and school.. anyways, thanks for understanding.

Level up my baby boi uwu
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 165
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 17:18 (5 Years ago)
User: Mhaila
Character(s): This please
Type of shot:: full body
Type: digital
Payment: a dragon gem and 500 pd

lol get rekt
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 1,497
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 17:19 (5 Years ago)
User: Prinklix
Character(s): Here
Type of shot: Fullbody
Type: Digital
Payment: 50k PD + some extra gems

Your art is totally fabulous! I always love it <3


Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 17:41 (5 Years ago)
User: kelbunny13
Character(s): Rayne?
Type of shot: Full
Type: Digital
Payment: 50k pd and a Dragon Gem

I promise to do all in my power to see us through this safely
Serenoa Wolffort

⚖️ ToyHouse | Tumblr ⚖️
Gif is from Triangle Strategy. Avatar was drawn by me.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 139
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 16:53 (5 Years ago)
User: LittenxScorbunny
Character(s): OwO
Type of shot: Avatar/Icon
Type: Digital
Payment: 10k PD

(Just don't add the wings and halo and i will pay now)

Hi, what cha doing here?

I swear I'm friendly

your local SEGA enthusiast~

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 95
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2019 03:50 (5 Years ago)
Guys, please don't Sen the payment be for I'm done. :( it really makes me feel like your Wait i for a long time and your angry. Anyways I'll stop here, no more Commisions until I say so cause I don't want a ton load in on me. (Also sorry if I tank too long, sometime m mom hides , tablet away for a week)

Level up my baby boi uwu
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Wed, 18/09/2019 01:18 (5 Years ago)
User: Zera-chan
Character(s): Here
Type of shot: Full body
Type: Digital
Payment: 60k PD

Signature by *Alejandra*

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 489
Posted: Wed, 18/09/2019 01:38 (5 Years ago)
User: CaptainWolfo
Character(s): My cat, Twig
Type of shot: Headshot
Type: Digital
Payment: 60k PD

Could you also make the background light green and give him a halo as well please? I'd greatly appreciate it <3 Also no rush!
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 95
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 18:44 (4 Years ago)
Ok, you guys can start posit again!

Level up my baby boi uwu
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 202
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 18:52 (4 Years ago)
User: JadeING
Character(s): My baby Azalea
Type of shot: Fullbody
Type: Digital
Payment: 100k PD (can do more if this isn't enough :3 )
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 623
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 19:15 (4 Years ago)
User: Mewshine
Character(s): her, better view of clothing >v<
Type of shot: Fullbody
Type: Digital
Payment: 150k PD? ;v;

[Made by Suahh]

Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 512
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 20:06 (4 Years ago)
User: CinnamonChai
Character(s): Him
Type of shot: Fullbody
Type: Digital
Payment: 200k PD

Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 1,497
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2019 05:16 (4 Years ago)
User: Prinklix
Character(s): Him and her in a same pic
Type of shot: Profile picture
Type: Digital
Payment: 30k PD ^^

(Sorry, I just love your art too much ;w;)


Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 160
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2019 06:30 (4 Years ago)
User: Amelyanna
Character(s): my son
Type of shot: fullbody
Type: digital
Payment: 70k pd
Trainerlevel: 89

Forum Posts: 2,035
Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 05:08 (4 Years ago)
Character(s):droid and android
Type of shot:fullbody
Payment:100k for the two
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 99
Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 18:40 (4 Years ago)
User: Amalee
Character(s): Neoma please
Type of shot: Headshot + Profile pic
Type: Digital
Payment: 20,500 Pokedollars | 20K headshot + 500 PD for digital.
Trich Oloma!!! The world's ultimate mushroom knight!!!
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 95
Posted: Fri, 08/11/2019 14:59 (4 Years ago)
Sorry guys! Its been a few months or weeks, I know you've been waiting for sooooo long. But i will finish the requests. But, one note: I'll be on a break for 2 months. I'll promise I'll come back at January, I swear I have so much things to do. Bye!

Level up my baby boi uwu