Forum Thread
Advent Calendar Drawing Contest
Forum-Index → Contests → Advent Calendar Drawing ContestWelcome, one and all!
This year's Advent Calendar Drawing Contest is about to kick of!
Another year is drawing to a close yet again, and traditions wouldn't be traditions if they stopped happening, so it's time for another, wonderful advent calendar drawing contest. Time to get the creativity flowing, prepare yourself a lovely cup of hot chocolate, take your drawing supplies and let your fingers flow. It's time to get creative!
As some of you might already know, each December has an Advent Calendar. Every day, every user will have 24 doors, one for each day leading up to Christmas, with a small task and a reward waiting!
Every year, we've been blessed with wonderful backgrounds and there's no reason that this year should be any different. There's just no going back to the same monotone blue background on the Advent-page with all its doors. Which is exactly why we're organising this contest for all the wonderful artists lurking in every crook and cranny, waiting for their opportunity!
While drawing can be fun in and of itself, drawing with a chance to win something, makes it even more fun. Aside from the wonderful feeling of winning, the five best designs will, as every year, be available as a background for everyone's calendar. They will also get their pick of any shiny Advent pokémon [legendary excluded], that has been released so far.
Available Advent pokémon: Snowling, Santa Bird, Skugar, Frosty Kecleon, Pachirisnow, Gooseboarder, Woopice, Rudolph
Anyone else who joined/qualified, but just missed out on the big prize, will get a participation prize as thanks for joining. You'll have to wait and see [and join] to know what it is ;)
Artwork Requirements
Accepted File Types: .PNG .JPEG .JPG
Image Size: 650 x 1000 px (width x height)
Artwork Type: Digital, no transparency [final product]
Artwork Design: Enjoy yourself! We've had a chance to discover the history of the residents of Emera, but how do they celebrate the winter holidays? Anything that is PokéHeroes-related in some way, is welcome. (Do professor Rowan and the DayCare Man do anything together? Is Mewton M. Meowth hibernating? Is Leah building Snowmaids? The possibilities are endless!) Just make sure there's at least one pokémon in it. Additionally, keep the theme in mind as well, so don't make holidays/religion the main focus of your entry.
[As this gets asked every year - yes, PokéSonas/OCs count as pokémon]
File Upload: Please upload it to a website which doesn't delete it within the next 30 days and allows third party viewing. (Recommended:,,
Copyright: The artwork has to be drawn completely by you. You are not allowed to include images from other artists, including official art. Entries from previous years also can't be (re)submitted, even if it would still fit the theme somehow.
Please post your finished artwork in this thread!
The deadline is November 23th, 23:59.
The winners will be chosen by us, the staff, based on quality.
The results should be revealed on the 30th of November.
Please keep SPAM posts out of this thread :)
Visual aid for the size :

Most important of all, though, I hope you all HAVE FUN~
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Edit:Updated submission (x)
People often think the PH sprites are bland. Do they shade? Well, yes they do. You'll be surprised how much care is taken for these sprites.

I wish I could have added more pokemon, but at least there is some Dedenne and Pyukumuku. (x)
Phew Pokeheroes SURE has a lot of characters xD but I think.. I got everyone (x)