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[Q] A little riddle...

Forum-Index Contests User-made contests [Q] A little riddle...
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 601
Posted: Tue, 21/11/2017 23:22 (6 Years ago)
15 million grains of sand, seen every single one over and over again.
The first one is always a bit bothersome, the start of a long wait.
But people come for me, they love me as I literally make them crazy.
Now I have to wait, until soon ^^

Hint 1: It's not time yet. Hint 5 applies here
Hint 2: I love sand. Sand is Love.
Bonus 1: Unlike my other riddles this one has distracting elements in it.
Hint 3: The last enemy has fallen! We'll flourish once again! At midnight we'll feast! We'll feast the whole night and day! Hint 5 applies here
Hint 4: The whole world has been turned upside down! The enemy returned while we were feasting and the whole thing started falling apart. We've escaped though, we'll hide again until the time is right to show ourselves again and make everyone love us! Hint 5 applies here
Hint 5: Tonight is tango night! Big parts of India are coming together for this event! I'll be dancing with Mike while the music echo's through the rooms... XXXX is key! Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, ...
Bonus 2: I affect you, you affect me!
Hint 6: I’m closer than you think
Hint 7: People genuinly love me, they hate to see me go, but I do every day.
Hint 8: Ahhh I’m so full, I’ll make some people crazy again. Hint 5 applies here
Hint 9: Making people crazy isn't in my nature. I don't usually do this, it only happens to this fairly small group of people.
Bonus 3: The XXXX in Hint 5 is the only important part, the XXXX can be found in the rest of the hint.

A few tips:
- Don't just say which pokemon you think it is, but also why
- Try to suggest pokemon who haven't been suggested before, this way there's a bigger variety and a bigger chance of getting it right
- Discussing about a part of the riddle that doesn't match up with your guess is a good thing to do, so do it!
- Talk to others who already posted, discuss the riddle, discuss the hints, post your thoughts, even if it seems stupid, they can spark thoughts in other people
- share this with people that might like to try

General discussion (no specific pokemon mentioned):
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Quote from Myamoo547it could be some sort of water type- it only says it sees the sand over and over again, not that it is sand. For all we know, it could be a Phsycic type.

Quote from FlamingBlazeIf it is dessert related or even beach related. Trapinch was one of the most annoying pokemon to run into. And with its ability of arena trap it kept players from running from it as some did. And it did drive some nuts. Even me when I was looking for other pokemon and not it.
And from any beach using surf there were always a ton of Tentacool. Even now it is one of the most maddening things that one runs into every little bit.

Quote from Myamoo547Because of the new hints, I thought that the Pokemon would be something that eats it's prey. That led me to believe it would be Sandile or it's evolution. However, it never says that it eats it's enemies. Therefore we can infer that it doesn't have to be a carnivore. It states people come to it, either meaning it's popular or that it is a psychic or ghost type, or at least something that can manipulate people. It also drives them mad. I've scoured the list of pokemon for a while, and I haven't really been able to find a pokemon that both likes sand and drives people crazy by making them love it.

In the hints it states "The last enemy has fallen! We'll flourish once again! At midnight we'll feast! We'll feast the whole night and day!" This leads me to believe it might be a nocturnal Pokemon, or at least a pokemon that needs to eat but not to sleep. But, what would they be eating? Well, Larvitar eats the earth. Since this bit of information on Larvitar was specifically mentioned in it's pokedex, that means it could eating anything. But then, who is it's enemy? Does that mean these two species are enemies? Or is it over territory? If so, the "enemy" could be many different pokemon. So which pokemon has many enemies? Or one, singular enemy?

It also make it seem this pokemon species is not alone. As in it's in a pack or team of Pokemon. I also think that is might be a patient Pokemon, or at least some are. With the "It's not time yet" hint, it makes it seem like the Pokemon is either telling another Pokemon that, or at least telling itself that. (Seems sinister to me, haha.. Like all those villains waiting for an opening.)

But then, "Sand is love". If sand was love, why would it need to make others love them? It also seems like an uncommon or rare Pokemon with the "But people come for me". It seems like a well Pokemon, but then people lost interest in it. Maybe that's why it has an enemy? It wants to get it's love back? But it doesn't seem like it.

I'm really unsure of what Pokemon it could be! But this is all just my opinion, and how I interpret this. I'm going to keep combing through the Pokemon list to find one that fits the bill. (Hopefully)

Guesses + best arguments:
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Quote from PerfectJasperbecause it waits in the sand for people to get close then possesses them

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Quote from FlamingBlaze15 million grains of sand, seen every single one over and over again.
Going by the Ultra Sun Pokedex, "Each of its grains of sand has its own will." Thus this allows each grain to see the others over and over.

The first one is always a bit bothersome, the start of a long wait.
If you go by Pokemon Sun dex, "Possessed people controlled by this Pokémon transformed its sand mound into a castle. As it evolved, its power to curse grew ever stronger." With each following possession, the Pokémon power grows in possessing. The first one is at its weakest.

But people come for me, they love me as I literally make them crazy.
Considering that they possess people, if under which if they maintain some sanity under the control of Sandygast or Palosand control it really would make a person feel crazy.

Now I have to wait, until soon ^^
It is a learned technique of possession that it learned as Sandygast through the fact if a human took hold of the shovel, that human would possessed by Sandygast.

Quote from hinachan22Sandygast is a sandmound that's been possessed by the grudges of those departed. When it evovled into Palosand, it grew stronger as a result. That would relate to the first line as it is made out of sand and can use all the sand in the beach.

The second and last lines might have to do with victims. When a Palosand is formed, it drains the vitality from its victims. The first one might have to do with the first poor unfortunate soul that becomes possessed by this pokemon. When it starts waiting it knows sooner or later a human or pokemon is going to stumble upon it

The third line - people love looking at sand castles. There are competitions to see who can make the best and while the people admire palosand, they become possessed and fall victim to this pokemon

Quote from PrimalGroudon"15 million grains of sand, seen every single one over and over again." It states that it either keeps on growing or recovers when injured, cause it's practical you made of sand, other than that the second one shows that its pre evolution is somethig he does not like and is bothersome .This pokemkn has an ability of controlling people whigh causes then to go to them forcefully referred by u "crazy " .And as most of themergency feast upon the ones they control including pokemons, I may say it is surely palossad. It's last enemy was probabaly a pokemon who he thought to be gone forever but soon more came over the sea, as I believe palossad can easily be found at the beach.

Inkay / Malamar
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Quote from Myamoo547And hey, it could be some sort of water type- it only says it sees the sand over and over again, not that it is sand. For all we know, it could be a Phsycic type. I'm going to guess Inkay or Malmar, but it kind of sounds immobile, so I really can't be sure.

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Quote from Littlegamer34I think Tyranitar, because of the ability sand stream, which causes a sandstorm, its a pretty strong pokémon, so it would be good in a sandstorm team, and the fact that it takes forever for the sandstorm to go away. Also the fact that on the smogon website, the first moveset that tyranitar has listed for it contains an egg move, and some people might want to try getting a perfect IV, shiny, egg move tyranitar.

Quote from Mrinja1.Sandstorm never changes, the background is like a gif
2.This makes you think about the ability sand stream, it starts a long wait narrowing down the pokemon.
3.This narrows it to tyranitar, people come for it because its strong. Even though it makes them crazy by destroying landscapes meaning maps have to be redrawn. Or you could be stating that everyone wants to kill them first because of sandstorm.
4.Wait till sand stream is over

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Quote from LillyShuuI say Pyukumuku! it sees grains of sand over and over, right? And Pyukumuku always stay in the same spot even if there's no food in that area for it, also trainers often go and throw them back into the water.
'The first one is always a bit bothersome, the start of a long wait.' I'm not sure if Pyukumuku applies to this line, though... And the hint doesn't make sense for Pyukumuku either...
I thought of Zubat too! Zubat could be like grains of sand, because there's so many in caves, and it sometimes feels like you encounter the same one over and over again. 'The first one is always a bit bothersome', well, for Zubat it's always bothersome... 'The start of a long wait' would be how Zubat makes traveling through caves very difficult. In order to get Zubat's final evolution you need to max its love, I believe. It makes us crazy with its confusion

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Quote from ropets123I don't know why, but I say Garchomp.
My reason is that a ton of people love Garchomp, but it's hard to catch as Gible I guess?

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Quote from ToxicFoxIt is a pyschic Pokemon (so it can confuse or change your mind) and is found in a sand temple in pkmn black and white

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Quote from VampireQueen326All are related to sandy places, and I speak for everyone who has played any old sapphire, ruby, or emerald game that freaking tentacool is everywhere and drives you nuts.

Quote from FlamingBlazeIf it is dessert related or even beach related...
And from any beach using surf there were always a ton of Tentacool. Even now it is one of the most maddening things that one runs into every little bit.

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Quote from FlamingBlazeIf it is dessert related or even beach related. Trapinch was one of the most annoying pokemon to run into. And with its ability of arena trap it kept players from running from it as some did. And it did drive some nuts. Even me when I was looking for other pokemon and not it.

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Quote from MetagrossPrimeQuote is from bulbpedia

If a traveler is going through a DESERT in the thick of night, Cacturne will follow in a ragtag group. The Pokémon are BIDING THEIR TIME waiting for the traveler to tire and become incapable of moving.

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Quote from BettyTheC-Event666Well I’m guessing Mimyyku because there are a lot of references to “They will love us!” “They will flock to us” (or stuff like that)

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Quote from Silver_MoonSo I'm guessing that the Pokemon is drowsee/hypno.The relation to '15 million grains of sand' might be hinting to a hour glass,since these Pokemon's are waiting for the people to come their way/sleep.And the waiting for the time to come is a bothersome process.They make the people go crazy literally by hypnotizing them. Also few people do 'come for them',specially who are in need of a good, sound sleep call them their savior.The last enemy has 'fallen' maybe hinting that they 'have fallen asleep'.The 'feast' might be referring to their ability to 'feast on dreams'.And their enemy might be when people come back to senses.So they wait again for the perfect time to feast on the people's dreams.

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Quote from hinachan22my reasoning is a few of the hints:
Distracting elements = ludicolo is a grass/water type and we all know the grass typing is weak to water typing
The design seems to be based off a kappa and kappas can be found near bodies of water a large majority of which have sandy shores
I'll be dancing with Mike while the music echo's through the rooms - Ludicolo is always dancing when it hears music

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Quote from EnchanticaEverything points to TIME. I think the 'grains of sand' are in fact stars. 15 million stars seen over and over again every night. The first one is a pain because it signals the start of a long wait (the night). The enemy defeated - the stars were covered by the light of the Sun. They feasted on the light but the enemy returned. The night returned. The sun had to hide again. Everyone loves the sun but it leaves every day.

Other guesses:
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 748
Posted: Tue, 21/11/2017 23:23 (6 Years ago)
Hour glass?

im also pretty sure this belongs in off topic or forum games.
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 601
Posted: Tue, 21/11/2017 23:28 (6 Years ago)
It's a pokemon so not really of topic ^^
but yes I guess it should be in forum games, I thought I was in the right place D:
So can I move it or do I delete & make a new?

Or I could add prizes, no problem haha
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 379
Posted: Tue, 21/11/2017 23:29 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 103
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 21:52 (6 Years ago)
I think its sandygast because it waits in the sand for people to get close then possesses them.
Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 408
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 21:56 (6 Years ago)
i think either sandyghast or pallossand
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 22:09 (6 Years ago)
I'm a bit on the fence with this one. It sounds like sandyghast or Palossand, but the line "The first one is always a bit bothersome, the start of a long wait" kinda throws me off. The rest does seem like it's a ghost type, however. But now that I think about it, wouldn't sand be pretty patient? I think, anyways.

And hey, it could be some sort of water type- it only says it sees the sand over and over again, not that it is sand. For all we know, it could be a Phsycic type. I'm going to guess Inkay or Malmar, but it kind of sounds immobile, so I really can't be sure.

^From Flight Rising^
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 22:15 (6 Years ago)
I'm sorry I know you said to try not to repeat pokemon that's already been said but all I can think of is Palosand.
Sandyfast is a sandmound that's been possessed by the grudges of those departed. When it evovled into Palosand, it grew stronger as a result. That would relate to the first line as it is made out of sand and can use all the sand in the beach.

The second and last lines might have to do with victims. When a Palosand is formed, it drains the vitality from its victims. The first one might have to do with the first poor unfortunate soul that becomes possessed by this pokemon. When it starts waiting it knows sooner or later a human or pokemon is going to stumble upon it

The third line - people love looking at sand castles. There are competitions to see who can make the best and while the people admire palosand, they become possessed and fall victim to this pokemon
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 23:31 (6 Years ago)
I don't know why, but I say Garchomp.

My reason is that a ton of people love Garchomp, but it's hard to catch as Gible I guess?
You feel a disturbing something at the end of this signature. . .

Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 1,578
Posted: Thu, 23/11/2017 02:18 (6 Years ago)
I'm guessing Palosand. It's relating to a sandy Pokemon
Forever and Always: Lati-Oh

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 260
Posted: Thu, 23/11/2017 02:24 (6 Years ago)
I think Tyranitar, because of the ability sand stream, which causes a sandstorm, its a pretty strong pokémon, so it would be good in a sandstorm team, and the fact that it takes forever for the sandstorm to go away. Also the fact that on the smogon website, the first moveset that tyranitar has listed for it contains an egg move, and some people might want to try getting a perfect IV, shiny, egg move tyranitar.

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Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 550
Posted: Thu, 23/11/2017 02:42 (6 Years ago)
I agree with Littlegamer 34, its tyranitar here's why:

1.Sandstorm never changes, the background is like a gif
2.This makes you think about the ability sand stream, it starts a long wait narrowing down the pokemon.
3.This narrows it to tyranitar, people come for it because its strong. Even though it makes them crazy by destroying landscapes meaning maps have to be redrawn. Or you could be stating that everyone wants to kill them first because of sandstorm.
4.Wait till sand stream is over

Oh hey, Swampfall I think you're fine by putting it here, its not really a game. More of a contest.

People often think the PH sprites are bland. Do they shade? Well, yes they do. You'll be surprised how much care is taken for these sprites.

Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 23/11/2017 02:46 (6 Years ago)
I think it is Palosand...
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Thu, 23/11/2017 04:21 (6 Years ago)
15 million grains of sand, seen every single one over and over again.
Going by the Ultra Sun Pokedex, "Each of its grains of sand has its own will." Thus this allows each grain to see the others over and over.

The first one is always a bit bothersome, the start of a long wait.
If you go by Pokemon Sun dex, "Possessed people controlled by this Pokémon transformed its sand mound into a castle. As it evolved, its power to curse grew ever stronger." With each following possession, the Pokémon power grows in possessing. The first one is at its weakest.

But people come for me, they love me as I literally make them crazy.
Considering that they possess people, if under which if they maintain some sanity under the control of Sandygast or Palosand control it really would make a person feel crazy.

Now I have to wait, until soon ^^
It is a learned technique of possession that it learned as Sandygast through the fact if a human took hold of the shovel, that human would possessed by Sandygast.

So my guess is Palosand
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 23/11/2017 18:37 (6 Years ago)
I am just going to guess Clamperl. XD

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 24/11/2017 18:14 (6 Years ago)
Miss me puddin'?

Name: Aurora
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Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 44
Posted: Fri, 24/11/2017 18:34 (6 Years ago)
I say Pyukumuku! it sees grains of sand over and over, right? And Pyukumuku always stay in the same spot even if there's no food in that area for it, also trainers often go and throw them back into the water.
'The first one is always a bit bothersome, the start of a long wait.' I'm not sure if Pyukumuku applies to this line, though... And the hint doesn't make sense for Pyukumuku either...
I thought of Zubat too! Zubat could be like grains of sand, because there's so many in caves, and it sometimes feels like you encounter the same one over and over again. 'The first one is always a bit bothersome', well, for Zubat it's always bothersome... 'The start of a long wait' would be how Zubat makes traveling through caves very difficult. In order to get Zubat's final evolution you need to max its love, I believe. It makes us crazy with its confusion

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 1,985
Posted: Sat, 25/11/2017 19:23 (6 Years ago)
my guess is a Binacle

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Sat, 25/11/2017 20:18 (6 Years ago)

It is a pyschic Pokemon (so it can confuse or change your mind) and is found in a sand temple in pkmn black and white,

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Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Sun, 26/11/2017 16:10 (6 Years ago)
Sandygast or pollasand
Their made of sand lol