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Trainerlevel: 82

Trainerpoints: 3,824/20,253


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
11031,336 / 36,631

About Me

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Hinata/Hinayana / female [she/her] / 31 / officially married to a sweet huggable Squishy / straight / writer

My super amazing profile decorations were created by MetalHeadKendra and Toriel_Dreemurr

Shiny Hunt

hinayanachan is currently hunting Cosmog.
Hunt started: 15/11/2024

Chain: 35


Star Pieces


Nebula Stones


Orange Feathers


Grey Feathers


Purple Feathers


nuggets (started 1/21/2025)


Planned Hunts

Letting the shiny wonder trade pick my hunts until I win the code for a shiny ho-oh

Aron x2, Magikarp x3, Gothita x3, Weedle x3, Shinx x3, Ponyta x2, Bulbasaur x3, Skarmory x1, Buneary x2, Onix x2, Riolu x2, Goldeen x2, mareep x 3, pinsir x 1, maushold x3, Electrike x2, ralts x4, charmander x3, pidgey x 3, trapinch x3, snorunt x3, aipom x2, absol x1, scyther x3, shuppet x2, snom x2, chikorita x3, shuppet x2, trapinch x3, Raylóng x1. feebas x2, cleffa x3, zorua x2, swablu x2, poliwag x4, galarian ponyta x2, zubat x3

Game Records

Trainer ID: #388649916
Registration: 18/04/2015 (9 Years ago)
Time Played: 3533:16 Hours
Total interactions: 3,833,846
Money: 1,346,211
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Last Visitors

RabdomTue, 25/Mar/2025, 05:22
Darkdragonbz80Mon, 24/Mar/2025, 16:35
RavenswingSun, 23/Mar/2025, 17:08
Milotic6721Sat, 22/Mar/2025, 12:15
BoomBoyFri, 21/Mar/2025, 13:58


Please read this before contacting me regarding trades/breeding/battling/blocking:

* I'll ignore any and all trades initiated without first talking to me about it. I'll ask if you can please take the trade down and to ask me if you want to trade pokemon but if my messages are repeatedly ignored I will block you.

* While I prefer to be contacted, please don't just list the pokemon you want. I find that rude because it gives off a demanding feel. Send me a message going 'hey I saw you had this, this and this in your sell box, can I please trade them for this, this and this'. I'm not a mean person I promise, I like conversations so please just start one with me. Though with that in mind, I'm also extremely awkward and may come off as cold at first. Please don't take it personally, I'm just super socially awkward and can't talk like a normal person to save my life. Anyways while chances are the pokemon was there by mistake or it's already in the auction house, I'll talk to you about breeding you one. I like breeding pokemon for people who need them. The only pokemon I likely won't breed are mega ables because those are a pain to obtain. I'll only breed them for people IF I'm doing a shiny hunt as well

* If you do want to trade or request pokemon be bred or to buy certain items from me, I would appreciate it if you say please. Seriously it should be considered basic manners and it's a huge pet peeve of mine when someone requests something and not say 'please'. On a related note don't exaggerate punctuation points in your requests. I find messages like 'can you give me ___????' annoying. If I don't have one you want but you still want a pokemon in general, specify what would you like instead. my main point is: please just be polite and respectful.


* do not rush a reply from me! I don't appreciate 15 messages in the span of half a minute. I work from 9-5 five days a week. I'm not looking at pokeheroes all day so please be patient. I will respond when I am able to.

* I do not EVER loan my megas, shinies, legendaries, gigas or my ditto to ANYONE. Please don't send me a message asking me to buy my ditto or borrow it especially if we've never spoken before. I have a specific number of users on this site I trust with these pokemon and it takes a long time to gain my trust.

* Please don't ask me to unblock you. There is a reason I blocked you and I will refer anyone and everyone who asks me to unblock them to the site rules as well as refuse the request. I'm not required to explain why I block someone so please respect that

* If you do trade/buy a pokemon/item from me, do NOT message me requesting I give most of the payment back! Not only is it extremely rude and against site rules but it can also be viewed as a scam especially if the pokemon/item has a high value. I have had a horrible experience with that exact situation with the aftermath being so much worse! Once a trade is done, that's it. If you get buyer's remorse, I'm sorry but that's not my fault and what I do with the payment becomes my choice. I will refer you to the site rules if you make it into an issue. Name shaming and calling me a scammer is also not appreciated especially since I have a policy of letting you decide what is an appropriate payment. I usually never request a specific form of payment and this is the reason why. I also request not to be asked about the incident and what happened.

*I do not accept battle requests from ANYONE. I have encountered far too many people with bad attitudes after a battle, especially bad winners! I really genuinely don't care if I win or lose. What I do care is being ridiculed for losing! That's NOT cool at all! My vs seeker is disabled so do not request I enable it.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


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Newest gifts
hinayanachan 2 Days ago
hinayanachan 2 Days ago
MotherNature 3 Days ago
Milotic6721 5 Days ago