Forum Thread
The Flightrising Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → The Flightrising ClubUsername: Lola~Bunny
FR Username: SweetNightmares7
About how often do you get online?: Multiple times a day
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Lacey

Which Flight do you like most and why?: Shadow because I love the eye color.
Username: Furret
FR Username: Hexis
About how often do you get online?: For PH? I'm on all the time. FR? I hop on at least once a day.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Solstice
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Wind, 'cause it has a nice green color, which is my aesthetic, along w/ bamboo -- and the community is very artsy.

Username: Liirah
FR Username: Liirah
About how often do you get online?: daily
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: honestly? I don't have Teh Favorite, but this lil fella might not be the prettiest derg ever but she's kind of a fan dragon sooo. :v
Which Flight do you like most and why?: actually tied between Lightning and Light. (Just as I mentioned in the old thread the other day) Upon joining I wasn't sure which of these two to join because I liked the general theme of Lightning (Electric is also my fav Pokémon type lol) but Light is just so, so pretty. But yeah. Lightning I guess. :b
.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime
Username: ArcaniteScholar
FR Username: AkiraShade
About how often do you get online?: everyday
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: it's a tie between Pye and Shade (Pye because he's the dragon that has been in my lair for the longest time and Shade because he was my first gene project i finished)
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Arcane because i love how the Arcane community is basically derps, but can be serious if needed.
Username: ErrorTheDragon
FR Username: ErrorTheDragon
About how often do you get online?: Every day ofc
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: I have multiple but imma go with BloodEnder.

Which Flight do you like most and why?:

Username: Kainbunny
FR Username: Kainbunny
About how often do you get online?: Online basically all day, everyday.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Marina

Which Flight do you like most and why?: Wind, because it's my home flight since I've started playing (and I love the light green color of the dragons' eyes). Light and Plague are a close second and third, due to their aesthetics.
Username: kinky
FR Username: TheImmatureGuy
About how often do you get online?: Daily.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Glenn -

Which Flight do you like most and why?: Unlike popular belief the Plague community is really really nice. Plus its well organized and maintained.
Username: YutaTheTea
FR Username: Yooterii
About how often do you get online?: Veery many times per day
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Too.Hard.To.CHOOSE! All dragons in my lair are my favourite, and I'll just insert my Clan Lead and my first derg ever. Meet Lunala.

Which Flight do you like most and why?: I am Arcane user, but Water, Light and.. Earth are my faves. Arcane community is really nice, and.. I can't see arguing Arcane users, tho. (Because reasons . I love Light because of top images of ruins and Water for eyes and..Such cute watery design? I like Earth because of chocolate color eyes XD
Arcane pink eyes are just cute, and in Arcane Fligh I feel like in space..)

Username: Akirero (Put me in the list as Akiruru though, this is just a joke temp. username which will be changed back to Akiruru)
FR Username: Akiruru
About how often do you get online?: Everyday tbh
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Whoah this is hard but I will choose the most picked one from my lair by others. AssassinCreed !

Which Flight do you like most and why?: My first Flight was Light, however Ice just was my kind of Flight as I love white and simple things, so I moved to it and staying with Ice forever. <3

Username: SpaceyAbsol
FR Username: SpaceyAbsol
About how often do you get online?: Both sites I usually get on everyday
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Ah I love my entire lair but I think I'd have to say my beautiful girl Nova is one of my favourites!

Which Flight do you like most and why?: I love the aesthetics and community of the shadow flight, everyone's really friendly and helpful
Username: Kurumi
FR Username: Kurumi
About how often do you get online?: Everytime I'm not sleeping.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Phobos. Took me 3 month to breed him :v
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Uhhh... I like all flights. They are all pretty nice. (And I'm jealous of Plague's dom orientation xD)
Username: Atavus
FR Username: Atavus
About how often do you get online?: PH several times a day, FR I never go offline unless they make me XD
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: It's so hard, but I have grown very fond of Galya. She was my prize in Water's last IF raffle.

Which Flight do you like most and why?: I absolutely love being in Water. Everyone is so helpful and kind. Nature and Plague have some very awesome members too.
Username: Mafia
FR Username: MafiaVamp
About how often do you get online?: daily, usually I pop in on here and FR for several hours anytime from late afternoon to reset
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: At the moment (and probably for a good long while) this will be my WC boi Gabriel. <3
Which Flight do you like most and why?: I like Lightning best, sparks ftw! I love the eyes, lore and how they made me like spreadsheets. :D I also generally like lightning as an element of nature, it's fascinating. c:
Username: MaleAi
FR Username: MaleAi
About how often do you get online?:Everyday *u*
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:

Which Flight do you like most and why?: Maybe I like the most... Shadow

My dragons really do like their bugs, while my coffers are filled with tons of plants and seafood.
Would anyone like to trade their Insects / Meat for my Seafood / Plants? 1:1 in food points for seafood, 1:1.5 food points for plants (e.g., you offer me 200 food points worth of insects, you get 300 food points worth of plants).
Please palpad me if you wish to trade, so that the beautiful brand new thread isn't getting cluttered. :'>
However, I'd love to know what the food distribution is in all of your lairs. Do all your dragons devour one type of food
See, I basically live in the coli, too (well, less so lately, but that's still my main activity on the site). But grinding in Mire the whole time, I use up all of my Insect and Meat stacks, while Seafood and Plants are slowly piling up in my hoard. :v Selling them off is nice and stuff, but I'd really much rather just have more food for my ravenous herd of bugeaters.