Forum Thread
~~ The FlightRising Club ~~
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → ~~ The FlightRising Club ~~
I have no plans at all on ever trading him or his mate, no plans on exalting either. They're so pretty. ; v ;
I might have potential plans on changing his genes, though. Petals, Butterfly, and Glimmer is my idea but for one, well, that's suuuper expensive, and I don't know if I truly want to change the genes or not yet.
I would change his mate, but the Pet/Butt on her turns pink and I dislike it a lot. xD

i have this noc lady i was going to turn into a healer (?) of some sort but im not attached to it at all anymore. offspring list consists or 3 named & exalted kids
level 8 with these stats/battle items
i'll probably sell them for 15k unless going to a permanent home (she also has some example scries in her bio and i'll add some more later)
i'll wait 2 hours and then i'll exalt them


They are so gorgeous T_T
Both are looking for new homes~
As well, can you recommend what kind of apparel would look good for her? :>

Selling these dragons for Treasure, just offer away. I'm really not too picky ouo

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Maybe Rose, Rosie, Brightwing or combine into Rosewing?
Also, I think Sakura apparel may look good on her.
I really like the name Brightwing for her, so thank you :'D
And I'll take a better look at the Sakura apparel once I have more Treasure to buy them from the auction house. Though, I do think it would suit her well~

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
First nest; Syntomo, Polaris
Second nest; Darrin, Fade
EDIT:Made the raffle! And advertising here..
Now I feel like I've added too many prizes XP
All dergs from the last 2 rows are for sale
PalPad me here or PM me on FR to set up a price~
Hatchlings & Dragons (16 Dragons)
4 GenOnes´s (I dont know the price of then, just offer :D)