Forum Thread
~~ The FlightRising Club ~~
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → ~~ The FlightRising Club ~~welcome to flightrising ^^
to make dragon images here clickable
[or pretty much anywhere else that has bbcodes]
Just go to a dragon's page
under the stats and genes there is a button that says
''generate code''
click that and ctrl C , ctrl V it here
tadam, clickable dergs~~
Nest 1 (2 hatchlings):
Nest 2 (4 hatchlings):
Nest 3 (4 hatchlings):
Nest 4 (3 hatchlings):
you get 200 treasure and a 2-food point leaf item from one iirc and the LAH price is 800 treasure so i dont know, it might be better off selling them rather than opening.
Everyone after Madelenne on page three is up for grabs. Also Telyn isn't for sale but I can't move dragons around my lair from my tablet so he's stuck as my last dragon
15k treasure if they're level 7+, 12k if you catch them before I level them. I may consider trades or different offers so just ask in the Crossroad
Nugget Goal: 1,324/8k
that sounds spooky
I know right? When I sent them the dragon I even put in a message asking them to name it. And they were like "yeah her name is 'this'" So I was like great, no worries. And then I go to the dragon, unnamed and exalted. I sort of don't even want to giveaways during the open windows anymore. ;_; One person can just ruin it. Or maybe I'll just be naming them and then giving them away.
The safe babies -