Forum Thread

But we are not finished yet: There's still a big event planned for the last day of this year. It's gonna be a day full of Speed Click Event Action!
But how is it going to work?
There are going to be multiple Speed Click Events on December 31st. They will start on 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, 18:00 AND 23:50!
You will see a countdown in your userbar during those click events starting from 10,000 interactions. Then you have 10 minutes to bring this counter down to zero (Obviously not individually, but all members of PokéHeroes as one community).
If you accomplish the task, then there's going to be a x3-Multiplier until the next Speed Click starts*.
*Exception: If you accomplish the last task (starting from 23:50), then there's going to be a x2-Multiplier on January 1st!

There will be 3 winners of a Mewtwo Egg Voucher at each Speed Click Event. The more you interact during the event, the better your chances!
Let's all celebrate the end of the year and also the begin of 2014! :) I'm sure this is going to be an even better year with more members, lots of Events and many many more features!
SCE #1 - Results
But these small mistakes shows Riako effort and makes his post more endearing ^.^
I think I'm not gonna be able to click that day, but good luck with those mewtwos for everybody
oh! I almost forgot! One more thing to say, from one blue duck to another:
"muchos" gracias for everything riako ;)