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Trainerlevel: 31

Trainerpoints: 1,955/2,913


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Gimmighoul396426,779 / 589,546
Ducklett (Retro)40881,150 / 500,617
Mew13357,328 / 60,255
Gimmighoul403111,637 / 610,546
Gimmighoul411149,183 / 634,996

Pokeheroes Family! 😍

HUBBY! 😊 kaleb1234 (matching pfps)
Son Dingo_Starr
[size=12]Cabbage Mom Charmander25
[size=12]Big Sis!
Bigger Sis!Libby40
Big Brother! 😊 Urras

Tricks, Debts, and About Me!

Quote from -XYZ-

pkdx = pokedex number
add m after for mega
add g after for giga

Quote from Mustardkippokeheroes.com/stonks?i=item name
pokeheroes.com/stonks?p=pokemon name
Just put the pokemon's name or item's name

Quote from ~razpberry
This is a link for a small shiny pkmn icon. Just change the name of the pkmn in the link to the name of the pkmn that u want.


Quote from MustardkipOwes me "~40" normal gems

I was born on February 19 but I just go by a Pisces....


Oh, wow! The "What Pokemon Are You" personality test was more accurate than I expected....:O

"Ghost-types are energetic, witty, think outside the box, and tend to be the life of the party. They thrive on attention, whether positive or negative, and love to surprise people and make them laugh." The "What Type Are You" test says that i am a ghost type! LOL!

Last Visitors

glaselkjYesterday, 21:05
*Snowflake*Yesterday, 16:24
PurpleThickFeeshYesterday, 09:56
kaleb1234Thu, 25/Jul/2024, 19:15
Dingo_StarrThu, 25/Jul/2024, 15:44


Game Records

Trainer ID: #345930574
Registration: 05/09/2022 (1 Year ago)
Game Time: 449:54 Hours
Total interactions: 253,549
Money: 390,440
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


I lie so much even i dont know the truth,
I hide myself till even i dont know what im hiding,
Im two seperate people but wheres the proof,
When i bury myself deep down till i lose myself?
Even i dont know what ill do next, theres no absolutes.
2 Days ago
Me: *folding laundry*
Also me: *hangs up jeans, happy they are bone dry for once. 🤭🤗*
Thar one randkm black shirt thats older than me: *💦💧⛲️🌊🦨👃*

😅🤣🤣 anyone else?
3 Days ago
Good mourning, world! 🤭🥰😋 i said what i said.
3 Days ago
Nvm, cant sleep anymore.
6 Days ago
Soooo....uhm, my chest hurts. But its hurt all day. But, i had coffee (accidently). This is legit the second time in my life ive hsd coffee and it was dar more deluted last time. As someone with pots and adhd, im not supposed to but i said "flip it!" Bad choice, my stomach is oj fire. 🤣🤣🤣 it was so tadty, tho! 🥰😍 uhm....eo, my chest hurting on my left side through my shoulder and up to my neck and doen to my inner elbow. Is this acceotable to skeep with? Abd my left eye was hurting earlier its a bit twitchy. (Im a hypocondriac. 🤣🤣🤣) anyway. This is a long way to say gn! 😋🤣🤣🤣🤣
6 Days ago
user: MimiPallas
Fave color: dark/mid green (forest green)
fave song: alot, probably overwhelmed by royal and the serpent rn.
fave pokemon: fennekin line or lurantis
fave food: crab (special occasions) or taco bell (everyday all day) :P XD
pokeheroes bff: idk, alot. some are on my pf. probably kaleb (my bf <3 :D)
pokeheroes goal: i dont do much here, get all my badges?
9 Days ago
am i the only one who likes rings but they annoy me beyond reason? there are so many things that i wanna like/be ok with that just flips my hat. like, i cant. i hate wind, fans, whispering, hair, most fabrics, socks, shoes, wetness, cold, hot, bitter, basically im a hater. :P XD
9 Days ago
Im upset, i just figured out im supposed to be drinking a while gallon a day. 😭🥺😖😤 like, i hate that ish.
11 Days ago
whats the best part of a cupcake? the wrapper, obviously. XD dont cancel me, im just crazy. XD
12 Days ago
I cant wait to be 18 so i can shave my head. 😅🤣🥲😖
14 Days ago
My therapist called with results from my adhd testing. 😅🤣 i have hyperactive adhd....BUT WHY AM I ALWAYS SO TIRED?! WHAT THE HECK DO YOU MEAN "HYPERACTIVE?" IM A COUCH POTATO! anyway, yeh. 🤭🌼🌸
18 Days ago
Im not feeling my best but idc. I feel like crying for no reason. 🤣🤣🤣 uhm, but, oh well...my stomach keeps being sick about a week? Im eating one or two meals but i usually eat 7 🤣🤣🤣 i eat way too much, anyway. but i feel like this sometimes and im just hoping i lose a lil weight. 😅🤣 im sick of my mom constanrly talking about my stomach. I got to start exersising, too, really. 🤣 but im dizzy abd my head hurts. Mostly because i need more sleep. 🤣🤣 ima try to sleep 2night. So, gn, world! It wouldnt help to hibernate for 4 years, tho, and waje up feelinh better. 🤣😋 and eating healthy would be bettet. 🤣 i ate a flatbread thingy from taco bell 2day im obsessed with taco bell either way, gn/gm people!
19 Days ago
ooh! so, my parents have been married for 24 years as of today, yay! <3 :D :3 B)
20 Days ago
Sooo...i have zero motivation today, i didnt even have the motivation to nap when im dog tired. 😭🥺 HELP! ill sleep well 2night, maybe. Or ill just practice dutch lioe i told myself to do all day. 🤣 i hatr when i feel like this.....🥺😭
20 Days ago
I’m still kinda upset about yesterday…I go to a coding class on Fridays and I didn’t realize what day it was yesterday and my mom just didn’t remind me or anything, she just never took me. 😭 this is why I’m sick of being a kid, I want autonomy. I’m so done with relying on people who don’t understand or care. Like, what do you mean you thought I didn’t feel like going? I was looking forward to it, I just didn’t remember what day it was, it’s your job to remind me! Asking doesn’t hurt, assuming is so painful. I’m so sick of her and her dumb assumptions, always assuming something. I’m still crying, I’m upset…like, I can’t even express all the ways and angles at which this is annoying and just enraging. Ik it’s a small thing, but I’m just so done…I’m sick of her doing STUFF! like, what in the world?! Ugh, I’m so upset…..
20 Days ago
incase yall didnt know, 'erasable' pens are really just made with color changing ink. when the "eraser" rubs on over the ink, it creates heat from friction that turns the ink WHITE (not clear! this is important, espessially if you are writing on a colored paper. you will still see what was written, just in white instead of the color of the normal ink.) the color change can be reversed by making it cold, in a freezer for example. and, if you live in a hot place, all the ink will turn white if you leave it outside so i dont advise mailing letters in erasable ink. i have done this, not a good idea. and i tried it, i cant quite remember, but i dont think putting it in the freezer made the erased words come back, if so it was only slightly. so, restoring the writing wont leave you with all the errors you erased. thus, i recommend erasable pens, but only for things you will be keeping for yourself and indoors/in a cold place. but it could be fun to make secret messages in letters to restore.
20 Days ago
me: runs into my dad's room "the microwave is done!"
him: "ok, ill go get it" starts walking to kitchen.
me: walks behind him "daddy, daddy! wait, wait."
him: stops
me: randomly hugs him "guess what im saying~ jij bent stom!"
him: gives me a 'what is this girl on about' look
me: "its dutch!" smiles all silly
him: "idk, whats it mean?"
me: "YOURE STUPID!" runs away giggling

this is basically our whole father daughter relationship. XD
20 Days ago
me and pronouns arent friends. im so sorry if i call you out your prefered set, but my brain doesnt work. XD i call my mom sir sometimes and call everyone everything, i dont mean to be offensive and try to be respectful, its just alott to keep up with. XD
21 Days ago
I have a "bug bite" on my neck. 🤣
21 Days ago

Im dating Kaleb1234

Thats it. :D XD


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (2 Hours ago)

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


MimiPallas hasn't collected any medals so far.

Goals and Inventory


● Get atleast 5 badges
● Finish badge set #2
● Get atleast 50 unique plushies (omg, I made it! Thanks so much, to everyone!)
● Spend atleast 100 DP
● Save atleast 300 DP (saved and spent)
● Get atleast one rumble map to lvl 10
● Get a berry to atleast lvl 25
● Save 200k pd once
● Save 2k powerorbs
● Have 100 combees at one time


○ Get 200 Nebula stones for shiny hunt (I have 8)
○ Get ditto (1,607 of 10,000 normal gems)

Inventory More to come! (Hopefully)

I am always willing to trade for normal gems! But I dont trade dragon gems. I am not willing to trade normal gems, either.
Normal gems: 1,607
Grass gems: 136
Flying gems: 68
Ground gems: 82
Bug gems: 97
Electric gems: 51
Poison gems: 173
Dark gems: 55
Ghost gems: 84
Fire gems: 35
Psychic gems: 124
Dragon gems: 12
Steel gems: 49
Water gems: 142
Ice gems: 60
Fairy gems: 23
Fighting gems: 44
Rock gems: 5


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
BlueberryPiemon 1 Hour ago
BlueberryPiemon 1 Hour ago
LuLu-67 1 Day ago
spiritwolfy13 4 Days ago