Energy low, thankfully gardening berries is oddly relaxing for me.
Decided to get a new wok and make some friend meat rice with plenty
of varied vegetables and greens. My meals for the next three days
it seems.
Canned Tuna with Bean Sprouts, Cabbage, and Onions. With a bit of
Soy Sauce and Sazón Goya. On top of rice. Excellent Lunch meal.
Had pepperjack grilled cheese sandwich. Very hot, very spicy, and
woah!!!!! I'mma make another one!
So... how is everyone?
I have a hankering hunger for ham & cheese in a bagel that is
slightly toasted.
Slowly making a return to playing Pokéheroes; just been more
addicted to playing Baldur's Gate 3 and other things that have kept
me busy.
I do not know what I am doing wrong with breeding. I finally have a
Nidoran (F) and despite the vast number of
Nidoran/Nidorino/Nidoking. It will not mate with any of them... I'm
done, fed up, and just down right angry.
So need help with the Oak pokemon quest now... need to raise this
Gavin (Skarmory) as high as possible:
<a href="https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=42129695"><img
So does anyone have a Nidoran (F) with an Everstone? I'm willing to
purchase one if there is one available.
You push the light blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice
to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
1x The Art of Combat found!
The key breaks and becomes useless.
So... what does this do?
Yay finally got the female Salandit, now to work on getting the
female nidoran and begin the breeding process for a few shinies of
my favorite poison types. Slow and steady.
Guess now it a good a time as ever to begin hunting for my favorite
poison type pokemon here. Tall grass here I come!
Finally back fully from my travel, was quite fun playing the
clicking game while not being supervised by my superiors hahahaha.
Well time to get back into the grind of the game!
So a reminder, I'll be on the road traveling for majority of the
weekend. Thus not as active here for that time. Will try to hop in
here and there, but overall wish you all a good hunting weekend!
I will mostly absent from PokeHeroes from April 20th to April 24th,
mostly traveling and lacking time to hop onto the site. Probably
hop on briefly to switch eggs or upkeep with garden at most.
I wanna go fishing! Why the beach having a storm now all day? So
<a href="https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=41104321"><img
Ace has finally been hatched. Welcome to the world buddy.