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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
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Level: 51
EXP: 6,240 /7,957

Health Points 155
Attack 113
Defense 118
Sp. Attack 76
Sp. Defense 103
Speed 117
Pokédex No. #862
Rarity Galarian
Nature Hardy
Trainer ~*Spiderrs17*~
Origin. Trainer AOHAD
Obtained 1 Day ago
Family Tree
Hatched 2 Days and 17 Hours ago


Merra wants to train with you a bit!


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ateane, plasm-kun, sleepynebby, Trent, Ashe012, Suzaku7699, pokemonsea17, lizzywolfstar, WalkingOnSunshine, systemraboot, ShadowXTM, foodisgood15, NoOneTYS, Luffy~, cloverangel, Orca~, WendyAlice, Hay-Shaymin, Iminsame00, Snorlie, Jolteon_Trainer, polyda, Keatah, SalemTheBlackCat, CheeseSandwich, whydoi, Mycorrhiza, KimChayVegasPete, Aninha, Fomantis, aprixsnake, absoul_74, Masserozzo, -Alakazam-, Dark_Fire, Gold117, GuardianAnthony, Yonoru, iMocha, KD6-37, Redrose199, ~*Spiderrs17*~, loketoke, Hopeful_Luck, Wuffels, Vampirecat, Princess*toadstool*, Iggystar, Hex-77, PenScales, Kimie, Oceandirt31, HimitSuS, pokekillerzach, Libbey, LuxrayRanger21, RoxasNuggetsXIII, snowybliss, BarnacleBoy, ChaosAzeroth, Verenka, paintboy, PokeyPlayer, Unlucky-boxer, drackie, TodoDekuBacu, mgmg, Willowfur, rosewhip43, PenguinPowerful, EpicFailure, pokefan5934, EeveeRyu, haisyhdaisyh, Slasher25, NitaKalaga, Jorunna, Sheezusx2, Shinekiara, CaptainParisStarr, L7wenny, Darenia, pokemon2000, Dogga, Nadgobus, -Morningstar, Purgatory, Randolph4811, Shiny~Unown, Exocomet, Eto_Yoshimura, cynda1, GooBear, devilexe, Crystabal, JellyMew, Melvinthefiredragon, Shenaneggans, HyperBeam, Galvadyne, Nauxiak, bas90, GOTO, Beachy72, Cyain.