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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 60

Trainerpoints: 9,324/10,859


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Pichu918,520 / 25,117
Wartortle32996 / 2,928
Ambipom675,496 / 10,935


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Newest gifts
Mirage26 9 Days ago
ArashiIveline 12 Days ago
4eburaschka7 12 Days ago
-Anush 13 Days ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #720080270
Registration: 09/08/2016 (7 Years ago)
Game Time: 1997:42 Hours
Total interactions: 718,626
Money: 332,598
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Does the Ho-Oh egg from WT break your chain?
9 Days ago
If I get 10 mew plushies (8 regular and 2 shiny) would I be guaranteed a shiny mew or should I get 11?
14 Days ago
#NewBeginnings Get a good job that I enjoy and get more friends :'D
7 Months ago
Hello! I am looking to complete my alola dex, I only need these two dexes: Magearna (Ultra Ball) and Magearna (Master Ball). May I ask for some help please? I would only borrow them and return them asap, thank you!
1 Year ago
Does someone know how many and which gems are needed for the bird trio in the gem collector?
1 Year ago
Ghosts are scary :'D
2 Years ago
