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SakuraWolf23's Mysterious Hellscape

Forum-Index Diaries SakuraWolf23's Mysterious Hellscape
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:13 (16 Days ago)
Please do not post in this Journal!

Welcome! After some thought, I decided to start anew, since I am "rising from the ashes", and recreate my Journal without drama and negativity. Here, you'll find updates about my life, the game, my reading, writing, drawing, and other things I find interesting.



Affiliations: Black Ajah, House Stark, Team Jacob, Team Mystic, House Slytherin, House Thunderbird

Other Favorites:
Animal (Wolf), Flower (Cherry Blossom)
Anime (Yu Yu Hakusho) Book Series (Wheel of Time), Character (Astarion and Shuichi Minamino/Yoko Kurama)

Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:14 (16 Days ago)

Title: Roleplay With Me!

Hiya! My name is SakuraWolf23! Though you may remember me as Wildfyre, FireWolf1117, Rhoslyn na Foraoise, or Sister of Wolves!

I’ve written since 2005 and worked on fan fiction since 2019. What you may not have known is that I’ve been involved in the roleplay community since December 2011. My main fandom is Star Wars, but I’ve played Vampires, Demons, and Wolf Shifters. I’ve always wanted to (but never found) people in the Pokémon, Wheel of Time, Harry Potter, and Diablo communities. I’ve been considering getting involved in the roleplay community here, but not entirely sure if I should.

I tend to go dark and/or tragic, but I can tone things down and keep them family friendly. If we’re friends, but our characters hate each other, I’m more than capable of keeping the two separate. Our characters will start out as strangers. Enemies and friends will come over the course of several-many interactions. Relationships aren’t desired, but if our characters do wind up growing close enough, I will consider it.

There’s also the consideration of a) I’m a shy bean and b) I’m what would be referred to as a literate multi-para to novella role-player. Which means I dislike things like ‘wyd’ or ‘F0r54k3n’. And I tend to write 3-10 paragraphs depending on what is needed or how much the Muse wants to work with me. That doesn’t mean I won’t roleplay with those types of people. I’d rather not, but if you have an interesting plot, and are still capable of worldbuilding and character development, then I have no problems working with you!

I despise God-modding and metagaming. That means I don’t want your overpowered character who can do anything and everything with no downsides. And I don’t approve of using things I tell you outside of the roleplay to make your character make different decisions. Ex. I tell you that my character plans to play a trick on yours in a pm, you can NOT use that information to make your character suddenly “see” what mine plans.

I’m also known as a pantser. That means I prefer to have only the most basic ideas of how I want things to go, and mostly let the characters choose what direction they want things to go. That also means that sometimes, my plans change, as the character(s) has(ve) decided that the way they want to go is more dramatic and stuff.

I do best with up to two partners but can easily do groups of up to ten providing we have a set order in which to go. More than understanding of real life and lack of creativity getting in the way but would prefer not to go more than two weeks without a reply. Will allow longer, providing you just let me know every so often “Hey. Still dealing with stuff” or “Sorry. Not up to it.”

Hmm. At the moment, I can’t really think of anything else to add.
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:15 (16 Days ago)

Title: Beliefs


All people are created equal, and should be provided the same opportunities to succeed. The only thing that should apply when it comes to giving people opportunities are: Do they have the drive and determination to learn? Do they have the talent or skill to accomplish the task set before them? Are they trustworthy, responsible, and reliable? Do they have a positive personality that would not cause too many problems between peers and/or clients? Absolutely nothing else should matter when it comes to chasing your dreams.


The Justice System needs a huge overhaul on what it does, especially the Police Force. Many people have a problem of some sorts with authority figures. It would be beneficial to these people if some of the programs cops oversaw were transferred into outer facilities. AND it would take a huge load off an overworked and underfunded police system. This would also help in the thousands of cases where resources couldn't be committed to something, causing the family to go without closure and justice. But the Law System needs tremendous fixing as well, due to criminals getting away on technicalities, innocents serving time due to the evidence piled against them, or the usage of excessive, unnecessary force.


It breaks my heart to see disrespect, hatred, mockery, and otherwise rude behavior towards groups of people based on the actions of individuals. That's why I once gave a list of comparisons, cause I knew most people would NOT tolerate the discrimination of the whole for the actions of the few. But I was hypocritical myself. When I realized that I was doing the same thing to BLM due to the violent actions of some of the rioters, I looked past my dislike of that small percentage of extremists to support the overall cause.


One of the biggest problems with society is the number of people who get away with their crimes for two reasons. Friends and Family. If you know someone is doing something wrong, and especially if that something is highly likely to get them or others hurt, please turn them in. They don't even have to know that it's you. It's not betraying them. It's saving them. And yourself, by extension. For if you knew the person was up to something and chose to remain silent, and others get hurt, that's also on your hands.


America should return to its old values. Women were courted, brought home early, cherished, respected. Blessings were asked for; dowries were given, etc. Children played outdoors and not on phones. Families gathered to catch up and do board games or other non-tech activities together. Chores and education came before playtime. People were kind and respectful to others. People were willing to fight for the people they loved and what they believed in. Life would still be hard, but I feel that a less technologically advanced world would actually bring us closer together. Not everything about the America that was is great, but I feel many lifestyles and concepts should return.


You don't choose who you fall in love with. The person can start out as your worst enemy, and yet, over time and through shared experiences, become the person you want to spend your life with. When you find that special someone, the differences between you shouldn't matter. And even though marriage is just a piece of paper, in some things, spouses get rewards or benefits. As such, I firmly believe that, whatever you identify as, you should be able to marry your partner.


People have every right to diminish contact with situations and people that they feel are toxic to them. They have the right to block or ignore you for whatever reason, so long as it makes them feel safer. I actually used to block for minor disagreements or someone making me feel uncomfortable and not wanting to deal with it at that moment. Now, I block after much thought and discussion, making sure it's something necessary for my mental health before doing so.

I also used to speak about the "maturity" of taking help from someone you despised. But I've thought a lot on that, and, truth be told, I really don't think I'd be able to stomach the thought of being indebted to someone I hate. It's possible I'd do it if I had no other choice, but I'm not sure at the moment.


The truest of any type of -ship are those in which both people still have a super tight bond, even if their opinions and beliefs are wholly different. You could fight every single day, possibly even about the same thing, but, if you cared for the person and wanted them to stay in your life, you'd accept these difficult differences. The people who end -ships over minor things are petty and shallow, and don't belong in your life. They're the type of people who only want to surround themselves with those who think and feel the same way. They want people to kiss their feet and hang on their every word. If you don't live and breathe for them, they have no care for you. Actually knew a few people like that. Still like that even though our friendship's been over for 5+ years.


A while back I made a post that came across as "Your lack of action and desires are the reason why you continue to be in the same horrible situations and live in the same community." In hindsight, this was poorly worded and explained. Not to mention that my point didn't really apply to this situation because sometimes, things are much, much, much more difficult than a simple "Try Harder".

But what I meant is this. The environment you grow up in and the number of opportunities it provides has a great impact on how far you'll go in life. But, the truth of the matter is, the only person stopping you from achieving your dreams or the changes you seek is YOU. Change is difficult. It takes time, cooperation, and dedication. If you aren't willing to give something your all, how can you ever expect anything to be done? You gotta hold tightly onto your desires, and overcome all obstacles that are thrown in your way. Don't settle for what you have. Don't blame others or make excuses for your lack of desire. Don't wait for the changes you seek to fall out of the sky into your lap. BE the change.
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:15 (16 Days ago)

Title: Book Collection

If you see a broken image, links to PFQ are currently not working for me.

Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:15 (16 Days ago)

Title: Delightful Dadness 2020-2021

Thank you so much to the PFQ Staff member who retrieved this for me. I was worried after I accidentally erased it from my journal here while trying to rearrange the first page. This will get moved back there soon.

Cats and Dragons
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I'm in the middle of cleaning dishes in prep for dinner, and dad yells out:
Cats are so stupid!

I pause, turn the water off, and walk into the livingroom to ask: Why? What did they do now? (I thought one or more of my five cats had decided to do something dumb)

He says: Cats insist upon playing with things much bigger than them. And their curiosity makes it to where they have no problem jumping into the water to see what this strange thing is.

I start looking around the immediate area, trying to see what the cats could have been playing with.

Dad changes Tabs to the Lab and gets my attention. It took me a few seconds to realize what brought on the random thoughts. In the Lab are a Skitty and three blue eggs. Since blue typically equals water, dad thought that Skitty was playing in the water and was gonna get eaten by the dragons.

If Cats Could Fly
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Once I was able to evolve Kitwurm, I called dad in to show him the evolutions.
I evolved the unhappy Kitwurm, gave it a Shiny Stone, and started feeding it Sweethearts.

Dad: Wait. So first you have to make it unhappy, and then you have to make it happy? That's so rude. Just look at the Purrpa's face. He looks so sad.

*shows Moffkat*

Dad: Yes. Because cats weren't bad enough without the ability to fly. Whoever came up with that idea hasn't ever owned cats. Ours fly all over the place, and they do it without wings. Imagine all the trouble they could get into if they could really fly.

Watching Without Me
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Just got off the phone with my dad, who's out of town with my brother while I'm at home helping mom getting everything set up after her move.

Dad: You're going to love this. We're on season three of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Me: Excuse me?!! What in the world made you think it was okay to watch that without me? (Dad and I only watched season one together)
Dad: You said I could watch whatever without you, and that you'd watch it later
Me: I meant the seasons of Monk, Unforgettable, Smallville and Defiance that I left there.
Dad: Ohhh! Now you tell me!

And I'm just a mix of upset and amused. I did say "whatever" but he knew exactly what I meant lol

Pranking My Brother
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OMG! We all just got done with a huge laughing fit.

Dad, mom, and I went to town. She was stopping by the DMV to get new tags, license, and a title for her car. We're about 15 minutes from home when I come up with the best idea ever.

I told mom to hide, and I called my brother in. Here's how things went.

Me: So...Funny story. We're waiting for mom to get the stuff done. After about 15 minutes, the cops showed up. Apparently the DMV called the cops on her because she didn't get everything transferred over in 14 days. Said that she was going to have to pay $10k in fines and spend two months in jail, but that she'd be confined to the house until the court date.

Joshua got upset, and started freaking out. We let this carry on for about another 5-10 minutes, and then I went to fetch mom.

Shes comes out of hiding, and Joshua starts yelling and swearing at all of us. His face was bright red, and he was a mix of angry and amused.

Dad gave me a kudos for managing to carry this on for so long without giving anything away.

Can't Solve This
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Lol. Posted November 2015

Dad finally opens the Rubik cube I got him.

He shows me the box that it came in and that it had Chinese lettering on it, then says "You didn't tell me it came from China."

He then shows me the cube and tells me he can't solve it anymore because the colors are in Chinese as well.

Ghost Pepper
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As we finished eating lunch, dad asked me what I was making for dinner. I thought about it a bit before replying "Lasagna". He asked if he could put spices on it, and I was agreed cause even though it was premade lasagna, typically his seasonings/spices make everything better.

At some point during the next several hours, I saw him fold up his bag of Ghost Pepper Chex Mix and take it into the kitchen. I just assumed he was throwing it away cause neither one of us really liked how hot it was.

As I grab the lasagna to start cooking it, I asked him when he wanted to put the spices on, and he said during the last 15 minutes. My mind had completely forgotten about the bag he took to the kitchen.

Just now, dad's making a weird sound in the kitchen. I turned around to see him using a Meat Tenderizer on something in a bowl. He pauses like his hand has been caught in the cookie jar.

I asked him what he was doing. He replied in an "uh-oh. I've been caught" voice: I'm mixing spices.

Suddenly, everything became clear, and I'm like "Oh, no you didn't. No."

With a huge smile on his face, he says in a childish "neener-neener" tone: "Too late. You done said that I could do it, so I'm doing it."

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That cool moment when the amount of Pokemon in your Fields is dad's birthday. XD

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We're talking about the Haunted Hallows in Ultima Online Evolution, and I remind dad that even if I don't go there for the Stealables, that we need to go for the Pumpkins and the chests.

He said that he has his Lockpicks and Loot Macro ready. He goes even further, saying, "And my Loot Macro is better than yours."

So, I naturally respond with: "Anything you can do, I can do better!"

Dad: "I get to say that quite often."

Me: "That's being arrogant."

Dad: "It's not arrogance when you're as good as I am."

Me: "Arrogance at it's finest."

Dad: "See?! I'm the finest at that, too!"

PokeHeroes, Wailnado
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Me: One thing I've never understood is how that Wailord keeps getting into the Bug Meadow.

Dad: Wailnado.

Me: :O How dare they make their own?!

Dad: I'm sure the Sharpedo will get over it.

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Dad saw this on Facebook earlier, and got me with it. I then got mom with it. My brother, however, wasn't fooled.

Dad: I bet I can make you say "red"
Me: How?
Dad: What color is the sky?
Me: Blue.
Dad: Told you I could make you say "blue"
Me: ...
Me: ...
Me: ...
Me: But you said "red"
Dad: Booyah!

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I got out some coleslaw to eat with lunch.
Dad: That's going to be for dinner tonight, but I don't think you're going to like it.
Me: Why not?
Dad: Most people don't like it.
Me: Do you like it?
Dad: No. It's disgusting.
Me: Then why did you get it?
Dad: So you could enjoy something disgusting.
Me: 😑
Dad, as I'm reading this to him: Depending on how it's made, I do like coleslaw.

Nobody Asked You!
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About thirty seconds into my PKRS, I came up with a funny.
Just had to wait for dad to notice that I had PKRS.
Finally, he looks over, and says: "Good Job!"
To which, I respond with: "NOBODY ASKED YOU JAMES!"
And he laughs. "How long have you been waiting to say that?"
I glanced at time. "9 1/2 minutes. Though, I couldn't decide between saying Patrice or your name. But it was funny either way."

*Not everyone will get the reference. But those who do will laugh with us XD

Drama Seeker
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Dad: It's only 8:30. Do you want to watch two episodes of Smallville?
Me: No. I want to read.
Dad: Okay. I'll go to bed as soon as I'm done with some other stuff.
Me: Awww. I wanna read.
Dad: Do so then.
Me: Does that mean I can stay up if I'm going to read? You did say I could if I wanted to write.
Dad: No.
Me: Why? I promise I won't get involved in drama.
Dad: Right. You'll look. And if you can't find any, you'll make some.
Me: I can't cook. What makes you think I can whip up drama at a whim?
Dad: *gives me the look*
Me: *raises hands in innocent, angelic surrender*
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:16 (16 Days ago)

Title: Drawing Projects

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All Dual Type Eeveelutions
All Dual Type Eeveelution Megas
All Single Type Eeveelutions
All Single Type Eeveelution Megas
All Current as Sword/Shield
Alolan, Galarian, Hisuan Forms
Valentine's Day
Fourth of July
Sylveon Mismagius/Leafeon F Meowstic
Eeveelutions in Cat Costumes

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One of these days, I'm going to draw or commission my fursona. Here's what I picture so far

-Name: Rhoslyn (means "Rose Valley")
-Female Wolf
-Wavy red waist-length hair
-Poinsettia in the hair above the right ear
-Golden brown fur with a red-tipped tail(s)
-Elegant and sophisticated appearance
-Shy, reticent, or determined pose
-Haunted, yet compassionate and knowledgeable eyes
-Book in one arm, likely Wicca related
-Other hand prepared to launch purple flame
-Triquetra necklace
-Green blouse and leaflike skirt to slightly below the knees
-In a forest, by a stream, or amidst cherry blossoms

I'm strongly considering commissioning it because I know that someone else could bring her to life in ways that I can't. But I'm going to attempt her first.

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Multi Tailed Wolf Cat OC
Plushies of each Pokemon
Alice with Sword, Butterflies, Hourglass, Forest, 1001
Four Themed Bookmarks

Wolf Spiders
Fox, Marble Fox, Husky, Siamese, Savannah, German Shephard

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31 Spooktacular Stories
One chilling image representing each short story. I will list the list later.

Sinfully Sweet
Similar to 31 Spooktacular Stories, I'm going to create an image of each Sin for each book. And then, with all 26 books out, I'll release one of all 182 images. Maybe even including...hmmm...26 unique ones?
Seven Sins Cats

Angel of the Shadows
Giovanni and Persian on couch. Angel reaching for Dossier placed on table. Sylvie at top of stairs
Sad Jenny in background. Angel in foreground, walking away, crying
Makeup ruined from crying, Ally throws pokeball at Angel
Angel falls to her knees after Clefables screech. Pokeball seen bouncing off root.
Angel, lei upon her neck, shyly talks to Elsa and Eldegoss. Shadow Raichu barely visible in distance
Angel, on Shadow Rapidash, looking up at building to see Maya
Angel laying on the grass, resting after a long ride, satchel beside her
Angel looking out from tree hole. Jesse, James, and Meowth kneel on ground
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:16 (16 Days ago)

Title: Drizzt Do'Urden Collection

According to this list, there's like 292 books total in the Forgotten Realms world. And I must have all of them! Starting with my favorite character, Drizzt Do'Urden!

🗸 = Read 🗸🗸 = Own 🗸🗸🗸 = Read/Own

Dark Elf Trilogy (1-3) 🗸🗸🗸
Homeland • Exile • Sojourn

Icewind Dale Trilogy (4-6) 🗸🗸🗸
The Crystal Shard • Streams of Silver • The Halfling's Gem

Legacy of the Drow (7-10) 🗸🗸
The Legacy • Starless Night • Siege of Darkness • Passage to Dawn

Paths of Darkness (11-13) 🗸🗸
The Silent Blade • The Spine of the World • Sea of Swords

The Sellswords (14-16)
Servant of the Shard • Promise of the Witch-King • Road of the Patriarch

Hunter's Blades Trilogy (17-19)
The Thousand Orcs • The Lone Drow • The Two Swords

Transitions (20-22)
The Orc King • The Pirate King • The Ghost King

The Neverwinter Saga (23-26)
Gauntlgrym • Neverwinter • Charon's Claw • The Last Threshold

Sundering (27)
The Companions

Companions Codex (28-30)
Night of the Hunter • Rise of the King • Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf

Homecoming (31-33)
Archmage • Maestro • Hero

Generations (34-36)
Timeless • Boundless • Relentless

The Collected Stories: The Legend of Drizzt
The First Notch • Dark Mirror • The Third Level • Guenhwyvar • That Curious Sword • Wickless in the Nether • The Dowery • Comrades at Odds • If They Ever Happened Upon My Lair • Bones and Stones • Iruladoon • To Legend He Goes
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:16 (16 Days ago)

Title: Family Fun

Ghost Pepper Chimichangas
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I opened the freezer to pull out a hamburger for tomorrow night, and saw all the chimichanga bags. My eyes fell upon one that was black with flames.

Me: I see you got a really hot bag of burritos. I can tell by the flames on the bag.
Dad: Did you read the name? It's called "Not for Samantha"
Me: *pulls package out a bit*


Me: Oh, heck no!
Dad, with a smile on his face: I told you it wasn't for you.
Me: I highly doubt you'll be able to eat it either.
Dad: Don't know. But for three bucks, I'll find out.

Seven Deadly Sins Joke
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Just got off the phone with my dad, who's out of town with my brother while I'm at home helping mom getting everything set up after her move.

Dad: You're going to love this. We're on season three of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Me: Excuse me?!! What in the world made you think it was okay to watch that without me? (Dad and I only watched season one together)
Dad: You said I could watch whatever without you, and that you'd watch it later
Me: I meant the seasons of Monk, Unforgettable, Smallville and Defiance that I left there.
Dad: Ohhh! Now you tell me!

And I'm just a mix of upset and amused. I did say "whatever" but he knew exactly what I meant lol

Joke on Brother
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OMG! We all just got done with a huge laughing fit.

Dad, mom, and I went to town. She was stopping by the DMV to get new tags, license, and a title for her car. We're about 15 minutes from home when I come up with the best idea ever.

I told mom to hide, and I called my brother in. Here's how things went.

Me: So...Funny story. We're waiting for mom to get the stuff done. After about 15 minutes, the cops showed up. Apparently the DMV called the cops on her because she didn't get everything transferred over in 14 days. Said that she was going to have to pay $10k in fines and spend two months in jail, but that she'd be confined to the house until the court date.

Joshua got upset, and started freaking out. We let this carry on for about another 5-10 minutes, and then I went to fetch mom.

Shes comes out of hiding, and Joshua starts yelling and swearing at all of us. His face was bright red, and he was a mix of angry and amused.

Dad gave me a kudos for managing to carry this on for so long without giving anything away.

Rubix Cube
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Lol. From November 2015

Dad finally opens the Rubik cube I got him.

He shows me the box that it came in and that it had Chinese lettering on it, then says "You didn't tell me it came from China."

He then shows me the cube and tells me he can't solve it anymore because the colors are in Chinese as well.

Ghost Pepper Lasagna
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As we finished eating lunch, dad asked me what I was making for dinner. I thought about it a bit before replying "Lasagna". He asked if he could put spices on it, and I was agreed cause even though it was premade lasagna, typically his seasonings/spices make everything better.

At some point during the next several hours, I saw him fold up his bag of Ghost Pepper Chex Mix and take it into the kitchen. I just assumed he was throwing it away cause neither one of us really liked how hot it was.

As I grab the lasagna to start cooking it, I asked him when he wanted to put the spices on, and he said during the last 15 minutes. My mind had completely forgotten about the bag he took to the kitchen.

Just now, dad's making a weird sound in the kitchen. I turned around to see him using a Meat Tenderizer on something in a bowl. He pauses like his hand has been caught in the cookie jar.

I asked him what he was doing. He replied in an "uh-oh. I've been caught" voice: I'm mixing spices.

Suddenly, everything became clear, and I'm like "Oh, no you didn't. No."

With a huge smile on his face, he says in a childish "neener-neener" tone: "Too late. You done said that I could do it, so I'm doing it."

Take More Care
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My Brother: *using a Whisk Broom to "brush" my hair.
Me: You do realize that has a lot of drywall/sawdust particles and other dirt and grime in it.
Josh: Chefs always season their food. I'm like a hairdresser.
Me: How so?
Josh: I'm styling your hair with the dirt. You should take more care in your appearance.

Never Reveal
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I've done something horrible. Never reveal to your sibling leverage against their parent(s). Not sure if he forgot, or never had the chance to see it himself....But he now knows how badly cotton balls freak mom out. She's not too happy with me at the moment. My brother, on the other hand, is highly amused and plotting all sorts of mischief.

Grayskull and Dad
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Grayskull's laying all cute on the floor, but the position he's in makes him look like Loki. Pretty sure it was Grayskull, though, so I called his name. He twitched his ear, turned to look at me, and returned to his nap.

And I'm just like: "Oh! So you DO know your name."

Dad: Don't remember the actual numbers, but cats understand a lot more words and phrases than dogs do. They just pretend they don't.

Me: So you're saying that cats really are plotting to take over the world, but they fake a lack of smarts to make us underestimate them?

Dad: Exactly!

Furby Randomness
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I went into the fridge to find something for lunch, and stumbled across this, courtesy of my brother.
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:17 (16 Days ago)

Title: Game Excitement

2019 Shaymin
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Interactions between Shaymin
1: 39.952
2: 26.146
3: 50,355
4: 1,867
5: 131,232
6: 60,611
7: 131,536
8: 111,257
#9: 110,150
#10: 141,163

30 Days Most Interactions
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Immortalizing this here:
I was #9 in the "Most Interactions in 30 Days" in 2019
on 9-11, 9-12, 9-13, 9-14

Oops! Forgot to check on the 15th, but was out on the 16th!

Oh, hey! Lol! I got back in at 9th place!

I was 8th place on 9-18!

And 10th place on 9-19, 9-20, 9-21, 9-22, 9-23, 9-24!

Out on 9-25!

*Also...I'm really sorry...I know it seems a bit pathetic that I listed off all the dates I was in, but I worked really hard to get in, and honestly didn't think I'd stay in for longer than a day.

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Truth be told...I am honestly surprised that there are no Emveelutions (Emera Eeveelutions).

Course....It's probably hard to come up with a theme that fits all seven. Best I can think of would be seasonal fun.

Like...Each Eeveelution
Dressed up as a different flower to represent Spring
Or holding a unique ornament to represent Winter
Or with a different Beach toy to represent Summer
Or with a different leaf to represent Autumn

Hopefully Spriters could come up with much better ideas and such, and I wouldn't mind if they just came out with ones for different Holidays. Like Santa Glaceon, Spoopy Umbreon, Deep Sea Vaporeon, etc.

In All Four Medal Rallies
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Well this has been a long time :D

Shadow Moltres
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OMG! Caught this Shadow Moltres at Chain 56! Took me 15 Ultra Balls to catch it! I was getting scared that it was going to flee. 25th on site!

Last Bit of Shiny Mega Ponyta Hunt
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By PokéRadar - 3 Minutes and 21 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #956)!
By PokéRadar - 3 Minutes and 21 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A Mega Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #957)!
By PokéRadar - 2 Minutes and 46 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #962)!
By PokéRadar - 2 Minutes and 46 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A Mega Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #963)!

My last 30 Eggs from my Shiny Mega Ponyta Hunt, lasting from December 1st, 2019 to January 4th, 2020

#1049 Shiny
#1050 Mega
#1055 Shiny Mega
#1067 Mega
#1071 Shiny

Shadow Entei and Shadow Ho-oh
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On February 9th, I got TWO Shadow Legendaries from the Radar.
7th On Site Shadow Entei
8th On Site Shadow Ho-oh

Entei is my favorite Johto Legendary, and my first Shadow Legendary of that Region. Ho-oh is my second Shadow Legendary from Johto.

First Place Beauty Contest
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Solgaleo took 7th place in the Beauty Contest. I'm beyond ecstatic at this. Never had a top 20 before. ^.^

Shadow Raikou
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Finally caught the annoying Shadow Raikou.
Also note that this is the FIRST time a Shadow has fled from me, and it chose to do it THREE TIMES!

The Shadow Raikou fled...
Continue hunt
You found 6 in a row so far!

The chain broke at 8 due to misjudging distance

The Shadow Raikou fled...
Continue hunt
You found 61 in a row so far!

The chain broke due to not remembering where I left off

The Shadow Raikou fled...
Continue hunt
You found 120 in a row so far!

The Shadow Raikou has been caught successfully!
Finish hunt
You found 130 in a row so far!

Two MA Bug Hatching Heracross

Unique Tracker
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x81 x10 x3 x4 x1 x1 x2 x56
x01 x01 x0 x0 x0 x0 x0 x01

Normal Retro:
x7 x10 x4
Shiny Retro:
x0 x00 x0

Some Random Notes
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Earliest First Shiny: 36 Applin, 2 Kricketot
Latest First Shiny: 129 Komala
Longest Time Between Shinies: 173 Ponyta (Galarian)
Earliest Event Pass Shiny: 66 Scattercube
Latest Event Pass Shiny: 190 Chocoluv
Earliest Shiny Mega: 56 Magikarp
Latest Shiny Mega: 1453 Absol

Pokemon Eclipse
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Joined a game called Pokemon Eclipse. FireWolf1117 there. Still getting the hang of things, BUT

I did let a Shiny Breloom get away because I didn't know how to change to Pokeballs. I just attacked it, fainted it, and then assumed the option to throw a pokeball would be given. Didn't realize I'd have to select it.

Oh well. Got these two! The Miltank was a 1 in like 405 chance. And the Dunsparce was a 1 in 11000 chance.


Higher or Lower
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My new number was 10 - so it was higher than 7! You made it to round 33. You won 344000 Game Chips - congratulations!

Oh, wow! So close to getting in Top 10! But at least I made everything back that I lost in the last half hour. That's all the H-o-L for now.

Beat my previous record by 10!
63. Wildfyre 33
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:19 (16 Days ago)

Title: Harvest Sprite/Mewton Progress

You can find all your stats here
50k times ✓
500k times ✓
So Far: 2,009,314

1000 Pairs ✓
20k Pairs ✗
So Far: 995 Pairs

Golden Slots
5000 Golden Game Chips ✓
50k Golden Game Chips ✓
So Far: 655,440 GGC Spent
Normal Shiny
100 Words ✓
1000 Words ✗
So Far: 374 Solved

Higher or Lower
1000 times ✓
5000 times ✗
So Far: 8,262 Correct Guesses

10k Tickets in total ✓
200k Tickets in total ✗
So Far: 10,019 tickets Bought

Treasure Hunt
500 times ✓
5000 times ✓
So Far: 16,203 Boxes Opened

1,000 Lab Adopts ✓
50,000 Lab Adopts ✓
So Far: 112,318 Lab Adopts

250 Grass Adopts ✓
7,500 Grass Adopts ✗
So Far: 1,024 Grass Adopts

250 Dishes Cooked ✓
10,000 Dishes Cooked ✗
So Far: 2,583 Dishes Cooked
500,000 Interactions Made ✓
10,000,000 Interactions Made ✓
So Far: 12,784,636 Interactions Made

25 Honey Tree Caught ✓
500 Honey Tree Caught ✓
So Far: 731 Honey Tree Caught

250 Beach Caught ✓
10,000 Beach Caught ✗
So Far: 1,889 Beach Caught
Harvest 1 L50 Berry ✓
Make 10 Different L100 Berries ✗
So far: 1, 1

Hatch other 7 Sprites
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:19 (16 Days ago)

Title: Insights


Always the outsider
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I've been around mental and emotional abuse all my life. Mostly from family members who couldn't tolerate me, and occasionally from friends who became enemies. I KNOW my past experiences aren't excuses for my current behavior. I KNOW that my whining and sobbing is moot if I don't have the courage to do anything about it. But I've always found it sickening to not only kick someone when they're down but to do so when they're struggling to pick themselves back up.

No matter what site I'm on, whenever I get comfortable enough to speak up, I get reamed for something or other. Most of it seems to stem from my words being misinterpreted. Very rarely have I actually deserved it. Which is why I believe I do need to change. I've been doing great at knowing how, when, and where to speak. I just need to learn how to not allow what others say or do to affect me, especially when I know it wasn't intentional on my part. The most important thing I need to do is to stop the subtle throwouts designed just to be a jerk.

I made it to 30!
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Just want to say that I can't believe I'm now 30. I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far. For years, (2008-2014), mom struggled to even pay rent of $400 a month. We lived with the constant fear of being kicked to the streets. We moved five times during those years. One time, we were just a day away from being homeless. And yet, I still don't believe in God or miracles.

At one point, my mom and brother were living with our cousins. I'd been kicked out due to my intolerance of the way the woman treated us and her kids. I didn't work, and though my mom tried to pay for a place that was a mile away, she also still had to pay for her own rent.

For an entire month, I ate nothing but peanut butter, raisins, and other such foods. My "place" was an RV that wasn't fully running. I had no water and no heat. Thankfully had electricity. Close to the end of that month, I almost gave up on life. I had a plan.

Knowing my late friend was watching me...Knowing that she wouldn't approve. Knowing that I still had a chance if I was brave enough. All of that gave me courage. And that's why every day, you should remind yourself of the people and things that matter most to you. Because, perhaps those memories will be able to pull you back if you find yourself all alone.

Finally, thanks to an excessive amount of begging from mom and resentful promises from me, I was allowed to come back. But things still weren't good. I still suffered emotionally and mentally at the hands of our cousin. A week later, an online roleplay friend who I'd come to love like a sister suddenly passed away. A week after that, mom said some things to me I will never forget.

It was then that I reached out to my dad, who I hadn't seen in 21 years. Who I'd heard so much hateful lies and rumors about. He was more than willing to take me in. A week after that, I had a plane ticket to Seattle. It was my first flight, and I was super scared. Everything I owned fit into TWO duffel bags and a carry-on. And I've come so far since that moment. I honestly don't know where I'd be right now if I hadn't taken that leap of faith. I'm also so very grateful that dad said yes to me coming up here. I know firsthand the darkness of hopelessness. I know how difficult it is to gain the energy to fight.

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Saw someone's end of the year post, and just...It hit me hard.

I choose to hold onto the good in people, even when they don't deserve it. I consistently tried to go back to those failed, toxic "friendships". I did this for 21 years of my life. And it did indeed get harder and harder to say "no". I made up justifications and excuses for the other person. Found reasons to blame myself and say that I deserved it, even when I definitely did NOT.

I'm so very thankful that I finally learned the hard way this year from three ended friendships on Facebook, real life family drama, and several other instances that ME and MY mental health and wellbeing are the priority. Do NOT stay in situations and relationships that are harmful and toxic. Not even to wait for revenge. The only one you're harming is yourself. The best revenge is to smile, do nothing, and move on. It's hard, but YOU WIN!

I've been through so much this year. At first, I chose to let it make me bitter. But, as I sit back and reflect, SO MUCH good came from it. I learned a lot about myself. Saw the true colors in people I thought were my friends. Began to fight my Anxiety and Depression. Started writing more. And so many other positives.

Five years ago, I was a monster. And I saw myself becoming that person again. So I'm very thankful for the eye-openers I got this year. I'm also very glad that I chose not to hurt back. Especially one person recently. You never know what someone else is going through. You never know if your words or actions will be their final straw. NEVER let your pain and anger dictate your life. Don't become like me. Don't become a monster.

From now on, I'm surrounding myself with positive people and situations. I'll do my best to leave toxic friendships sooner rather than later. That will be more difficult than it sounds, because I also have a tendency to overreact. So I need to make sure that they gave me a strong, VALID reason to leave.

I'm moving on. Not only from this year, but from the desire to explain myself to people who don't understand me. To people who wouldn't believe me even if I went blue in the face. I'm letting go of my anger and hate. Not because I'm admitting defeat, but because it's simply not worth it. I'm done dwelling on what I *should have* said or done. I can't change the past or take things back. The only thing I can do is become better.

Here's to an amazing new year! ^.^
And if anyone would like to send me into the new year with positivity, feel free to drop an anon message on my Secret Whisper

I need Therapy?
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Been thinking a lot lately, and I feel like I should set aside some time to meditate or find someone to speak to. I had this same problem four years ago when my first internet love tore my heart out and then denied our relationship. For two whole years, I was a mess. I didn't understand how I messed up. I felt like I was unworthy of love. People continuously told me that there was nothing wrong with me. He was a mental/emotional manipulator/abuser. To this day, I still don't quite understand the situation. I know it wasn't me, but it's so very hard to heal.

Why do I bring this up? Both then and now, I had nobody really to talk to about the situation. At least, nobody who could fully understand my mental, logic, and thought processes, and that could make valid arguments that I could comprehend. Everything since August, both in-game, and in real life haven't been properly processed yet. And I think that's why I keep stupidly bringing up stuff about it. I'm just super scared that the therapist (or whoever I speak to), will find and outright call my reactions childish. Like...I kind of know I'm building Mount Everest from an anthill, but...Everyone sets off and processes things in different ways.

I mean, yeah. I fully know and understand that people like that don't care what I say or do. That they're hurting and want others to hurt, too. I know all the lines about ignoring narcissists, bullies, and abusers. I just...Can't figure out why it's so difficult for me to come to terms with these things. It really hurts having to heal on my own. To feel so alone and misunderstood. Hopefully, one day soon, I can find the person(s) who speak the language of my soul. I don't hold out hope for it, though. So, I guess..

Here I go again on my own. Going down the only road I've ever known.

Next Day:
When I first came to live with dad, we would have nightly conversations before going to bed. No clue what happened, but after like four months, we kind of stopped. Well, last night, we wound up having a very therapeutic discussion that lasted an hour. I'd brought up wanting to go to therapy and/or finding someone to talk to. My reasoning was that, because I can't seem to move past things, that I needed to get to the root of WHY. Upon being told that real therapy could take years to have an impact on my mental state, I simply discussed it with him. We talked about my earlier years, and pretty much came to conclusions I already knew.

I spent 24 years of my life hearing from everyone how worthless I was. How I'd never amount to anything. That I was unworthy of love. That I was nothing but a problem. When you're repeatedly told something by a person/people, you start to believe it. Once you accept their words, it's tremendously difficult to even consider the possibility that they are wrong.

From this moment on, every time I begin to have dark, self-loathing, negative thoughts, I'm going to remind myself of the following. For the longest time, I've allowed every negative thing to happen to me to make me bitter. No more! I'm taking back my power! Step by step, day by day, I WILL become the person I was meant to be. This weak little pup has had enough! Time to become a full-fledged wolf!

Be my beautiful self!
My tribe will find me!
Bullies will be haters!
NEVER chase approval!
Only MY opinion matters!
Prove the naysayers wrong!

Letting Go eases all pain
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Came across this post: "If you grow and change and get better? Great! I dont care! I am not obligated to care! What you did hurt me and could even still be hurting me to this day! The memory of harm can still harm!"

If I feel you've changed, I'm more than willing to give another chance. But I no longer allow people to manipulate me. Which is probably why so many people support the one and done logic. Much easier to be hurt once, than to risk more pain. Heh. Perhaps I should follow that logic, too.

Four years back, I got involved with some drama between two groups of friends. Wound up saying and doing things that lost people on both sides. Only one of them is friends with me again, but he barely even speaks with me. The others still have me blocked.

For the longest time, I've wanted to show them how much I've grown and changed. I wanted them to look at me with pride. The more time that goes by, the more upset I get that they don't wish to speak with me. Sometimes, I feel like "Dude. It's been four years. You should be over it by now." But I also know that everyone heals at their own speed. And some of what was said and done is kind of unforgivable.

That post made me realize I've been trying so hard to make up for what I said and did. Dad and others have told me not to dwell on it. Even said that those people don't care and will never care. I've always been one to look for the good in people, so I kind of held out hope that there was a chance for forgiveness. But yeah. I guess the best thing for me to do--and one of the hardest for me to accept--is to allow people I've hurt to make the move. They may never be ready to. But at least I'm not hurting them by constantly reminding them of something they're trying to forget.

Taking More Chances
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Sometimes I stumble across profiles, journals, posts, etc that I really like or can relate to. And despite the fact I still don't always have the courage to be the first to send a random message, I think it's immense progress that I send a friend request.

Because it shows that I'm no longer listening to that horrible internal voice that tells me not to bother. Who whispers in my ear that everyone is out to get me, and that, no matter what, everyone's end goal is to destroy me.

You can't live life in constant fear of the what-ifs. Especially ones based on past experiences. And you definitely can't keep judging all future friendships by what's happened to you in the past. You gotta take the plunge and experience things. You never know what your hesitation can cause you to miss out on. And I'd rather live life with as few regrets as possible. ^.^

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When I turned 16, I made all sorts of excuses as to why I couldn't do this or that. They were all somewhat justified, but regardless. Through my own actions of inaction, I set myself back. Truthfully, I'm still preventing myself from being as successful as I could be. What's my point with all this? A few months back, I made a post that came across as stereotypical, cruel, and heartless. But what I meant was:

The only person truly stopping you from achieving your dreams is YOU. Yes. The environment you grow up in and the number of opportunities it provides do have a great impact on your ability to push yourself. But if you truly desire something, you'll overcome all obstacles that are thrown in your way. I mean, look at all the stories about people who came from opportunity-lacking backgrounds. The majority of people choose to settle for what they have because they don't have the time or desire to actually become better. But if you push, struggle, and fight your way through things, even the most stubborn of dreams can become accomplished.

You can't complain about your lot in life if you do little to nothing to change things. And you definitely shouldn't place blame on others for your own failings. Stop waiting for things to change. BE the change! It won't be long until you see your life begin to improve. In hindsight, I do see how that doesn't quite apply to the original post because it's not always just a simple case of "try harder". But that doesn't take away the fact that my intention behind the post was pure.
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:19 (16 Days ago)

Title: Mod Material

-Believer in "actions have consequences". I have reported friends, enemies, and strangers for rule-breaking I have seen. Would dole out the same justice to friends, enemies, and neutrals.

-Highly knowledgeable about the game, so I can answer various questions

-I have anxiety and depression, but I won't let my personal problems interfere with professional decisions. I am 90% capable of doing the job without being overwhelmed, and I know to back off on days of 10%.

-Understand that personal beliefs, opinions, religion, morality, etc., should not interfere with decision-making. I also understand that all my actions and words would, by extension, represent the site, so I would act as maturely and professionally as possible.

-Very active in the community due to having an on-call job. So I'm online from 14 to 15 to 5/6 server time and could handle many things very quickly.

-Will make posts informing the community of major issues being dealt with, or respond with "looking into" or "resolved" things. All without going into any more detail than is necessary to ease the user base's minds.
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:20 (16 Days ago)

Title: Random Facts

Dizzy Looking Up
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Many people get dizzy or nauseous when looking at the ground from a height. I actually get dizzy looking UP at a blue sky. I feel like I'm falling. Yet, I have no problem looking at the night sky.

Free Time
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My dad is a Property Manager/Handyman, which makes him on-call 24-7. My job is learning to take over the business from him, so we usually have a lot of free time. The last two years, however, we've been putting a lot of energy into fixing up our house, a rented house, and our Apartment Complex. Dad's not able to work very long in the heat, but he tries to manage two hours a day, except on days that are over 90. It's slow going, but we're getting things done.

Growing Up Labelled
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From ages 3 to 24, my mom and I lived in really poor and dangerous towns. My brother was born when I was 14, so he only experienced it for 10 years. These towns (New London, Delft, Sultana, Pixley, and Seville) were full of gangs, grafitti, regular gunshots, cop sirens every day, etc. Because of where we lived, my brother and I were immediately labelled as problematic troublemakers who wouldn't amount to anything, and, for the most part, we were treated with contempt by others. My brother got along much better than I did, due to him not having my ADHD. To add to the fire, my mom, though working full time, could barely provide for us. Our clothing came from Good Will, and pretty much everything we owned was as cheap as possible while still being functional. So we were looked down upon for being poor riffraff.

My mom's choice of friends has always been...questionable. Based on where we lived, never a day went by where I didn't fear her choices would cause problems for us. One day, due to my psychotic aunt spreading lies about us, we were given the ultimatum to leave. We didn't really think anything of it, cause the people who said it were all bark and no bite. So, imagine our surprise when, a week later, while we were standing outside, we were shot at in a driveby. Thankfully, nobody was hurt, but we were gone within two days.

Unfortunately, I despise this day with all my heart. Cause this is the day where, during the rush to leave, I left behind my stuffed animal that I'd owned for 12 years, and my backpack full of notebooks and graphbooks from the previous five years of writing. Still, as painful as that was, I'm very glad that part of my life is behind me. It's a wonderful feeling to know you're safe from harm. It's a feeling everyone should know.

I Can't Drive
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From the moment I turned 16, I looked forward to getting my Driver's License like every other teen. It didn't take me long to realize that I could never do so.

First. The motions of a car are so soothing to me, I tend to fall asleep on half hour trips.

Second. I daydream or otherwise daze out for minutes at a time, not hearing or seeing anything going on around me.

Third. I lack Distance Perception.

Fourth. Both parents have Night Blindness, so it's a high chance I do as well. And I lack the mentality and perception to properly compensate for it.

List of Problems
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I really feel like I should get tested, as I know I have some form of Social Disorder.

Was diagnosed with ADHD when 3, but had a few doctors tell me that it was not possible to diagnose a child with ANY Disorder. Something along the lines of "Most children are naturally hyper and inattentive, so it's impossible to properly come up with a diagnosis". Which is a major reason I'm considering getting a series of tests to get on the proper Medications.

I can only make eye contact for extended periods of time with people I trust. Otherwise, I feel like they're staring into my soul and silently judging me. This may have something to do with a family member telling me when I was really young that they could read my thoughts and see how I felt by looking into my eyes. HOWEVER, I've noticed that this has changed, and I can now meet people's eyes for long periods of time.

I don't like to speak to people. CAN have conversations with strangers if they put me at ease. HATE speaking on the phone cause my voice makes me sound like a 7 year old who hasn't learned to properly speak. My fault for that for refusing to go to Speech Therapy when younger.

People with Happy-Go-Lucky Attitudes/Random Mood Swings make me uncomfortable. Knowing the person well just allows me to tolerate it for a bit longer before I'm so anxious I want to leave.

I'm uncomfortable around people I can tell have a Disorder because I don't know their triggers. And I hate not having to walk on eggshells because I don't want to unintentionally offend someone. I've actually never had the opportunity to get to know anyone like that well enough to feel comfortable.

The "What Would You Do?" tests for Walmart Applications are a clear example of why Jobs are limited for me. Apparently I handle situations differently than most people would. My own Mood Swings and Temper would get me into so much trouble.

Despite the fact I am vocal sometimes, I actually HATE confrontation. It really sets off my Anxiety. Comes from mental and physical abuse from family and friends-of-the-family in my younger years when I lived down in California. My mom and brother were never physical, but boy, could they make me feel worthless.

Loud or random noises easily startle me. I HATE July 4th and New Years because of that. Even though I expect the noises, I still spend the night wrapped in a blanket, shivering and jumping at each noise. Sometimes, dad randomly beginning to speak makes me jump. When he first discovered this, he had fun for at least a week scaring me.

When people compliment or are otherwise nice to me, it puts me on edge. I've been hurt and betrayed so much in my life that it's much more easier to deal with being hurt and feeling that I'm worthless than it is to accept genuine love and support. Tis why I find it so difficult to call someone my friend.

I've always been a loner. Though, I don't know if that's because I don't like being around people, or the fact that nobody ever wanted to be around me. Regardless, one of my worst fears is that the people I love the most will turn their backs on me for the smallest of reasons.

If there was a contest for best Procrastinator or Easiest Distracted Person, I'm sure I would get first place in those. I've always had a horrible habit of putting things off until the last moment. I got one sentence written in Angel of the Shadows today before I got distracted doing other, lesser important things. Prioritizing is also not a strong point. Neither is Memory. I can forget what I'm doing AS I get up to do it. And it doesn't matter if it was something I was doing for me, or someone else.

There are a few other things off about me, but it's 10:30, and this is all I can think of offhand. If you've had one of these issues, and managed to overcome it...I'd love to hear your advice! Good night, everyone! ^.^

My Dad and I
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I live with my biological dad, Bishop. Yeah. I know what you're thinking. 30 years old and still living with "daddy". Well. I lived with my mother in California from ages 3-23. I saw him once when I was 6, but that was it. I flew to Washington to live with him on 10-03-14, and have enjoyed catching up on missed time.

Night Terrors
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At least, that's what I think goes on. See...I've always had problems sleeping, ever since I was a little child. I'd wake up 5+ times during the night, quite often in a panic. I remember a few occasions where I actually screamed upon awakening.

Most of the time, I don't remember the nightmare. Rarely, I do remember the nightmare. And sometimes, it's so bad that I have to sit and cry for a while because every time I close my eyes, I see the part of the nightmare that scared me. The rest of the night is horrible for me then. During these times, I'm not likely to get back to sleep for a while.

Premonitive Nightmares
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There's a weird thing I first noticed about myself around the age of 13 or so.

Most of my living situations throughout my life were poor and horrible. Mom struggled to pay the bills and support me and my brother. Gifts we got for Christmas/Birthdays, we usually had to sell within a year. We usually lived with someone because we couldn't afford to live on our own. This consisted of family members and twice, strangers. Needless to say, I didn't get along well with anyone. Even mom and my brother. Mostly over behavior, because I wouldn't tolerate people being rude/lying to us or taking advantage of us. Even if they were family.

I began to have nightmares on occasion. These were so overwhelming realistic and fear-instilling. Content? Me getting into a really bad argument wtih someone. One coming close to blows. Within three days, it happened in real life. Usually with the person from my dream. This has continued throughout my life.

Now, I don't know if it's because I have an ability to sense tension and feel when things are close to boiling over between me and others. Or, if each time I have a nightmare, it creates a psychosomatic effect that makes me expect and believe something will happen, so, like Anakin, my preventative actions only ensure the act happening. Either way, the entire situation is uncanny.

Sleeping Alone
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I've always had an illogical and irrational fear of sleeping alone. Which is why I've always slept in the same room as my mom or dad.

I think it was because every house we lived in had mice, and so I wound up terrified of being eaten by them or having one crawl into my mouth and start chewing on my tongue or throat.

I also believed in Ghosts and Demons back then, and a lot of the places we lived were in bad areas of town because it was the cheapest rent Mom could afford. So I also got scared of Demonic Possessions or Poltergeists.

As I got older, I was able to watch things like Monsters Inside Me, Taken, and I Spit on Your Grave, and it only further increased my paranoia.

On 15/Sept/2020, I decided I was too old for these foolish beliefs anymore, and so I took one of the scariest steps in my life and began sleeping in my own room. Even so, there are still several times a month, when either depression is too overwhelming or my paranoia won't leave me alone, that I'll bring out the cot and sleep in dad's room.

Replying Roleplay/Otherkin Style
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It doesn't happen often, but there are times when I can't think of a way to respond to someone, so I do something like *huggles* or *waves shyly*. Another example would be like "*cannot find the words to say in response, so stares at you for a while before holding out her hand* and then saying something".

Sometimes, you'll see me posting or replying as a wolf or cat. Things like *wags tail*, *flicks ears*, or pretending the human part of me bopped the wolf/cat part of me on the head. I believe in the existence of Otherkin, even though I don't believe I myself am one. For the most part, I do this because I find it cute. Though, between you and me, I do desperately wish I was a human/wolf/cat hybrid.

Terrified of Ants
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When I was really young, about ten or so, I was playing hide-and-seek. I chose to hide under my grandpa's car. Huge mistake. I was underneath for about fifteen seconds before I felt hundreds of ants crawling on me. Within two seconds, I was out, screaming and crying. My mom grabbed the hose and squirted me down. It took five minutes to get all the ants off me. I'm 30 now, and have been terrified of them ever since that day.

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I have never been:
On a roller coaster, a water ride, or on a ride called--I think, the Hammer?--Where you get spun in a 360 circle that hovers you upside down in midair for a few seconds. I have also never been camping, to a Comic-Con, rafting, or on a zip line. All are things I REALLY want to do, too.

I can't:
blow bubbles with gum, swim, ride a bike, or drive

My strange fears are:
Complete darkness mixed with absolute silence, spiders (except tarantulas), looking up at the sky (makes me dizzy, except at night), and being left alone in the house for any period of time (even worse is when I wake up to an empty house)

My loves are:
Reading, writing, drawing, wolves, images of outer space, fire, and furry art.

Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:25 (16 Days ago)

Title: Shiny Mega Hunt Tracker

My Shiny Megas
#56 #1453 #1055 #792 #211 #001 #561 #477 #125 #259

Mega List

Absol - #1453
Autumn Alakazam
Autumn Ampharos
Beedrill - #211
Charizard X
Charizard Y
Crobat - #477
Crystal Aggron
Easter Lopunny
Festival Gardevoir
Flygon - #561
Galarian Rapidash - #792
Galarian Slowbro
Gyarados - #56
Lord Salamence
Luxray - #125
Mecha Tyranitar
Mewtwo X
Mewtwo Y
Mr. Mime
Rapidash - #1055
Robin Blaze
Sala de Menci
Sharpedo - #259
Spring Ampharos
Summer Ampharos
Winter Ampharos
Winter Camerupt
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:26 (16 Days ago)

Title: Specials

First on Site

Strongest Solgaleo

Vivillon Pride

Shiny Legendaries

Shiny Vivillon

#??? #??? #159 #??? #???

#091 #043 #081 #111 #???

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Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:26 (16 Days ago)

Title: Stories by my Brother

My Brother, aka "The Ding-Dong Ditch Writer", strikes again by writing passages in my open project.

Cannibalistic Gnomes
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In the unlikely event a garden Gnome develops cannibalistic tendencies, the correct measures to be taken are in the following, of which must be done in proper order lest all be abandoned to utter bloodshed, savagery, and chaos.

Step one, offer said Gnome a single chocolate and raisin cookie. The dough must also be infused with poison dart frogs’ venom, as this is an aphrodisiac to Gnomes, and as a general rule of thumb gnomes greatly enjoy chocolate and dried fruits.

Step two, whilst the Gnome is under an intense euphoric coma due to the cookie, you must perform the An’ud Luk ritual, which will open a rather small but perfectly gnome sized portal to the deepest recesses of hell.

Once said portal is opened, you must chuck the Gnome in question into it, in which case two things may happen, depending on how accurately you followed the first two steps. One, the gnome will be sucked into the fiery oblivion you opened passage to and the problem will have been solved, or, if you are unlucky, the Gnome will awaken before you throw it into the portal, in which case it will rip you limb from limb and eat your soul, damning you to eternal torment the likes of which will make hell seem like a summer retreat. Good luck.

– The Witchdoctor’s Bestiary, A guide on unnatural creatures and methods to monitor, contain, or dispose of them.

The Bread Life (Warning: Somewhat Disturbing Read)
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Have you ever thought about what special kind of hell it would be if you had been born a slice of bread?

Think about it for a second. You’re lying there, all soft and vulnerable with the rest of your bread family, right? And there’s more bread families of different colors, textures, some made with fruits, etc.

Then one day, some lady with her spawn happen to walk down your aisle, your home, and begin to pick whole families up by their bags to inspect them. And the mini human begins to pick up random bags full of unsuspecting families and slams them down, crushing those unlucky ones that fate had chosen to satiate this creature’s sick craving for destruction and chaos.

And all you can do is pray to whatever god you think will help you and watch as its birth giver comes closer and closer to your family. Imagine the horror of being suspended in air by a human’s grubby, filthy, slimy, unwashed hands; only to not be put back where you belong on the shelf you’ve known most of your life but instead into her infernal basket alongside other miserable half dead she decided to cull from the herd from other aisles.

You’re then carted around the store, whilst the rest of the store’s inhabitants look on with pity while thanking their lucky stars they aren’t you, but knowing full well that they will one day share the same cruel fate.

Once this evil sow and her spawn have decided whom they wish to kill for that evening, you are carted to the checkout where you relish a temporary relief as the pressure of a large fruit is lifted off of you only to find that some of your family didn’t survive the short journey from the shelf to here.

You remember back to when you were chosen and remember the smaller human destroying families before they even got chosen. The members of your family that didn’t survive the journey would be the lucky ones, compared to the brutal unrelenting hell that you would experience later that night.

The drive is long and silent. You and your family share the same existential dread, because you know what’s coming, and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

Once you reach the devil’s residence you will be carried inside a cramped bag with the other poor beings they chose beside you. Upon entry you’re carried into the pantry where you will await your fate in darkness, not knowing the date of your execution.

Time has no meaning. Over the course of what you presume is several days, more and more of your family members are taken in groups of two or three and never return. Soon it’s just you and the last two remaining members of your family, and the pantry door opens as a familiar greasy hand reaches out and pulls all of you out.

You’re laid on a table, made of cold granite. The walls and shelving were painted in whites and dull grays, with little sunlight managing its way through the small windows that seemingly serve no function other than to be aesthetically pleasing while failing entirely at even that. Despite that, you focus on those small rays of light, seeking any small peace of mind before you are erased from this world.

You hear the footsteps. Before you can react however the bag is torn open and the last two people you cared about in this world are spirited away. Then the screaming starts, and the smell of bread being toasted fills the air. For all your bravado about accepting your fate with a smile and no fear in your heart, you can’t help but thank whatever higher power you believe in that it was them and not you.

That gratitude is short lived however, as the hand comes back in and grabs you, lifting you by the top of your head. The pain is unimaginable. Your heart feels like it’s going to explode. You look into the eyes of this mad being who killed your entire family, hatred and fear in equal measure fill every cell of your body, then you hear a clanging sound and then suddenly you feel weightless. You fall into a pit. Inside are the mangled corpses of other foods, and some are your own family. Or what’s left of them.

You finally snap, screaming and laughing. Your broken mind is unable to grasp just what kind of hell you’ve been dropped into and it is here that you wait in darkness. The only reason you’re still alive is because they didn’t like end pieces.

At some point you started to mold, the juices from the fruit corpses ravaged your body, causing some of it to fall apart. The pain is agonizing and all you can do is wish for death that always seems to be just out of your grasp. And it’s here you stay for the rest of your days, neither alive or dead, in pain. And there’s nothing you can do about it. You curse the god that resigned you to this fate.

So yeah, being born bread would really suck.
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:26 (16 Days ago)

Title: Suggestion and Bug Master Post

The following is a list of Bugs and Suggestions that have existed for the entire time I've been on this site. At the bottom, you will find a list of Implemented. Currently, there is only one linked, but if I remember correctly, only about four others I originally had on the list were finally implemented in 2023.

Bug Reports:
-Beauty Contest Background Error: Bug Report
-Lab Refresh Error: Bug Report, Bug Report
-Medal Rally Reset Issue: Bug Report

-Change Vote Option: Suggestion
-Failed to Obtain Egg. Party is Full: Suggestion
-GTS Trade Limit to prevent spam: Suggestion
-Higher or Lower Memory: Suggestion
-Honey Tree Bonuses: Suggestion
-Lower Ditto, Kanto Trio Cost: Suggestion
-More Custom Panels: Suggestion
-Move Block Button: Suggestion
-Multi Friend/Unfriend: Suggestion
-Poll Results without Voting: Suggestion
-Safari Zone Increased Encounter Odds: Suggestion
-Safari Zone Increased Hold Limit: Suggestion
-Safari Zone Shiny Display: Suggestion
-Search for Plushies: Suggestion
-Shadow Radar Memory: Suggestion
-Shop Owners Ban/Warn Option: Suggestion
-Shiny in Normal WT Verification: Suggestion
-Written Forum Post Section: Suggestion

Major Issues

-Event Distribution. This is almost always the same method. Though people continue to participate, they have repeatedly mentioned how tired they are of doing the same thing again and again. Granted, this is a click-based game. And granted, it is the person's choice on how much to click. But when you make it to where someone MUST do 100k Interactions a day for 1-2 encounters of an Interaction Event Poke, or where they feel the need to lose out on sleep or damage their hands just to get that 7th event egg before time runs out, then you have a problem.
There's actually a second part to this, and that is to cycle back and forth between Beach, Garden, Retro Radar, Maps, Honey Tree, Game Center, Event Distribution, etc. The more variety you have, the better.

-Event Shop. The first problem with this is that it is too expensive for lower-activity players. Most of these events sell for 5-25kPD, and the prices for Event Passes should reflect that. This would not only make it easier for newer/lower-activity players to get missing Events but make it slightly cheaper on Shiny Mega Event Hunters, some of which put in $1000 for a single Shiny Mega, which is crazy expensive when it's only going to sell for about 500-3k Nuggets.
The second problem is that there are not enough ways to acquire Event Points. Well, there kind of is, but I'm only at 8,569 in 7 years. The only ways I've acquired them are Boxes, Treasure Chests, and Community Events.

-Flute Expiration Reminder. There is a reminder to place more funds in Daycare, and that Premium is about to expire. However, there is no notice for Party and Daycare Flute or Mega Cuff expiration. Can't tell you how many times I've gone into an x3 day or an SCS expecting to hatch a heckton of eggs, only to realize halfway through that my Party Flute was off.

-Friend List Feeds are still visible to the Public by going to the person's profile.

-Higher Egg and Shiny Encounter chance from Rumbles. I went 45 days before I got a Spiky-Eared Pichu egg from Yellow Forest. My map level is 80+. I should have increased odds for everything, but there doesn't seem to be a reward for dedication, time, and energy. How can you expect people to keep doing something when they don't feel it's worth it?

-Lower the cost of Egg Box/Storage Box Upgrades by 10-25%. This is yet another thing that will deter newer/low-activity players. Yes, things should be hard, nobody is disputing that. But this, like so many other things in this game, feel designed to punish those who can't put as much time or money into the game.

-Milcery Wheel Reminder. Treasure Hunt has a reminder. All games should have one. In regards to the Milcery Wheel, the time to play should also be cut down to 3 hours. Maybe you could even down it to half an hour, but make it like a 1/3 chance to succeed or something. People need to obtain 65 Normals and Shinies. Having it at 6 hours, even 3, would mean taking a long, long time to acquire all as their OT.

-Shiny Wonder Trade Glitch Fix. This is something I posted in Bugs at least three times. Existed for at least seven years. Not the only one it's happened to, but doesn't seem to happen often or most people just don't notice.
The glitch is as follows.
I put five Shiny in Shiny Wonder Trade
Shiny Wonder Trade Happens
I look in my first box
I only have four Shiny
I look at History
Five of my Pokemon went to another person
FOUR Pokemon came to me
The fifth Pokemon is still in the original owner's box
I had this happen at least fifteen times. It's a major reason I stopped doing SWT for so long.
I've not had a problem with it yet, but this will remain here until I'm certain it's been fixed.

Quality of Life

-Click Event "So Far" Encounter, where the Event Page shows us Plushies This Event: XX Current Shiny Chance: XX.XX%, this way we don't have to manually count the Plushies or otherwise keep track each time we want to know how many we have/what our current chance is

-Make the Contact Links Panel hideable (Why should it be there annoying me when I have nothing in it?

-More Food options in Los Seashellos Restaurant. Can cycle through different Menus for different Weathers, Times, Clear/Thunder, etc

-More Seeder options in Berry Garden

-Visible Personal Rank in Strongest Pokemon. I'm placing this one in QoL, as it's just something I want so I can see how many more levels my Solgaleo has to be before he makes it in Top Ten.

Minor Issues

-Bug Hatching grounds should get a rework/update with all the new Bugs added to the game.
Rewards for 100+ points should also be better. Shedinja and Larvesta should be the most common.
IF you get Pinsir, Scyther, Heracross, Volbeat, or Illumise, they should ALWAYS be max stats.

-Fixed Goals at Speed Click. If this is being done by the activity of the previous month, you can't really do that. Look at the last month. There was a tremendous amount of activity for the Legend Retros. If you were to set the goals at 200k+ for next month, you'd fall far short. Perhaps you can set the requirement to 100k or 150k each time, and then adjust the x2, x3, and x4 or provide an additional incentive like a random bonus for reaching x4. That bonus can be similar to that of the Fountain, but stronger as it only lasts two hours. Include the Fountain Bonuses during this, but maybe also add increased rare or shiny from Beach, or increased Shiny or Legend encounter from Safari.

-Lower Game Center Shiny Legend Cost: Lower the cost of the Game Center Legends, or at least look into making the other games more valuable or providing new ones because, as it is, Hangman is the most reliable source for Game Chips, but 100M Game Chips for the Legend and Mythic Shiny? Come on! I've never made it past 3M chips, and that was back during the time I was incredibly active in Coinflip, Concentration, and Game Center. There are around 100 Shiny of the Legends, and 50 of Manaphy. Things should be difficult, but again, should never be UNOBTAINABLE BY MOST difficult.

-Permabanned Users auto removed from both Friend Lists (They're permabanned. Why do we need each other as Friends?)

-Plushie Notif Spam

-Removal of Friend List Trades

-Shadow Hoenn and Unova Release, as it's been three years since Johto came out, and a year and a half since the Unown got their Sprites. Seriously, though? Why was that released before it was ready? And why did it take so long to become ready?

-Storage Box does not keep alternate selected background, but every single other box does.

-Working Block System (Has been a problem for at least 7 years, and demanded for at least three years). This is not as complex and undoable as it's being made out to be. You stop the person from sending Plushies and Sky Gifts. You stop the person from seeing feeds or posts made by the Blocker. You stop the person from buying/selling/offering on Pokemon/Items being sold by the Blocker. This will not lag the Index Page, as this is an Interacting game after all, so all Eggs/Pokemon on that page should remain clickable by all. Same with the Lists except for Storage Box Clicklist, as very few people should actually pay attention to who they're clicking, especially during SCS. This will not lag the Feeds, as they will still be visible on the Notification wall, but not on the personal wall because duh, the person is blocked. This will not lag the Battle area, as they would not be able to find the Blocker to request. The only places I foresee this being a problem are Auction House, GTS, and Tall Grass. But those could probably easily be worked around with enough thought.

Not Approved for Discussion:
-Edit History: Suggestion
-Safari Zone Hunt Highlight: Suggestion
-Safari Zone Instant End: Suggestion
-Safari Zone Notices: Suggestion

-Clickable Images in Shiny Radar: Suggestion
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:28 (16 Days ago)

Title: Facebook Quotes

"An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you."

"When faced with senseless drama, spiteful criticisms, and misguided opinions, walking away is the best way to stand up for yourself. To respond with anger is an endorsement of their attitude."

"More than through anger or lust for power, the dark enters through despair. Through the belief that, in the end, there is nothing but pain and sorrow and death, and that nothing we do truly matters." -Luke

"It's easy to look back and question decisions you have made in the past, but it's unfair to punish yourself for them. You can't blame yourself for not knowing back then what you know now, and the truth is you made each decision for a reason, based on how you were feeling at the time. As we grow up we learn and we evolve. Maybe the person you are now would have done things differently back then, or maybe you are the person you are now, because of the decisions you made back then. Trust your journey, it's all going to make sense soon."

"My signature move is to bottle up feelings over time and then combust over some small issue and get accused of being a psycho"

"Just because you did something wrong in the past doesn't mean you can't advocate against it now. It doesn't make you a hypocrite. You grew. Don't let people use your past to invalidate your current mindset."

"You are without a doubt, the worst writer I've ever heard of."
"But you have heard of me?"
Jack Sparrow Funny

"It's easy to look back and question decisions you have made in the past, but it's unfair to punish yourself for them. You can't blame yourself for not knowing back then what you know now, and the truth is you made each decision for a reason, based on how you were feeling at the time. As we grow up we learn and we evolve. Maybe the person you are now would have done things differently back then, or maybe you are the person you are now, because of the decisions you made back then. Trust your journey, it's all going to make sense soon."

"Just because you did something wrong in the past doesn't mean you can't advocate against it now. It doesn't make you a hypocrite. You grew. Don't let people use your past to invalidate your current mindset."

"If you want to forget someone or something, never hate it or them. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart. If you want to let go of something...If you want to forget...You can not hate."

"The more chances you give someone, the less respect they'll start to have for you. They'll begin to ignore the standards that you've set because they'll know another chance will always be given. They're not afraid to lose you because they know no matter what you won't walk away. They get comfortable with depending on your forgiveness. Never let a person get comfortable disrespecting you."

"When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of your life, may your heart soar like an eagle."

"Everyone in life is going to hurt you. You just have to figure out which people are worth the pain."

"The worst feeling in the world is to know you were used and lied to by someone you trusted."

"Until you've lived my life, walked my path, suffered my pain, and seen what I've seen, I could care less about your judgments."

"Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift."

"If they respect you, respect them. If they disrespect you, respect them. Do not allow the actions of others to affect your behavior. You represent yourself, not them."

"Sometimes you just have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you."

"It took me a long time to understand what it means to forgive someone. I always wondered how I could forgive someone who chose to hurt me. But after a lot of soul searching, I realized that forgiveness isn't about accepting or excusing their behavior. It's about letting it go and preventing their behavior from destroying my heart."

"Don't let someone who did you wrong make you think there's something wrong with you. Don't devalue yourself because they didn't value you. Know your worth even if they don't."

"One mistake you should never make in life is to allow yourself to be recruited by someone to hate another person who hasn't wronged you. Only a fool inherits other people's enemies as a sign of loyalty."
Trainerlevel: 121

Forum Posts: 345
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 22:28 (16 Days ago)