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Secrets and Divisions RP signups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Secrets and Divisions RP signups
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 21:48 (1 Year ago)
”We all have secrets, our deepest darkest secrets, and that’s how they divide us…”

”This is the era of Demons and Angels, but we all have secrets, who doesn’t? … you must have one… right?”

A voice echoed through your head, you wake, lying on a bed in a white and gold (if you are an Angel) red and black (if you are a demon) room. A figure emerged from a door, across from your bed and take you by the arm, leading you down the corridor from where he came from… you arrive, in a large hall, bustling with noise. Two banners were hung on the walls of the hall.

”Time for the division…”

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•Only 3 characters per person
•Try not to do single words
•Normal PH rules apply
•no posting without an accepted form
•romance is certainly allowed
•no bunnying, godmodding
•Weapons: Bow, Catalyst (magic book things), Staff, Crossbow, Sword, duel swords, daggers, Polearm, Claymore.
•don’t hate the RPer, but hate the character (pls don’t be necessary)
•have fun!

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This is a time where Angels and Demons existed, they live, divided from each other, in their own respective realms. But one day a Demon assassinated the head Angel, which caused conflict between the Realms. It’s not a time of war… yet, but a time where you have to fight to survive, people lurk in the shadows, they could be waiting to come for you… the demons developed a potion which, when injected to Angels, would make them become Demons, and Angels have a potion which worked the other way round. Good luck… and don’t forget, never let someone know your Secret… They are the centre of your existence…

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[center] “quote”
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Angel or Demon:[/b]
[b]Power:(1-2 per character)[/b]
[b]Secret:(to be revealed is allowed)[/b]
[b]Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed)[/b]

Other info:
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Just to clear things up, the secret should be dark and evil if you character is a demon, and deep and meaningful, can still be dark but if it’s mainly for the better, you are an Angel. How severe the secret is is up to you, and the secret means what it does normally. If you will reveal the secret later on in the Rp. Make sure you reveal it in some way, but don’t let anyone see/know because the secret is the core meaning of the character’s existence, which means if someone finds it, you perish/vanish into the abyssal realm which is basically the realm you go to when you die.

My forms:
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“You may thrive in the Sunshine, yet I dwell in the shadows”
Name: Val Marquez
Gender: male
Age: 18
Angel or Demon: Demon
Personality: Cold and deadly, quite a hot tempered person, but he likes to keep to himself.
Power:(1-2 per character) teleporting through shadows, he can creep around in the night yet also in the day. He can also summon traps and stuff (lmao idk how to describe it)
Weapon: Daggers
Secret:Soliana… Forgive me…
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) TBRP’D
Other: 2nd in command to the head demon
Palpad:yes yes

“The stars… they’re bright tonight… if I had someone to see them with…”
Name: Soliana Caicyne (her friends call her Solia)
Gender: female
Age: 17
Angel or Demon: Angel
Personality: calm and Gentle, she is very forgetful yet very quiet.
Power:(1-2 per character) Can summon silver spiritflies that float around enemies and explodes upon contact/will. Enemies will then fall asleep for 1-5 minutes depending on how many spiritflies exploded on them. (1 min is 10 spiritflies and everything else goes up by 10)

She can also turn into a golden Spiritfly, staying in that form can boost her teammates she touches or Heal them.
Weapon: Catalyst
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) She had a sister, who, when they were young, killed their father in an accident, but now she remembers nothing of her sister
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed)
(Basically her secret)
Other: nop
Palpad: yes

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 21:50 (1 Year ago)
I suppose you can look at it now

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Fly like the birds who rise from the ashes...
Name: Kaori Kim
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Appearance: Kaori has straight black hair with evenly fringed bangs. She has pale luminescent that looks as if there is a tint of gold.
Angel or Demon: Angel
Personality: INFJ - She is rather introverted and has social anxiety. Often finding it difficult to speak her mind, she is more reserved and refrains from physical interactions, preferring to be isolated and separated from others. Yet she does have a small soft side to her- she has the capability of being sweet and gentle, yet it is so far hidden down that it is almost impossible to bring to surface.
Power:(1-2 per character) Light Manipulation - Kaori has the ability to manipulate light to her will. Pretty self-explanatory.
Weapon: Dagger
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) The Demon Lord/Head, Sir Bloodington the Yehaw, and Kaori are blood-related... (in a very complicated way)
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) TBRP'D
Other: N/A
Palpad: ofc

✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 21:53 (1 Year ago)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 22:56 (1 Year ago)

“..F*ck this sh*t. I'm outta here.”
Elehah Relbit 'The Devils Healer'



Elehah has soft pure silver hair that slightly covers his ears, with his left eye crimson red, and the right eye black with gold iris. His slightly downward eyebrows and dark circle, paired off with a expressionless face, makes him give off an gloomy atmosphere.

He wears a white dress shirt with gold linings, and crimson red vest with a gold ribbon. In high quality suit pants plus dress shoes, Elehah stands tall at a height of 6'1. With a pitch black leather suit jacket hung on his shoulder leisurely, that comes with silver cufflinks.
[Angel or Demon]

Despite his gloomy outlook, Elehah is quite sarcastic. Completely not fitting the image of a physician, yet quite fitting for a demon. He can be quite judging and snarking. He is not afraid to speak his mind, and his opinion.

Always with a resting b*tch face, it is quite difficult for him to express his emotions through his expression alone. Patients that were cured by him always felt like Elehah is detached from the world, including the underworld, with no connections nor feelings to the demons he has cured.

In battle, it was almost as if Elehah became the god of death, if not worse, reaping their souls. Due to his extreme knowledge of the human body, he could accurately and precisely hit their weak, spot with no mercy. His mind moves quickly, and his hand is quick to follow the brain's instructions.

Decisive, and aloof, he can use make use of everything, and will not hesitate if you stand in his way.

[Sacred Souls]
If a person has died within 24 hours, Elehah is able to take a peek inside their soul for information.

With his right eye, he is able to see the souls of both angels and demons. He call tell simple information as their emotions, health, and lifespan.

[Blood Manipulation]
Self-explanatory, has the power to manipulate blood both inside and outside. Also is able to use blood as a tracking device, and is able to tell who is who. He can also use his own blood to write spells, and enchantment to help in battle.

Acupuncture Needles + Butterfly Knife

Is Gay LOL
Oh wait, also he planned the head demons death, and his twin brother is an angel :D


I swear- this rp better last more than 2 days cause of the effort I put into this.


[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 23:01 (1 Year ago)
Is fandom characters okay? And do we have a character limit?
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 23:16 (1 Year ago)
I know that I'm not the host, but if you check the rules, there is a 3-character limit ^^
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 23:19 (1 Year ago)
Ah ok
Overlooked that
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 06:16 (1 Year ago)
Yup fandom characters are ok! Also April, there is now a plot part.

Res’d and Royal Accep (idk if u finished or not)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 07:11 (1 Year ago)
“Escape is the key to victory. Once that happens, there's no return. But time will tell.”

Name: Edgar
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Appearance: :)
Angel or Demon: Angel
Personality: ISFP. Acts dark and mysterious but he's actually kinda nice when he wants to. He often blushes and wears his hood.
Power:(1-2 per character) Wind beam - Can summon a gust of wind to knockback his enemy and deal damage.
Bird's heed - He can transform into any kind of bird, boosting his speed and attack. He cannot use his other skills in this form.
Weapon: Duel swords
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) TBR
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) TBRP'D
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 508
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 07:20 (1 Year ago)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 07:24 (1 Year ago)
Res’d and Accep
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 21:01 (1 Year ago)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 21:45 (1 Year ago)
Another form!

“Dreams never end, as clouds never fall.”
Name: Artemis
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Appearance: Here
Angel or Demon: Angel
Personality: INFP-T
Artemis is shy, caring, generous, and sometimes funny. But, she can be straightforward and emotionless sometimes, and she sometimes have mental breakdowns. She loves animals, and nature and also desserts (I'm too lazy to write, I just copied from another RP a that I joined)
Power:(1-2 per character) Multi-Slash: Artemis attacks the enemy with extreme speed for a short time. She thrusts her daggers, dealing an incredible amount of damage.
Animal's Help: Artemis can heal 3 allies at a time, recovering them 20% of their original health.
Weapon: Daggers
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) TBR
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) Lives alone in the forest before, she always love sitting in the treetops.
Other: I hope that's okay!
Palpad: Sure
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 21:52 (1 Year ago)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 15:31 (1 Year ago)
Oh yeah, just so everyone knows, now since the Head Angel is ded, so we might want someone to Rp as them, also one role for the head demon too :)

Maybe a 2nd in command for them also, but only for the angels, and yea
I exist, only sometimes.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 17:03 (1 Year ago)
There is no sin greater than misspelling 'kebab'...
Name: Hoyuki Yuken, but also known as Sir Bloodington the Yehaw
Gender: Male
Age: 200000+
Angel or Demon: DEMON LORD 😈
Personality: Cruel heartless, and bloodthirsty, Sir Bloodington the Yehaw has no sympathy for those who face his wrath. His particular favorite methods of torture and suffering happens to be whipping and the Chinese Water Torture, except with fire instead of water, which slowly burns the sinner.
Power:(1-2 per character) Summoning bright and dangerous red flames, and summoning little minions made of fire
Weapon: STAFF
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) He used to be an angel, but his heart was corrupted with evil and despair, and he killed one of his own kind, and banished himself to be a devil.
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) TBRP'D
Other: yehaw kebabs
Palpad: only if i can bully- torment, annoy pa

✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 17:19 (1 Year ago)
royal accep april... Accep
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 17:21 (1 Year ago)
....can I leave...? 🥹
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 205
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 22:01 (1 Year ago)
“My pain may be the reason for somebody’s laugh. But my laugh must never be the reason for somebody’s pain.”
Name: Eris Everlast
Gender: Female
Age: 13 at death. Unknown current age
Appearance: Angel or Demon: Angel
Personality: Mischievous and full of spunk, yet tends to be shy Rather religious.
Power:(1-2 per character) Clown Magic (This for reference.)
Weapon: Catalyst
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) She still loves her family, despite what they did to her.
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) Ever since her birth, Eris was shunned and neglected by her large family, to the point of straight up abuse. When she turned thirteen, she finally had enough and ran away, finding an abandoned temple to make her own. Unfortunately, her siblings soon found her temple home and burned it, and Eris, to the ground.
Other: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Palpad: totally!

“By your command.”
Name: Black Pearl
Gender: Female
Age: 3000
Appearance: Angel or Demon: Demon
Personality: Cold and stoic to new people. Those closest to her know her as kind and occasionally awkward.
Power:(1-2 per character) Gemstone Manipulation (This for reference)
Weapon: Duel Swords
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) She actually deeply enjoys assassinating...
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) Born into a family connected with the Mafia, Black Pearl (originally named Bethany Parker) was trained to be an assassin from a young age. She even did a few killings off the record from the Mafia. She was eventually caught in a Mafia vs Police fight's crossfire and killed.
Other: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Palpad: totally!

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Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 22:03 (1 Year ago)
The weapons are slightly not on the rules section, but the rest is fine

@ShatteredDiamond, Oki! That’s fine, Accep
I exist, only sometimes.