Forum Thread
Secrets and Divisions RP signups
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Secrets and Divisions RP signups“Come forward, my babies!”
Name: Holly McEllion
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: Curly short auburn hair with pink dyed strips, 4'7, light blue top, pink skirt and black long socks.
Angel or Demon: Demon
Personality: Pretends to be nice and friendly, but deep inside she hates people and gossip about people.
Power:(1-2 per character) Bug's Threat: Holly's whole head turns into a mutated bee's head, scaring people and earning the ability to sting people with her fangs.
Blood Leech: Holly absorbs a target's health and heals herself, every successful attack makes her slightly mutate to a bug permanently though.
Weapon: Catalyst
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) Holly killed her younger brother aimlessly by scaring him to death with her powers. She left home soon after, afraid of herself.
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) Basically her secret, then she lived alone trapping herself and not wanting to let her beast come out. Rarely interacted until the sorting.
Other: :)
Name: Sylvie Rose Potter
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Appearance: She has brown/golden hair, green eyes and a Sylveon bow in her hair. She wears a purple torn dress and a purple/black scarf.
Angel or Demon: Demon
Power:(1-2 per character)
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed)
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) Jt would take me a year to write. I’ll try to explain it in the rp.

Name: Chiba
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Angel or Demon: Angel
Personality: Rather quite and introverted, he tends to keep himself hidden among others.
Power:(1-2 per character) Telekinesis: being able to move objects at a distance by mental power or other nonphysical means
Light Manipulation: the ability to create and shape and/or manipulate visible light
Weapon: Sword
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) He used to be a demon, upon hating the life of pure chaos, he decided to become an angel
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) Born into a family of demons, Chiba was treated unfairly. Taking things into his own hands, he ran away and became an angel himself. (Sorry, for the rushed backstory, was losing ideas)
Palpad: Already in
Hope I did this correctly, was sort or rushed
ℰ𝓍𝒽𝒶𝓊𝓈𝓉𝑒𝒹 24/7
𝒜𝓁𝓈𝑜, 𝑔𝑜 𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓈𝓈 :𝒟
Name: Onyx
Gender: Female She/her
Age: 17
Angel or Demon: Angel
Personality: A bit of a loner. She is a little bit arrogant because she grew up with little kindness. Not afraid to speak her mind but she still wants to make friends as she is kind of antisocial. She is learning to be kinder as an angel. Likes dark things and likes to sit on cliffs/treetops and watch the sun rise and set (it calms her)
Power:(1-2 per character) Dark Touch (whatever she touches turns a dark version of the colour - e.g. lemon to dark yellow - and then fades to ash. She can control it)
Weapon: Dagger
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed)
Was previously an assassin (Demon) and has a sister who is a Demon
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed)
Her sister, Crimson, and Onyx went to carry out an assassination of a traitor to the Demons but in the process Onyx got some of the Angel potion on her and she ended up getting turned into an Angel after Crimson ran off - she ran away after assassination
Other: Only family is Demon sister
Palpad: Yes
Name: Crimson
Gender: Female She/Them
Age: 15
Appearance: (sorry it’s blurry)
Angel or Demon: Demon
Personality: A bit of a psycho and crazy
Power:(1-2 per character) Red Smoke (like in Harry Potter with the Death Eaters when they get places in the form of smoke)
Weapon: Duel Swords
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) Has a sister who was turned into an Angel
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) Ran away from first assassination job and left sister behind (sorry it’s brief)
Other: Is an assassin to the Demon Lord/Head
Palpad: Yes
Name: Izumi Hoshiko
Gender: Female
Age: Physically 17, Chronocolgy 1000+
Angel or Demon: Angel
Personality: Extremely caring, kind, and helpful. She is yet forced to live a VERY depressed life (part of backstory). Despite her kindness, there is a slight bit of chaos embedded deep within her, that she can not control (part of backstory again).
Power:(1-2 per character) Transform into a dragon, and plant-like powers
Weapon: Sword+Catalyst (Is this alright?)
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) Half human, half dragon (I hope this is fine)
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) TBRP’D
Other: None
Palpad: Already in it
Name: Mizuki (The angel's witch)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Angel or Demon: Angel
Personality: Most of the time, friendly, yet slightly mischievous
Power:(1-2 per character) Can whip up different types of potions at any time, teleportation
Weapon: Catalyst
Secret:(to be revealed is allowed) TBRP’D
Backstory: (TBRP’D is allowed) TBRP’D
Other: None
Palpad: Already in it
Hope these are fine, they were slightly rushed
ℰ𝓍𝒽𝒶𝓊𝓈𝓉𝑒𝒹 24/7
𝒜𝓁𝓈𝑜, 𝑔𝑜 𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓈𝓈 :𝒟