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The Ballad of False Hope (Sign Ups)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Ballad of False Hope (Sign Ups)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Wed, 19/01/2022 23:42 (3 Years ago)

The Ballad of False Hope
The Fall of the Pokémon World

By ShadeKinoSoul

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Lysander succeeded in activating The Ultimate Weapon, only Arceus know how much time is left until every living thing is wiped off the face of the Earth, A young boy named Jesus has a father who is in the works of a bunker to protect anything they can in the region of Amoria, Team Flare has made its move against the other regions, including Amoria. It has gotten to the point where previously disbanded teams have returned to fight back. Team Rocket, Aqua, Magma, and a new team, Team Omni have sent out forces to protect certain parts of the world for their own benefit. In the words of Giovanni’s announcement when he returned “There is no point in hiding, there is no point in attempting world domination, there is no point in anything unless we protect what little we have. I call out to other Teams in the world, let us band together and protect this world and do our best to fight while bunkers are made.” The world is calling out for hope, will you be there to fight for it?

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Wild Encounters are decided by RP Admins
No Powerplay
Only 4 Moves per Pokemon
RP Admins decide if you catch Pokemon or not
If you want to catch a RPer (The Pokemon Rper not the Humans) You must talk to both ShadeKinoSoul and the RPer you want to capture
No Roleplaying characters that aren’t yours
Items are kept track by RP Admins, don’t try to get your way by infinite Pokeballs
Have Fun
Your character can die, whether Human or Pokemon, once you die, you’re kicked from the RP
1 Character per user (With exception of Chara’s family)
1 Pokemon Character per user (With exception of Chara’s family)
Fusions are allowed, but Mythical/Legendary/Fossil Pokemon are not able to be RPed
Starters: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile
Password is Amoria

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Amoria is a small mini region located off the coast of Jhoto, It is mainly grasslands and mountains. There are 4 sections of Amoria, Grassland, Mountain, Tundra, and Forest.

The Grassland is where the RP begins, throughout the Grassland are Apricorn Grottos, Lakes, Farms, and Small VIllages. It is also the location of the Bunker, which resides close to the Great Crystal Lake. Key Items such as the Fishing Rod and Lumber Axe are found in Villages within the Grasslands, although only the Fishing Rod is useful in the Grasslands due to numerous bodies of water and lack of trees.

Areas (Grassland)
The Great Crystal Lake (Bunker)
Gemia Farm Town (Daycare + Berry Market + Apricorn Smith)
Sapphu Village (Tidal Shrine + Fisher Hut + Starting Area)
Opalite Village (Lumberlodge + Flower Shop)
Quari Village (Dragon’s Den)

Special Regional Pokemon (Grassland)
Amorian Flabebe Line (Fairy Grass)
Amorian Teddiursa Line (Grass - [Teddiursa] Grass Dark - [Ursaring])
Amorian Feebas Line (Ice - [Feebas] Ice Fairy - [Milotic])

Some say that when the world is coming to an end, the 3 birds of apocalypse will fly over the mountain, circling it. Home to mines, a few small towns, and most of Amoria’s culture. The mountains are the backbone of the region, full of legends, secrets, and more! Country Music and myths of Pokemyths such as Centorius, the half man, half Amorian Gogoat.

Areas (Mountains)
Vallilife Town (Miners Cabin)
The Grand Mines
Birchia Town (Tumblestone Forge + Shrine of Ignis)
Vertical Town (Path to the Peak + Fairy’s Field)
The Peak of Amoria

Special Regional Pokemon (Mountain)
Amorian Sableye Line (Rock - [Sableye] Rock Psychic - [Adamasio/Sableye Evolution])
Amorian Skiddo Line (Rock Grass)
Amorian Shuckle (Fighting Rock)

Home to Amoria’s best cooking, the Tundra is full of Villages that are home to the best cooks in the region. Most of the region’s food based specialties are found within the Tundra, such as Maliano, a bun that is similar to Sponge Cakes, along with their own unique and exquisite taste and looks.

Areas (Tundra)
Donulo Village (Shrine of Frostbite)
Pastrula Town (Library of Amoria + Jesus’s Old House)
The Galamoria Point (Temple of the Wishing Star)

Special Regional Pokemon (Tundra)
Amorian Ralts Line (Fairy - [Ralts+Kirlia] Fairy Ice [Gardevoir] Dark Ice [Gallade])
Amorian Sneasel Line (Ghost [Sneasel] Ghost Ice [Weavile (Male Sneasel Evo)] Ghost Fire [Banshveel (Female Sneasel Evo)]
Amorian Deino Line (Ice Dragon)

The most mysterious part of Amoria, the Forest, is considered the most dangerous and isolated part of the entire region. No more than one village is known to exist within this dense forest. It is said that Zarude lives within the Forest and attacks whoever is considered a threat.

Areas (Forest)
The Grand Tree (Shrine of Thunder + Zarude Village)
The Mirage Forest Village
Mirage Temple

Special Regional Pokemon (Forest)
Amorian Unown (Dark Fairy)

Starting Points
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Pokemon Characters will start depending on what they are, for example a Pokemon like Froslass will start in the Tundra while a Pokemon like Chikorita starts in the Forest. The Rpers will be DMed telling them their starting area.

Human characters will all start in Sapphu Village, there Jesus and his father will be looking for people to join their bunker project.

Sign Up Form (Pokemon)
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Shiny: (Yes or No)
Held Item:
Moveset: (4 Moves Max)

Sign Up Form (Human)
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Food Preferences:
Best Skills: (Mining, Fishing, Cutting Wood, Cooking)
Worst Skills: (Mining, Fishing, Cutting Wood, Cooking)

My Sign Up Forms
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Name: Jesus
Personality: Naive and Goofy
Age: 17
Appearance: 5’9 Purple eyes, Black hair, tan skin, Has 2 devil horn shape tufts of hair as well as fluffy hair, Black jacket, White Shirt, Beige Khakis, Freckles, Black Glasses, Black Shoes
Gender: Male
Starter: Chikorita
Food Preferences: Loves Spicy, Not a fan of Sweets
Best Skills: (Mining, Fishing, Cutting Wood, Cooking) Cooking and Fishing
Worst Skills: (Mining, Fishing, Cutting Wood, Cooking) Cutting Wood and Mining
Password: -Redacted-

Name: Eclipse
Species: Eevee
Shiny: Yes
Age: 14
Held Item: Lunar Ribbon
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Adaptability
Moveset: Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Swift
Gender: Male
Password: -Redacted-

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 00:02 (3 Years ago)
Name: Aster
Species: Lucario
Shiny: No
Age: 17
Held Item: focus scarf
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Inner Focus
- High Jump Kick
- Earthquake
- Extreme Speed
- Ice Punch
Gender: Male
Password: E
The stars shine bright and are calling me to go

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,020
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 00:08 (3 Years ago)
Name: Torracat
Shiny: No
Age: 6 months
Held Item: everstone
Nature: Quirky
Ability: Blaze
-Flare blitz
Password: :3
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 00:15 (3 Years ago)
Accepted both of you, please remove the password
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 124
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 00:27 (3 Years ago)
Human Entry-
Name: Aname
Personality: Lax
Age: 15
Appearance: Long brown hair, often wearing a gray or yellow jacket over a t-shirt with jeans, wears glasses, has a watch and two bracelets on his right hand.
Gender: Male
Starter: Totodile
Food Preferences: Seafood, curry, Cajun, or Jamaican
Best Skills: Fishing, Cooking
Worst Skills: Cutting Wood
Password: Yes
BACKSTORY: Two years ago, Aname set out on his Pokémon adventure in the Fria-Fria region. On his very first route before he even beat the first gym, he encountered Team Haze with his fellow trainers and began his quest to save the region- and the world- from what Hazon's (their leader's) plot for takeover. He joined Team Azu (a team founded to counter Team Haze and protect everyone, based in Azu City of the Fria-Fria region) along his adventure and stopped Team Haze while rising through the ranks of Team Azu. After Hazon was arrested and most of his grunts were freed from their hypnosis, Aname and the rest of Team Azu thought it was over. They were very wrong, and about 3 months later the team began to regroup as the Team Haze Remnants. 6 months ago Hazon escaped from prison and began conquering the region once more. Upon Lysander's activation of the ultimate weapon and Giovanni's calls for teams to unite, Team Azu and Team Haze came to a fragile truce, and Aname (now one of the Elite Commanders of Team Azu) was sent to Amoria (without his Pokémon) to represent both teams...

Pokémon Entry-
Name: Pipsqueak
Species: Empoleon
Shiny: No
Age: 3 years
Held Item: Amulet Coin
Nature: Mild
Ability: Defiant
Move-Set: Brine, Drill peck, Metal claw, Hydro pump
Gender: Male
Password: Yes
BACKSTORY: Aname's first Pokémon, Pipsqueak has seen his entire adventure, but had to be left behind with the rest of his Pokémon to protect the Fria-Fria region. He is helping build a bunker now, but he and Leavanny are trying to make it to Amoria to meet up with Aname.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 00:45 (3 Years ago)
Accepted, please remove password
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 02:38 (3 Years ago)
Shiny: Yes
Held Item: Pearl
Nature: Shy
Baby doll eyes
Quick attack
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 02:56 (3 Years ago)
Will definitely join this soon, either gonna have a Roserade or a Hawlucha (since I don't think I've made any Roserade or Hawlucha OCs before, and both of them are cool)

Edit: I'm guessing "With exception of Chara’s family" means we can play our character's siblings, parents, etc. as well
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 07:18 (3 Years ago)
Accepted, please remove password

@LordSmileyFace correct
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 16:07 (3 Years ago)
Name: Noodle
Species: Vulpix
Shiny: Yes
Age: not even a year old (b-day is 1/19/22)
Held Item: none
Nature: Bold
Ability: Flame body
energy ball
Gender: Female
Flavor preference: likes sweet, dislikes sour

(based of my new vulpix I caught yesterday)
forever eating spaghetti
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 16:18 (3 Years ago)
Accepted please remove password
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 23:08 (3 Years ago)
Name: Kendo "Admin" Sakura
Personality: he seems tired and slightly weary most of the time and can be distant and cold to people he does not know very well. However with people he trusts, he can be pretty chill, though he’s quite sarcastic. he
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Starter: Cyndaquil
Food Preferences: Any fruit or meat.
Best Skills: Cutting wood, cooking. (Also a talented marksman)
Worst Skills: Mining
Password: Blep :P
(EDIT: Aight so imma write a backstory real quick mkay.
He originated from Kanto, but traveled the world in his teen years. He settled in Kalos, and tried to start a new, peaceful life. then the Team Flare incident happened. He fought against Lysandre but lost, losing his team in the process. Now he just wants to survive.)
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 23:10 (3 Years ago)
Human Form
Name: Mike
Personality: Very Stubborn, and determined when in battle.
Age: 16
Appearance: Short silver hair, he wears a white puffy coat, he also wears long grey pants, and he has a scar in his left cheek, his eyes color is green.
Gender: Male
Starter: Sobble
Food Preferences: Curry, Maliano.
Best Skills: Fishing, cooking
Worst Skills: Cutting wood, mining
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Fri, 21/01/2022 00:27 (3 Years ago)
(No, all trainers will start with only the starter given)

Accepted, please remove password
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Fri, 21/01/2022 02:31 (3 Years ago)
Name: Fiori
Species: Roserade
Shiny: Yes
Age: Around 5-6 human years old (idk how Pokémon ages work but I'm just assuming that's the equivalent of late teens to early 20s for a member of the Budew/Roselia line)
Held Item: Silk Scarf
Nature: Adamant (Likes spicy food, dislikes dry food)
Ability: Poison Point
Petal Blizzard
Poison Jab
Dazzling Gleam
Gender: Female

What she looks like (still uncolored btw)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Fri, 21/01/2022 11:18 (3 Years ago)
Accepted, please remove password
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 21/01/2022 15:47 (3 Years ago)
Name: Madeleine
Species: Eevee/Alcremie
Shiny: Yes
Age: 9 months. Almost full grown, but still a cub
Held Item: Sweet Heart
Nature: Naive
Ability: Sweet Veil
Moveset: Decorate, swift, baby doll eyes, sweet kiss.
Gender: Female
Password: Amoria

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Fri, 21/01/2022 15:58 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 205
Posted: Fri, 21/01/2022 16:28 (3 Years ago)
Name: Emika Tenshi-Smith
Personality: Serious
Age: 11
Appearance: Emika Alter Ego, DD Second Form , Casual Outfit
Gender: Female
Starter: Cyndaquil
Food Preferences: Sweets
Best Skills: Cooking, Cutting Wood
Worst Skills: Mining
Password: [REDACTED]

Name: Eris
Species: Froslass
Shiny: Yes
Age: 8 human years
Held Item: Never-Melt Ice
Nature: Lonely
Ability: Snow Cloak
Moveset: (4 Moves Max) Destiny Bond, Hex, Ice Fang, Powder Snow
Gender: Female
Password: [REDACTED]
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Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Fri, 21/01/2022 16:45 (3 Years ago)
Accepted, please remove password