Forum Thread
🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → 🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]Pokemon: Poochyena, Linoone, Swellow, Pelipper, Ralts, Masquerain, Breloom, Azurill, Seviper, Feebas, Spheal, Sealeo
Box#: 2
Pokemon: Nuzleaf, Taillow, Skitty, Medicham
Box#: 3
Pokemon: Lombre, Minun, Sharpedo, Altaria
Box#: 4
Pokemon: Slaking, Aggron, Wailord, Camerupt, Grumpig, Flygon, Whiscash, Walrein, Kecleon, Clamperl
Anything else?: Everstone on the Taillow from box 2 please! (exactly 30 mons haha. im so sorry)
Pokemon: Gligar
Anything else?: Can you give it a Razor Fang? I will add a Razor Fang of my own to the offer, I just want to evolve it!
Pokemon: Rattata (Alolan), Sandshrew (Alolan) x2, Meowth (Alolan), Persian, Primeape, Diglett (Alolan), Alakazam, Graveler (Alolan), Slowpoke (Galarian), Slowbro, Farfetch'd (Galarian), Lanturn, Unown R, Grovyle, Sceptile, Blaziken, Kirlia
Anything else?: Everstone on Rattata (Alolan), Sandshrew (Alolan) x1, Meowth (Alolan), Diglett (Alolan), Graveler (Alolan), Slowpoke (Galarian), Grovyle, Kirlia
Bold means everstone for easier navigation!
Pokemon: Porygon, Servine, Musharna, Lilligant, Eelektrik, Chalendure, Dartrix, Torracat, Tsareena
Box#: 7
Pokemon: Rhydon
Box#: 12
Pokemon: Gligar
Box#: 15
Pokemon: Magmar, Togepi
Box#: 21
Pokemon: Pansage
Box#: 29
Pokemon: Spewpa, Doublade, Spritzee, Slurpuff, Helioptile, Tyrunt
Box#: 36
Pokemon: Panpour, Morgrem
Box#: 37
Pokemon: Sizzlipede
Anything else?: Thx!
Pokemon: all 3 Wormadam forms
Box#: 2
Pokemon: Skuntank, Vespiqueen
Box#: 3
Pokemon: Chingling, Toxicroak, Finneon, Hippowdon
Box#: 4
Pokemon: Tangrowth
Box#: 6
Pokemon: Driftblim, Yanmega
Box#: 7
Pokemon: Drapion
Box#: 10
Pokemon: Carnivine, Dusclops
Box#: 11
Pokemon: Mamoswine
Box#: 36
Pokemon: Happiny
Anything else?: Everstone Finneon. Natures and genders dont matter. Thank you
Pokemon: Monferno and Mamoswine
Box#: 26
Pokemon: Prinplup and Empoleon
Box#: 38
Pokemon: Staravia
Box#: 37
Pokemon: Drifloon and Munchlax
Box#: 35
Pokemon: Bronzong
Box#: 36
Pokemon: Happiny
Anything else?: Everstones on the Monferno, Prinplup, Staravia, and Drifloon, please! Any gender or nature is fine

Pokemon: Bagon (Everstone)
Box#: Sell 36
Pokemon: Beldum
Box#: Sell 35
Pokemon: Vigoroth (Everstone), Loudred (Everstone)
Box#: Sell 31
Pokemon: Whismur (Everstone)
Box#: Sell 19
Pokemon: Lombre
Box#: Sell 10
Pokemon: Dusclops
Box#: Sell 5
Pokemon: Metang (Everstone)
Pokemon - Whismur (Everstone), Skitty
Box#: 37
Pokemon - Aron (Everstone)
Box#: 22
Pokemon - Lairon (Everstone)
Box#: 23
Pokemon - Lileep (Everstone), Lileep
Box#: 34
Pokemon - Clamperl (With Deep Sea Tooth if Possible), Clamperl (With Deep Sea Scale if Possible)
Box#: 12
Pokemon - Metagross
Anything else: Will gift you a Deep Sea Tooth and Scale if required, else I can pay for them directly to you. Thank you!