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Crow's Clan

Forum-Index Roleplay Crow's Clan
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Fri, 07/05/2021 01:03 (3 Years ago)
"Are you sure that this course of action isn't too harsh? I mean, sure Crowflight has some controversial ideas but he's a good warrior with a nice head on his shoulders."

"I know what I heard, Fallenlight, as long as Crowflight remains in the clan he will continue to spread discourse. I can already feel the change in our clanmates."

The silver tabby pursed her lips in response to her leader's words.
"Very well, Emberstar. I will no longer fight you on this."


The next sun high, Crowflight was exiled from Burrclan, the former deputy taking his most trusted followers with him as they left the camp.

In leaf-bare, Emberstar was murdered in a rogue attack, all signs pointing towards Crowflight and his gang of rogues.


Leader: Leafstar @Zhongli
Deputy: Tigerstripe @Random~Mew
Medicine Cat: Mistfur @Tsukoyomi
Med App:

Spottedtuft @Zhongli
Stonepelt @Tsukoyomi
Sugarstone @Skye_in_daSky
Fawnspot @Hanako
Rainfeather @NPC (Koiboi)
Cliffstone @NPC (Skye_in_daSky)
Mossclaw @NPC (Skye_in_daSky)
Finchfeather @NPC (Skye_in_daSky)
Rainfur @NPC (Skye_in_daSky)
Kindleheart @NPC (Skye_in_daSky)
Pinepaw @Random~Mew
Goldenpaw @Hanako
Oliveeye [Goosekit, Honeykit, Bumblekit] @Koiboi
Goosekit @Koiboi
Honeykit @Hanako
Bumblekit @Skye_in_daSky
Windleaf @NPC (Skye_in_daSky)

Crow's Clan

Leader: Crowflight @Koiboi

Rosebush @Random~Mew
Midnight @Matt_Kids_Nine
Dawnpelt @Koiboi
Vixenheart @Tsukoyomi
Cloudyfur [kits open] @Zhongli
Frostpaw @Hanako

Cats Outside the Clans

Pebblestream @Skye_in_daSky

Burrclan has struggled to recover after the death of their leader, even 3 moons later. They prepare for the next strike of Crowflight and the rogues fearfully.
Burrclan is settled in a wooded area, where small birds, mice, and squirrels are common prey. The territory receives enough rain that fire is not too big of a worry, though it has made the area well-liked among snakes. The Camp is nestled inside a trail left behind from a river long ago. Dens have been dug out of the dirt and covered with various thorny plants to protect them. A tree fell from the top of the bank, serving as an entrance to the clan camp. The leader meets with the clan atop the Sandy Ledge.

Crow's Clan is the group of rogues that follow after Crowflight. While they are not near enough organized to be a clan yet (nor have they found a location to settle down permanently), the rogues follow Crowflight with the same devotion a warrior would to their leader.
Territory Crow's clan has yet to permanently settle in any one location, instead wandering through the forest. They currently reside near a thick section of the woods where sunlight filters through in small patches. The prey mostly consists of squirrels and rabbits. The biggest threat to Crow's clan is larger birds of prey. The Camp resides in a small clearing marked out by fallen tree branches of large size. Crowflight's den is nestled inside the hollowed trunk of a tree upon one of it's more firm branches is where he gathers his rogues. The queens and their kits are nestled under a rock, where the ground has been dug out to accommodate for more room.

Crowflight found himself settled on the old bark of the rotted, fallen tree, his front right paw hanging down limply. His ears flicked as various rustles reached his ears. It seemed prey would be bountiful for the week. The tom let out a soft sigh, shutting his eyes and flexing his claws. Life seemingly settled down after Emberstar's death, leaving Crowflight very uncomfortable. The dark cat had been born and raised on the busy clan life, and Crowflight knew that his 'clan' was nothing more than a glorified band of rogues, and they would continue to stay that way for as long as Burrclan opposed them. He gave a small growl, digging his claws into the bark and standing up on his paws. He could not dwell on those thoughts.

Crowflight kept down from the tree, disturbing the dusty ground below him as he thudded onto the ground. His ear twitched as he resisted the urge to sneeze, slowly padding through the camp in search of Foxflame. The dark tom had served his time as a deputy in Burrclan, and found it a horribly boring duty, so he tended to shift the responsibilities of one onto his second. "Foxflame." The dark tom called, giving a small huff.

Oliveeye sat outside the nursery, watching Goosekit run around, pouncing on a leaf before throwing it into the air. Her tail twitched as her kit tripped, and she lightly dug her claws in the ground to keep from fussing over the small kit, who seemed unbothered by his fall. Goosekit never considered himself lonely, despite how empty the camp could seem at times. He had his mother, and the warriors and apprentices when they were in camp. The kit was also rather capable of entertaining himself. He crouched down, his tail swaying behind him. Goosekit was training himself to be a great apprentice, he was 5 moons, he didn't have time to waste!

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 763
Posted: Fri, 07/05/2021 09:00 (3 Years ago)
These past three months have been a blur for Stonepelt, the burly cat meandering through each day as if he wasn't quite present. These days, he was stuck in a not so distant past, idly wondering where he had gone wrong. He had tried so hard to prevent the mistakes of his past and yet they still crept up on him, shoving in his muzzle the reality of his situation. He was still as powerless as he had been all those moons when Emberstar had first found him, a malnourished and scared kit who couldn't protect anything. Even with his longer than normal apprenticeship, he still lacked the power to do anything. Perhaps if he had gone with his mentor then he could have done something. If only he had made sure that Foxflame felt at home in the clans and had dissuaded him from interacting with Crowflight, perhaps things would have turned out differently. All these if only's gnawed away at his mind until something bumped into his flank. Glancing down, Stonepelt almost smiled at the sight of one of Oliveeye's three kits smiling brightly at him while another one of her kits played not to far from the nursery, Goosekit batting away at stray leaves. Perhaps unconsciously, Stonepelt had meandered towards the nursery where he spent most of his time. It was now a much quieter place, Mistpaw having moved out last moon and Pinepaw having been apprenticed a moon before her. Still, Stonepelt liked being around the kits and queens and slowly padded over to the sole visible Queen, dipping his head in greeting to Oliveeye.
There was rustling in the medicine cat den, a pelt of gray blending in with the dappled twisting thorns that were draped over the mouth of the den. Faint mumbling could be heard, paw steps following each spoken word. Scrunching his muzzle, Mistpaw listed out the properties of chervil once again, wracking his brain for the uses that he had forgotten. Roots treat bellyache, chewing the leaves.... what did chewing the leaves do again? Whatever, he could just ask Sparrowshade later. For now, he moved on, mumbling under his breath as he made small claw marks on herbs that needed to be refreshed. So far he had noted down comfrey root, honey, and stinging nettle as some herbs to retrieve more of. When they would get around to doing that would be up to Sparrowshade of course, so in the meantime Mistpaw simply busied himself by running through what he had learned, refreshing him memory. Now, what was willow bark used for again?

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Sat, 08/05/2021 00:58 (3 Years ago)
Tigerstripe wandered the camp, the early morning air ruffling his fur with a soothing cooling sensation. He felt well rested for once, which had been unusual since the news of his former leader's death. The Tabby warrior always tried to be optimistic, but the once great and respectable leader falling at the claws and fangs of unruly rogues had shaken him, to say the least, even though it had caused him to rise to the rank of deputy. It felt insensitive to think of it that way...

He remembered being a warrior, sitting in camp, crouched over a scrawny mouse that was his meal, when the frantic patrol had come to them with the news. He remembered freezing midbite over his meal, the tiny bones of the creature halfway snapped by his teeth. He remembered Leafstar's, the tom who was then deputy, shocked expression, mirroring his own. He remembered his anger and grief at Emberstar's vigil. He remembered how he had been left in charge of the camp as his would-be leader trekked through the cold to receive his new name...and the ceremony afterward, naming Tigerstripe as BurrClan's new Deputy...

Shaking his striped head, Tigerstripe pushed these thoughts away, trying to focus on his duties as deputy. He should send out the dawn patrol! He thought, flicking his tail to signal to the cats in the clearing. A few hunting patrols to feed the Clan--one of which he'd lead himself, he decided--that should help him. This had proven a good coping method, even long after he had mostly gotten over Emberstar's death

Pinepaw pushed her white-speckled snout out of the Apprentice's den, breathing in the fresh morning air. She hoped her mentor would have something fun in store for her today, as opposed to tick duty, the most disgusting of apprentice tasks...Pinepaw hadn't been training all that long...only two moons approximately, but she had proven herself to be a capable hunter, and a decent fighter. Warrior training was one of the few things in Clan life the little brown cat could focus on without her brain wandering, which suited her well. Emberstar's death had shocked her, but hadn't shaken her as much as it did for some of the other cats, namely Tigerstripe or Leafstar. It probably made sense. Pinepaw wasn't nearly as close to the former leader as the older cats would be, as far as she was concerned, Leafstar was a perfectly capable successor.

Rosebush was lazing around gently in one of the sunnier patches of the dappled-shadowed woods. Still, it wasn't quite warm enough for the pretty she-cat's taste, but it would have to do for now, she supposed. That was one of the few things Rosebush didn't like about joining Crow's Clan, the lack of sunshine, though it was only a minor inconvenience for her. Not that there was all that much back in BurrClan, after all. As she lay, her blue green eyes sleepily studied her leader as he approached Foxflame, curious to see his interaction with the red tabby tom, as there seemed not to be much for her to do anyways. Her ears pricked, yet she let her mind wander back slightly.

Since joining the new 'Clan', Rosebush had had her doubts about joining, but whenever these would rise, she'd remember the idiot leader that had once been her 'superior', and she remembered how unfairly she had judged Crowflight, despite how admittedly...odd his opinions were, Rosebush could never agree with the decision she made to banish the warrior. Jokes on her, Crowflight was perfectly capable of leading his own Clan now, she could see. She respected him, despite being older than the dark tabby tom. Her expression grew distant as she recalled her own part in Emberstar's execution, she had been the cat to lead the she-cat to what would be her death at Crowflight's claws. She hadn't regretted it, thinking of it not as murder, rather a rightful punishment. BurrClan was better off without such a mouse-brain for a leader. It wasn't like Rosebush had no morals, she didn't like the idea of unjust punishments, or the suffering of others in any way, hence her joining the new Clan, but the color-point she-cat couldn't disagree with the idea, though she herself may never have suggested it.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 183
Posted: Sat, 08/05/2021 01:39 (3 Years ago)
Midnight law asleep after a long night of hunting.He went to sleep as normal in a dark shady spot.He hoped no one bothered him after his all night hunt as he drifted to sleep he wondered what was going on in burclan.That night he had night mares of the cats making fun of him for his creepy attitude
"Oh look it's grumpy grandfather"The used to say.He got used to it but he felt it wouldn't last forever he was already feeling sad from being worn by the others.But for now,he planned just to rest and have a good long nap after all he deserved it.

I will edit this later to make it longer all the edit will do is include a dream


made the avatar by myself using google slides DON'T JUDGE
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Tue, 18/05/2021 03:12 (3 Years ago)
Dawnpelt stumbled out from underneath a small bush she had settled in for the night, stretching out her limbs. The absence of a warm sunlight stood out like one would notice a bird without wings. It always took longer for their "shelter" to warm up, Dawnpelt supposed it was due to the tall, greedy trees soaking it all up. The young fighter caught sight of a familiar dark pelt, her ears flicking at the sight of Crowflight. He appeared to be searching for Foxflame. Shaking her head, the orange she-cat twisted to find Rosebush, her tail lightly flicked behind her before she made her decision, padding over to the older she-cat.

"Rosebush? If you have any interest, would you care to join me on a quick hunting trip?" Dawnpelt had always hated going on patrols when she was an apprentice, but now she found them to carry a small sense of comfort. It was familiar, and while the "clan" was too small to really organize any proper patrols, Dawnpelt found it nice to take some time in the morning to hunt.

Oliveeye returned Stonepelt's greeting, a smile somewhat tainted with worry. She had noticed one of her kits barrel -okay, maybe that was a little exaggerated- into the warrior, and she could barely suppress her anxious thoughts from sprouting out of her mouth. She had always found herself to be quite the worrier, but becoming a mother to three energetic kits did little to soothe her fears. "Stonepelt!" She mewed, slightly embarrassed at her slight pause. "I hope the kits aren't being too troublesome... I'm afraid they have quite the energy this morning."

She flicked her tail, leaning foward to stop Goosekit from slamming into the warrior. The small kit flattened his ears at the sharp stare from his mother, but was quickly reassured of her love with a quick lick of his head. The kit turned to look up at Stonepelt, who was seemingly looming over him. "Stonepelt! You'll never guess what I saw this morning!" The kit said excitedly. The patched kit had witnessed a brave little squirrel creeping into the camp, with a small little seed in its hands. He hadn't been able to ahit up about it, and had been going around all morning exclaiming how he almost caught it, really!

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Wed, 19/05/2021 12:24 (3 Years ago)
Leafstar was wide awake, pacing around in the den he resided in, formerly known as the one their former leader slept in. He missed Emberstar dearly, yes.. he had no clue what to do. He felt.. powerless even though there was no reason for him to feel that way at all. He was the one to lead the clan back to strenght and health, and yet all he did was pace around all day and pity himself. Leafstar sightd slightly, hearing rustling from the entrance, someone was waiting to speak with him.

Spottedtuft sat in front of Leafstars den, wondering how his friend was holding up. They had been friends since their warrior days, and nothing changed when Leafstar became who he was now, they still enjoyed talking and hunting together.

Cloudyfur was out hunting for some food, knowing that her dutys were both to care for kits and fight.. or hunt. Depending on what she was needed for, and now , she was out gathering some food that she was going to bring back to the camp once she was done
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Wed, 19/05/2021 13:57 (3 Years ago)
Rosebush's grey ear flicked in the ginger she-cat's direction. Of course she'd accept. She'd do anything to get over the morning boredom, and looked forward to sinking her jaws into some prey. She rose and stretched, parting her jaws in a yawn before replying. "That sounds delightful." She licked her jaws, unsheathing her claws. "Just the two of us?" She guessed, already turned away from Crowflight and toward the entrance.

Sorry for the short post. I'm in school and forgot to reply yesterday
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 763
Posted: Thu, 20/05/2021 03:34 (3 Years ago)
Shaking his head, Stonepelt let a low rumble fill his chest to assure the queen that it was no problem at all. Lively kits were always a good sign for things to come and Stonepelt didn't mind a few of them running into his thick fur. It was always amusing to him when kits thought that they could knock him over anyways and he liked to humor them. Speaking of kits, the burly warrior crouched down to be more level with the energetic kit eagerly retelling his exploits. Seeing the eager glint in Goosekit's eyes as he rambled about how he almost caught the squirrel was a promising sight and he listened with rapt attention. It was quite endearing how exciting Goosekit was and he nodded along seriously to each story beat. By the time the small kit had finished his thrilling tale, Stonepelt's tail was swaying in amusement as he gently butted his head against the kit in a wordless gesture of praise.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 734
Posted: Thu, 20/05/2021 15:41 (3 Years ago)
Fawnspot groaned as he rolled himself out of his nest. Today was clearly not his day. Normally very much a morning cat, he found himself turning tired paws towards the medicine den. He wasn't sure what exactly it was, but his stomach was practically burning, and the drowsy tom was fighting the urge to just go right back to bed and collapse. Poking a tired muzzle into the refreshingly cool air, he spotted Mistpaw, the young apprentice. As much as he wasn't sure she would know what to do, he trusted her to do her very best. "Good morning, I hope I'm not being a bother," Fawnspot said, attempting to give Mistpaw his usual warm smile, but ending up with a somewhat pained grimace instead. "I was wondering if you'd be able to hear me out for a few minutes, as I woke up feeling less than great."

Goldenpaw swiveled his head as he heard rustling from behind him, and smiled as he spotted his fellow apprentice Pinepaw waking up. He sincerely appreciated her company; there were very few apprentices in the clan, and sadly, his friend Frostpaw had joined up with Crowflight, leaving him as the oldest apprentice. Now that Mistpaw and Pinepaw were older, though, Goldenpaw had found himself beginning to bond with them as they trained together, and soon, little energetic Goosekit and his siblings would be joining them. "Hello, Pinepaw," he mewed, turning warm golden eyes to meet her gaze. "Are you ready for training, today?" Even after two moons, she was noticeably better than him at hunting, and was quickly catching up to him in other areas, too, not that he really minded. Actually, he was pretty proud of the sometimes scatterbrained apprentice.

Frostpaw sighed as he looked at the tiny store he'd set up for himself. It was frustrating moving from place to place so often, making it nearly impossible to keep up a consistent supply of herbs. Hopefully, Crowflight would settle down from whatever had happened to make him so uneasy, but for the meantime... Trotting up to the two she-cats that appeared to be going out, he waved his tail to get their attention. "If you two are leaving, would you mind my tagging along? I need to collect some herbs," Frostpaw explained, muttering a faintly exasperated again under his breath. "I promise I won't get in your way," he added with a touch of humor.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 20/05/2021 19:42 (3 Years ago)
Sugarstone padded out from her den with a yawn. She stretched and blinked against the sunlight as the sun climbed its way across the sky. Most everyone was awake by now. Huh, that's weird. She almost always wakes up before everyone else. Guess she stayed up too late last night. Yawning again, she walked over to the fresh-kill pile to see if there was something to eat. It was much lower than yesterday. She sighed. She'd go hunting with the next patrol to refill it. In the meantime, she grabbed a mouse and went over to her favorite rock to eat.

Finishing it in a few quick bites, she rolled over and half-closed her eyes. She'd have to do something about her sleep schedule. A good warrior never falls behind, but Emberstar's death had shaken her far more than she let on, and she had been staying up almost every night afterwards, unable to catch a wink. She flicked her ears as a small bug buzzed around her. Sighing again, she sat up and started cleaning herself. It would do her no good to sit around and feel sorry for herself.

She decided to visit the nursery after she finished cleaning herself. She often wondered what it would be like to have kits of her own, and she very badly wanted to find out. But none of the toms in the clan ever sparked her attention, not even as an apprentice. She finished washing and shook her head. Romance was not what was to be her top priority as a warrior. She vowed to protect and serve her clan with her life. She would not let anything slip through her claws again. Part of her told her that was absurd, there was no way one cat could prevent everything, but her pain had turned to anger over the moons, and she was determined not to let Crow's "clan" get the better of her ever again. She hopped off her rock and walked over to the nursery, sticking her head inside. There weren't any cats inside. They must be out around the camp then. Withdrawing her head from the nursery, she swiveled her ears upon hearing a small kit's boastful voice explaining his amazing adventure. She smiled to herself. Goosekit would make quite the warrior.
Sugarstone jumped as she heard a voice behind her. Spinning around, she let out a sigh when she saw it was just Pebblestream. "Hi," she responded. "You scared the fox dung out of me." she said, playfully batting her friend with a paw.
Pebblestream laughed, "Fair enough," she said. "Do you want to go hunting with me?"
"Has the dawn patrol come back yet?" Sugarstone asked. She didn't want to bring back food if they've already hunted.
Pebblestream nodded. "They have, but prey has been scarce lately. I was wondering if you would go hunting with me to see if we could bring back some more."
"Of course! Just wanted to be safe," Sugarstone said. "I'd love to go hunting with you."
"Great!" Pebblestream said with a smile. "Let's get going then."
Sugarstone nodded and followed her out of camp.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Thu, 20/05/2021 22:10 (3 Years ago)
Pinepaw turned her head to glance at the other apprentice who had spoken to her. "Oh? Ready as always!" She replied cheerfully. "I wonder what our mentors have in store for today...maybe hunting! Or perhaps we'll get to go on patrol!" She gazed across the camp at the warriors den, her tail shooting straight up as she looked around the camp for her mentor, hoping they'd arrive soon. She let her mind wander again, as she usually did in the morning, thinking about training...she was really excited to be a warrior, even though she was still far from her warriors assessment yet.

Rosebush turned her head to catch sight of the young tabby tom approaching them, requesting to join their patrol. She turned her gaze to Dawnpelt beside her. The ginger tabby would be leading the patrol, so she'd leave the decision to her, the colorful she-cat being rather indifferent to the idea either way. Her muscles ached to be out there already, leting out her boredom and frustration on a smaller animal. What were a few more cats to join and spread their scent around, so to speak?

Tigerstripe scanned the camp. It seemed most of the warriors were busy...no doubt a few of them may be hunting on their own...how was he supposed to set up patrols when there were no cats to send? It would also be important to leave enough warriors back at camp in case certain cats got any ideas, he noted. He observed the two young apprentices emerging from their dens, and decided to approach them. Perhaps he could take the young cats out along with, or perhaps in place of, their mentors...perhaps the cats could use a break, and the camp wouldn't be harmed by some extra defense. He flexed his claws, and he had no problem protecting two apprentices from those rogues.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Fri, 21/05/2021 01:53 (3 Years ago)
Goosekit wrapped up his tail, his head held high with pride. Seeing the warrior react in such a way made his heart swell, and his paws feel even more jittery and excited. The kit bounced on his paws, grinning at Stonepelt, "I bet you've caught tons of squirrels as a warrior, huh! You're like, an expert on hunting things, right!" Goosekit calmed himself a little, feeling his mother's tail lay against his back in a sign to tone it down. The kit felt a little flustered, realizing he had been getting rather loud. He ducked his head for a short second before popping it back up, eager to hear what the warrior had to say.

Dawnheart paused, hearing Frostpaw call out to her and Rosebush. Her tail slowly flicked behind her as she resisted the urge to groan. Truly the tabby felt nothing ill of the young tom, but she always had to worry about holding her tongue. Dawnheart did not feel he would take the information of Emberstar's murder well at all. She feared what he would do if he found out, and how Crowflight would respond. The orange cat turned her gaze towards Rosebush, finding the fighter looking back.

"I see no problem with you coming along." Dawnheart calmly spoke. She didn't particularly enjoy hiding things from clanmates, always having to worry about her slippery tongue. The fighter shook herself from the thought. If she didn't think about it she wouldn't risk slipping up. The tabby cat exited the camp, almost instantly picking up a quick pace, she wanted to gain some distance from the camp in hopes prey could be found more frequently.

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 763
Posted: Fri, 21/05/2021 08:43 (3 Years ago)
It was kind of endearing to hear Goosekit call him an expert on hunting. He certainly didn't consider himself one, his large stature usually making it hard for him to move silently despite his ability to blend into the background. Hunting was best left to those fleet footed and swift enough to slink through the undergrowth and chase after fleeing prey. Still, he would entertain Goosekit's impressions and nodded very seriously not minding the volume of the kit's voice. "Squirrels, Mice, Voles." He lists before tipping his head. "Pheasants. Those are rare. And hard. Squirrels too. You're very talented if you almost caught one." Stonepelt found it much easier to talk around kits than it was around fellow warriors as words tumbled out of his mouth, praising the kit.

From the shadows of her den, Vixenheart languidly ran her tongue over her luscious coat, cleaning it as best as she could herself. An ear twitched as she caught snippets of a conversation about going out to hunt. It certainly sounded appealing with how dull life was at the moment. Even her time as a Queen was more interesting, orchestrating events to Crowflight's favour. Now that the gig was up and she was a known traitor, that thrilling sense of adventure she got every time she purposefully spat in the face of the uptight ancestors who supposedly looked over them was all but gone. With a exaggerated yawn, the she-cat uncurled herself to stretch languidly, letting her spinal disks slide back into place with a satisfying pop. Ah well, she supposed that she could settle for the boring task of making sure that no one killed themselves in some mousebrained fit of stupidity.

The poor cat jumped slightly at the voice, spinning around with eyes blown wide open. As soon as he registered who was talking to, his fur settled down somewhat and he coughed politely, somewhat embarrassed at his display. "Ah yes. I don't know how much help I can be but by all means come in." Nerves flooded him at the prospect of treating someone without Sparrowshade's guidance but he figured that this would be good practice for the future. Using his tail, Mistpaw swept a slightly dusty yet sunny patch of the den clean, inclining a grey head towards the spot as he kept his nerves at bay by quietly shifting from paw to paw. "So what seems to be the problem?"

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 21/05/2021 14:09 (3 Years ago)
Pebblestream crouched low, her gaze fixated upon an unknowing raven pecking at the ground. Slowly, pawstep by pawstep, she quietly made her way forwards. Being as careful as possible not to make a sound, she creeped ever-closer, and her whiskers quivered. She didn't have much experience hunting, as she was originally trained to be a medicine cat, but she was good enough not to mess up that often. If she could catch this raven, many cats would be fed. Then, she was close enough to pounce. Still being careful to make as little noise as possible, she focused her energy into her hind legs and pushed off against the ground, leaping at the raven, but aiming slightly higher than its position right now so as to catch it as it tries to fly away. With a squawk, a ruffle of feathers, and a quick snap, she had caught the bird. She let out a breath.

Just then she heard pawsteps running towards her. Swiveling herself around, she came face-to-face with Sugarstone, who was holding two mice by their tails and a squirrel clamped in between her jaws. She was breathing heavily. Pebblestream sighed and turned around, heading a little ways away to uncover the two mice she had also caught. They then brought their haul back to the camp, dropping it on the fresh-kill pile. Sugarstone grabbed the squirrel she had caught and brought it to the elder's den. Pebblestream chose a mouse for herself, for she hadn't eaten that day, and went over to an empty patch of grass to eat it.

After finishing, she started cleaning herself. Drawing her tongue across herself in long, rhythmic strokes, she sorted out her messy fur in a matter of minutes. Having shorter fur than lots of the other cats certainly helped her keep it neat and tidy, and it was beneficial in newleaf and greenleaf when the weather was warmer. Finishing in a few quick laps of her tongue, Pebblestream then lay on her side and thought to herself. When was she going to leave? The thought pained her, as she'd found friends, a family even, here in this clan. But she needed to leave eventually. She just couldn't stay forever. It wouldn't satisfy her heart, and she knew she would never be truly satisfied if she stayed. She sighed. What about her friends? Sugarstone would be devastated. Pebblestream shook her head. Stop thinking about it! she thought. You're only making it worse. You can plan this later.

With a quick shake, Pebblestream got up and hopped down from the rock she was lounging on. Maybe a quick walk would clear her head. Quickly smoothing some fur stuck up on her shoulders, she padded across the camp and up the fallen tree, out into the woods.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 734
Posted: Fri, 21/05/2021 22:15 (3 Years ago)
Fawnspot tottered over to the spot as Mistpaw indicated, wincing slightly as he eased himself into a sitting position. He felt bad for startling the poor 'paw, who seemed a bit nervous to be working with a warrior after so little training. Fawnspot tossed his head lightly. Well, it would be an easy solution most likely. Cats probably complained of a bellyache all of the time. "I know you'll do your best, and that's all that matters," the tawny tom said, giving the apprentice a tiny smile. "I woke up this morning with a pretty awful pain in my stomach," he explained, lifting a paw to show that his belly wasn't distended in any way. "It could be something I ate, although nothing seemed too off yesterday. Is there anything you can give me to at least take the edge off until it works itself out? It would be pretty rough going on patrols with this." Fawnspot gave Mistpaw a hopeful look.

Goldenpaw grinned, bumping Pinepaw's shoulder gently as he realized she'd drifted off in thought again. "Well, I think we're about to find out," he said, having noticed the deputy's gaze trained on the two of them. Tigerstripe was an incredible mentor, and he'd been filled to bursting with pride when the warrior had been chosen as the next deputy. Sure, he was busier, but Goldenpaw did his best to be more independant and proactive with his training anyways, volunteering for patrols and working with the other apprentices. "Think Tigerstripe is gonna work us hard today? He seems pretty energetic," Goldenpaw remarked, turning back to Pinepaw.

Frostpaw felt himself relax a bit, relieved that the two she-cats hadn't objected. Dawnheart wasn't exactly enthusiastic, but at least she was letting him come! Padding after the warriors - well...former warriors, anyways, he matched the brisk pace that they set and kept his senses alert. Under the cover of many trees, he was both uneasy because of the lack of familiar plants and fascinated by the idea of discovering new herbs. Perhaps this hopefully temporary separation from Burrclan would enable him to discover new medicine!

Honeykit squeaked as he tottered out of the nursery and spotted his brother, Goosekit, talking- "Oliveeye!!" He smushed himself against his mother's side as his already huge amber eyes widened to see Stonepelt holding a conversation with his littermate. "He's really talking to a warrior!" Voice hushed with awe, he blinked and made a decision. Shyly, he raced up to Goosekit, hiding behind the kit slightly as he gazed up at Stonepelt. Wow! A warrior talking to them! Honeykit knew that they were nearly apprentices, but still!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 763
Posted: Sat, 22/05/2021 00:56 (3 Years ago)
Taking in the information, Mistfur nodded padding over to the warrior. While it seemed like an easy solution, he liked to be thorough and check just in case. "I'm just going to feel around." He announced before gently placing his paws on Fawnspot's belly. His touch was light and grazing, barely felt as Mistfur worked to make sure that nothing was wrong. After the preliminary check, Mistfur padded towards the cupboard of herbs he kept. "Chew this, it should help. If it's pain you're worried about, eat these." Picking up Chervil leaves and Dandelion leaves, Mistfur placed them before the warrior. "I didn't feel anything off so it's probably bad prey. If you don't mind me asking, what was it that you ate?" While he doubted it was anything important, bad prey could mean some kind of message or a sign of disease spreading in the forest. It would be best to catch such signs early and stamp it out before it became a problem.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 22:25 (3 Years ago)
Rosebush was keeping her ears pricked as well, constantly rotating, her nose breathing in and her mouth open, letting the sense of the forest map out the location of potential prey. She heard the chatter of something nearby...she just had to figure out what is was....where it was. efore she could race off, she looked she glanced back at the ginger fighter beside her. "Right. No use wasting time." She murmured before heading out of the 'camp'. Her paws were practically floating, gracefully gliding over the grass. She was glad to be on her paws, and her heart was already picking up its pace in anticipation of the inevitable kill.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 28/05/2021 16:33 (3 Years ago)
Bumblekit perked her ears up. Did she hear a warrior... talking to her brother?! She swiveled her head around and saw Goosekit and Honeykit gazing up at the warrior, holding a conversation. She was shocked. She could do that too! She ran up to Oliveeye, who was sitting nearby as well, and crouched next to her, listening to the conversation.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 763
Posted: Sat, 29/05/2021 21:07 (3 Years ago)
At the appearance of Oliveeye's two other kits Stonepelt tipped his head in invitation for the other two to come forward if they wished. While he didn't know Bumblekit and Honeykit as well as he did Goosekit, he had at least observed them both enough from simply hanging around the nursery. Bramblekit seemed to be the troublemaker while Honeykit was they shy one. "Hello there." He said kindly, his low rumble inviting and kind. Despite not speaking very much and his more unapproachable appearance, Stonepelt was careful to lower himself to the ground and make him as soft looking as possible. An inviting smile beckoned the kits to come talk with him.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 29/05/2021 21:15 (3 Years ago)
Bumblekit’s eyes widened and sparkled with excitement as the warrior welcomed her closer. She looked quickly up at Oliveeye before bounding forwards, nearly running into him. She skidded to a halt and gazed at the warrior, her eyes lit up with joy, questions immediately starting to flood into her mind, swirling around like a storm of thoughts. She couldn’t pick one to ask first, so she said, “Hi!” in the most energetic, purely curiosity-driven voice ever. She didn’t realize nor did she care how childish she may be being, this warrior was talking to them! She flicked her tail and sneezed, bits of dust settling on her nose.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."