Forum Thread
[A] Create Your Own Eilimitura PT.5 ♥
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [A] Create Your Own Eilimitura PT.5 ♥
Username: kelbunny13
Password: 🔥🔥🔥
Other: I might do a few more, and if I do, I'll edit this post to include them!
Shinies I Want: Flabébé (white flower), Azurill, Pachirisu

Username: 5H03
Password: air!
Other: Might draw other ones if I'm not too busy with school c: will edit into this post if I do
edit: omg im sorry i did not notice before i made mine that this one already had a second stage evo q_q :sob:
Shinies I Want: Lurantis, Comfey, Crawdaunt : )

Username: Akemie
Pre-Evolution of this
Password: Water
Other: Will probably do more and edit this post then ♥
Also the code seems to be broken? I had to replace some of the capital letters so it works. Not sure if it is just me? >w<
edit: okay, just the preview is broken when there are capital letters in the code-things.
Shinies I Want: Shiny Retro Zubat, Shiny Cocktaillon, either of the Shiny Flabebe ♥

© by KaitoTemari

Username: Aero-plane
Evolution of this
Evolution of this
Password: Air
Other: Hopefully the designs are alright, my drawing is not the best ahah >~<
Shinies I Want: Grovyle, Aggron and Lurantis

Username: NekoScrub
Password: water!
Other: my concept is that the jewel/headpiece of the parent will be inherited by its child, and that artifact will slowly mummify them over time; sorry if this idea is a bit out there, haha
Shinies I Want: cherubi, alolan sandshrew, retro karp <3

Username: Rice 🍚
Entry 1: Evolution of x
Password: Water 💦
Other: As usual, aamazing contest~ ^w^ (Idk if I can design 2 or more. Will try my best ;3)
Shinies I Want: Tsareena, Wigglytuff and Lilligant

Putting this here, in case people are also wondering.
You are free to create as many as you please, just as long as those art pieces are kept in one post ( Which is within the form ) (´w`)/°! I encourage creativity and to draw whatever amount ( Can even just stick to one! ) you feel most comfortable with :D!

Username: jammy
Entry: pre evo of this
Password: earth
Other: is it original enough
Shinies I Want: miltank/lilligant/floatzel

Giving notice that, if I don't add your design to the top, it is because it felt close to being similar ton the other design, or just feels like a smaller / bigger version of the original. Which I do have rights to decline the entry.
Creativity is acceptable when creating pre-evos / evos. So please understand that it is ok to step out of the box and get a little creative qwq

1. evo of this bean
more to come...
Password: Earth 🧗♀️
Other: pog
Shinies I Want: Coctaillon, Cloyster, Alolan Vulpix

Username: Hipsterpotamus
Entry: Evo of this little guy
Password: Water
Other: Loved this challenge ~
Shinies I Want: Mr. Bagon, Yungoos and gumshoos