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[A] Create Your Own Eilimitura PT.5 ♥

Forum-Index Contests User-made contests [A] Create Your Own Eilimitura PT.5 ♥
Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,091
Posted: Tue, 16/02/2021 04:24 (4 Years ago)

Hello all!
I will be cutting straight to the chase, just so I won't hold up anyone time o/!

This is possibly the final Eilimitura art contest I'll do! Possibly, as I am somewhat close to reaching my goal!


When inputting information onto the form, please do so properly. Placeholders are allowed, as long as you make it clear somewhere within the form.
Warning: Due to past art contests, where people would leave a blank placeholder throughout the entirety of the contest, I would have no choice but to ban people from future art contests. This is only if you chose to not bother to complete your entry. Only way I can excuse this, is if you properly communicate with me of why you could no longer work on your entry. However, it will have to be discussed BEFORE the contest ends, not after.

Do not trace, recolor, use a base, or steal another person artwork. It needs to be 100% drawn by you. If not, you'll immediately be disqualified and will NOT be allowed to participate in any of my future art contest.

You are allow to enter as much as you please. But you must contain all of your artwork into one post. It is easier to keep track of your entries.

Both digital and traditional art is acceptable.
However... While I do allow traditional art, you will need to either scan the artwork or make sure the picture can be crystal clear and easy to see. Artworks that taken in poor quality, dark, impossible to see, or even blurry, will not be accepted as a proper entry. I make no exceptions, as I really do need to be able to see both the design and its colors in clear quality.

The password is your favorite type of Element ( Fire, Water, Air, or Earth ).

You cannot create an (pre-)evolution design, where it'll only look like a smaller / bigger version of the original, with very minimal additions ( Or changes ). They won't be qualified as an entry, as it changes nothing to the design.
And no, you will not be able to keep the design, as it'll still look exactly like the character. If it's different, then it is ok for you to keep it. If not, then no.

You will receive 10k PD as participation entry.
However, you can only receive such currency after some form of artwork has been posted.

There will only be five winners!
If your art piece didn't win, then you are free to keep the design, gift it to a friend, sell it off, whatever you please! However... If you lost but I still hold interest towards your design, then there is a chance that I may be willing to purchase it. Either with PD, Nuggets, or even shinies!
But please keep in mind of the previous rule. If the design looks far too similar to the original, you cannot make a sale, nor trade off the design. It is best to state that the character is an Eilimitura and who made said species, as I prefer to be credited for the creature ( Not being drawn. Moreso where Eilimitura came from ).

Note that, by entering, you're allowing me to use your design in a game I plan to make. However, this allowance only works on an entry that either won or got purchased by me.
And yes, you will be credited both in and out of the game, just so people know who created the character.

The deadline is March 27th!
No extensions. ( I know that extending the deadline is HIGHLY annoying to others and is greatly unfair to those that is waiting for the contest to end. So I can't do it. At least, something I won't be doing anymore. )


[Url=][/url] <--- Input link, in case images start to break.[/spoiler]
[b][u]Shinies I Want:[/u][/b] <--- Input what 3 shinies you want from the prize list. If you win, depending on what place, you may be able to win the shiny(ies). ( It's easier than to individually PM the winners of what shinies they want, as this does require some waiting to distribute out prizes )

What You Will be Designing
You will be create an evolution or pre-evolution!

A list of Eilimituras that needs a pre-evolution
A list of Eilimituras that needs an evolution

You have artistic freedom to create your very own Eilimitura creature!
Do note that Eilimitura is inspired off of Pokemon and Digimon, so please be creative with your designs! Don't just slap butterfly wings on a dog and call it a day.

Ps. If you want me to give a suggestion to an evolution idea, I am willing to try to give a small idea ( Mostly just combination theme )! Just please understanding that I don't always have ideas and may end up being stump, if I end up stating that I have nothing in mind.


Creating a variation of the pre-evolution / evolution that you're working on!
You will be able to earn more within your prize pool ( If you win ), if a variation is involved!
Variations are in no way just different colors. They vary from body alterations to even changing their element! If you wish to have a better grasp of what variations can be, then here is a drawn example:




Keep note: Most Eilimitura have a multi-branch evolution. So if you see one that has a complete evolution stage, just know that it has the capability of evolving into something else ( Like how Wurmple can evolve into either a Silicoon or Cascoon. Or how Terriermon can evolve into a Gargomon, Gatomon, or Unimon. These are just examples to help give an idea of what I'm trying to say ;u; ). It's basically like the Digivolution tree but to a lesser scale


First Place: 1,000 Nuggets + Any 3 shinies
Second Place: 900 Nuggets + Any 2 shinies
Third Place: 800 Nuggets + Any 2 shinies
Fourth Place: 700 Nuggets + Any 1 shiny
Fifth Place: 600 Nuggets + Any 1 shiny

Note: People who had won, from top to bottom ( In order ), can pick the shiny they want. Say that first place picks Hoopa, Flabebe, and Regigigas. Anyone else will not be able to pick those shinies.


Banned Users

Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,091
Posted: Fri, 19/02/2021 00:41 (4 Years ago)
Bump, contest is officially open and ready for entries <3

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 07:51 (4 Years ago)

Username: kelbunny13

Password: 🔥🔥🔥
Other: I might do a few more, and if I do, I'll edit this post to include them!
Shinies I Want: Flabébé (white flower), Azurill, Pachirisu

I promise to do all in my power to see us through this safely
Serenoa Wolffort

⚖️ ToyHouse | Tumblr ⚖️
Gif is from Triangle Strategy. Avatar was drawn by me.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 1,208
Posted: Mon, 22/02/2021 02:44 (4 Years ago)

Username: 5H03

Password: air!
Other: Might draw other ones if I'm not too busy with school c: will edit into this post if I do
edit: omg im sorry i did not notice before i made mine that this one already had a second stage evo q_q :sob:
Shinies I Want: Lurantis, Comfey, Crawdaunt : )

Trainerlevel: 106

Forum Posts: 1,185
Posted: Mon, 22/02/2021 13:08 (4 Years ago)

Username: Akemie
Pre-Evolution of this

Password: Water
Other: Will probably do more and edit this post then ♥
Also the code seems to be broken? I had to replace some of the capital letters so it works. Not sure if it is just me? >w<
edit: okay, just the preview is broken when there are capital letters in the code-things.
Shinies I Want: Shiny Retro Zubat, Shiny Cocktaillon, either of the Shiny Flabebe ♥

© by KaitoTemari
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 681
Posted: Mon, 22/02/2021 14:59 (4 Years ago)

Username: Aero-plane
Evolution of this

Evolution of this

Password: Air
Other: Hopefully the designs are alright, my drawing is not the best ahah >~<
Shinies I Want: Grovyle, Aggron and Lurantis

We're truth seekers and artists, perched on the boundary as we search for an answer.
Art shop | Toyhouse | Discord: Aergalia
Trainerlevel: 64

Forum Posts: 262
Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 15:29 (4 Years ago)

Username: NekoScrub

Password: water!
Other: my concept is that the jewel/headpiece of the parent will be inherited by its child, and that artifact will slowly mummify them over time; sorry if this idea is a bit out there, haha
Shinies I Want: cherubi, alolan sandshrew, retro karp <3
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,537
Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 16:00 (4 Years ago)

Username: Rice 🍚
Entry 1: Evolution of x
Show hidden content

x <--- Input link, in case images start to break.

Password: Water 💦
Other: As usual, aamazing contest~ ^w^ (Idk if I can design 2 or more. Will try my best ;3)
Shinies I Want: Tsareena, Wigglytuff and Lilligant


Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,091
Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 16:45 (4 Years ago)

Putting this here, in case people are also wondering.
You are free to create as many as you please, just as long as those art pieces are kept in one post ( Which is within the form ) (´w`)/°! I encourage creativity and to draw whatever amount ( Can even just stick to one! ) you feel most comfortable with :D!

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 133
Posted: Fri, 26/02/2021 17:41 (4 Years ago)

Username: jammy
Entry: pre evo of this

Password: earth
Other: is it original enough
Shinies I Want: miltank/lilligant/floatzel

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 290
Posted: Sat, 27/02/2021 01:05 (4 Years ago)

Username: Yvelette
Entry 1: Evolution of this

Entry 2: evolution of this

Entry 3: Evolution of this

Other:Did I change enough things with the drawing to make it an evolution? Is it okay that I used chalk?
Shinies I Want: Alolan Ninetales, Galarian Rapidash and Lurantis

Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,091
Posted: Mon, 01/03/2021 06:27 (4 Years ago)
Giving notice that, if I don't add your design to the top, it is because it felt close to being similar ton the other design, or just feels like a smaller / bigger version of the original. Which I do have rights to decline the entry.

Creativity is acceptable when creating pre-evos / evos. So please understand that it is ok to step out of the box and get a little creative qwq

Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,091
Posted: Thu, 04/03/2021 19:19 (4 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,091
Posted: Sun, 07/03/2021 01:39 (4 Years ago)
Bump ;w;

Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,091
Posted: Thu, 11/03/2021 13:03 (4 Years ago)
Bumpity bump

Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,091
Posted: Sun, 14/03/2021 17:38 (3 Years ago)
bump ;w;"

Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,091
Posted: Wed, 17/03/2021 02:24 (3 Years ago)
Bumpity bump nwn

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 676
Posted: Fri, 19/03/2021 01:51 (3 Years ago)

1. evo of this bean
more to come...
Password: Earth 🧗‍♀️
Other: pog
Shinies I Want: Coctaillon, Cloyster, Alolan Vulpix

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,336
Posted: Sat, 20/03/2021 15:20 (3 Years ago)

Username: Hipsterpotamus
Entry: Evo of this little guy
Show hidden content

Link <--- Input link, in case images start to break.

Password: Water
Other: Loved this challenge ~
Shinies I Want: Mr. Bagon, Yungoos and gumshoos

Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,091
Posted: Sun, 21/03/2021 03:02 (3 Years ago)
Update: Removed 3 days, so the contest will end on the 27th, instead of the 30th!