Forum Thread
The Longest Trail (RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Longest Trail (RP)-Lao Tzu
*It was an unusually cold day on April 13th, 1873. In fact the past few days had been unusually cold. And as people readied their hoverwagons for the 6 month journey, families began to say their goodbyes to eachother, knowing that this may be the last time they would get to see eachother.*
Rosemary was sharing a very tearful goodbye with her parents who gave them some spare food and a few words of encouragement. Rosemary thanked them and promised to write as often as she could.
Willow held tiny Sage and tried to spot her mother rin the throng of the crowd, but so far nothing. Sage gave a squawk and Willow rubbed her sister's back to soothe the toddler.
"We are free now boys" she says outloud with a huge smile.
Hayes had his mother to say goodbye to. Her smile was tight. She was proud of him, but worried about letting him go.
"I'll be okay mom, I'm just worried about you. You could come with me" Hayes reminds his mom for the hundredth time now.
"No Hayes, I still have have my own mother to take care of, and your soon to be sister" she holds her belly with a smile. "I wish she could meet you... Maybe one day. But we can't afford to come with, we need the safety of civilization" she turns to the wagon, which isn't too full. Hayes small allowance had paid for most of it, but his mother chipped in some, earning an almost beating from Hayes' father if Hayes haven't step in. "Don't worry about me Hayes. We are both brave, just in different ways. You have the strength to leave and I have the strength to stay."
"This isn't goodbye forever mom" Hayes reminds her with a saddened chuckle, he carefully hugs her. "I love you mom. I'll see you when I'm rich." His mother laughs at this and turns away, tears streaming down her face.
"I love you too" desperate to not let him see her cry, she leaves. Hayes, with Scout wrapped around his neck, boards his wagon. He wipes his own wet face.
"We'll have to come back and rescue them one day, right Scout?" Hayes asks Scout, who meows in reply and swipes at a feather that was blowing in the wind.
Mo's father finally made an appearance and in his arms was a tiny swaddled baby, next to him was her. The witch who left her for dead. When Mo turned to face her, a loud SMACK echoed out in the cold air. Mo stumbled back too stunned to even hold her cheek. "I'm glad you're leaving" the witch hissed, "you were such a disappointment."
"I didn't choose to be born," Mo shot back. "let alone to someone like you." Mo glanced at the swaddled baby and her heart inexplicably ached for him. Turning on her heel she made her way back to her hover wagon.

That's for those of you who are rping with me
"Jesus, what crawled into your mouth and died?" Gwen asks as she pinches her nose. The man's brow furrows, he obviously wasn't expecting such a response.
"A sense of humor, I like that" the man replies huskily. His frown deepens when Gwen cringes. "You know sweetie, it's dangerous for a piece of property such as yourself to go out on this journey by yourself" he places a hand on her thigh and Gwen feels her body physically jolt away from his touch, which only makes him tighten his grip. She suddenly stands up so quickly that his hand falls to his side. A lady shouldn't be so disinclined to a man's orders her mother's voice echos in Gwen's head. This only fuels her anger.
"Get off my wagon" she barks. She places a boot on his shoulder and kicks forward so he falls off the wagon. This takes him by surprise, so he falls off rather easily. "Go belittle someone else. Come close to me and I'll leave your dead body for the lycanwolves to eat!" The man doesn't seem afraid of her threat, he is more surprised that Gwen would dare respond this way. He smartly apologises, lowering his head and walking away. Gwen tsks and sits back down, ignoring everyone's stares.

Hayes glances over at the couple next to him. They had a few dogs, which Scout watches warily. He furiously waves at Jesse and Ellie, trying to grab their attention. "Why hello!" He calls cheerfully. "How are you two doing on this wonderful day!" The day, most certainly wasn't wonderful. It was cold, and although they were participating in a great event, the travel was most definitely going to be quite miserable.
it mewed a curled up on her lap.

"Dont worry about it." Mo insisted brushing off her lover's concern, looking ahead towards the unknown as she felt Gwen's gaze shift to her face where the bruise was indeed forming.