Forum Thread
item bag bbcode update
Forum-Index → Suggestions → item bag bbcode updateI like the new bbcode, i have some suggestions for it:
BBcode working for counting the total items of a category
Ths would be usefull especially for users who wants to hoard gems for the greg update and dont care wich type are. Also for users who wants to enter a berrie medal rally
BBcode counting plushies
some users have personal goals about how many plushies they want and they often share their progress.
Edit: added 3 more counting bbcodes.
Number of pokemon you have at your pokedex
Count how many pokemon there are at your pokedex
Count how many pokemon of the same dex number you have
Count Eggdexes
Usefull for keeping track of 50 chains
Edit #2
Counting an evolutionary line to the pokedex suggestion.
Edit #3
Counting both summons and non converted maps
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
I have a few ideas about this though:

Instead of "pokedex", dex would just
be faster to type.
[dex=DEX NO]
I think the dex numbers should follow the site's current system, instead of the suggested "N, S, W..." one.
Examples -
[dex=0447] - Riolu collected
[dex=1448] - Shiny Lucario collected
[dex=2129] - Shadow Magikarp collected
[dex=0447s] - Rokkyu collected
[dex=1448m] - Shiny Mega Lucario collected
For your [/pokedex] code, I think that it would work better as:
[dex=Kalos] - Kalos Dex entries
[dex=Shiny] - ShinyDex entries
[dex=Shadow] - ShadowDex entries
[dex=Normal] - Dex entries
[dex=Shadow Johto] - Johto ShadowDex entries
[dex=Shiny Emera] - Emera ShinyDex entries
The percentages could be calculated using the [dex=Normal,goal=1664] code.
[dex=DEX NO]
I think the dex numbers should follow the site's current system, instead of the suggested "N, S, W..." one.
Examples -
[dex=0447] - Riolu collected
[dex=1448] - Shiny Lucario collected
[dex=2129] - Shadow Magikarp collected
[dex=0447s] - Rokkyu collected
[dex=1448m] - Shiny Mega Lucario collected
For your [/pokedex] code, I think that it would work better as:
[dex=Kalos] - Kalos Dex entries
[dex=Shiny] - ShinyDex entries
[dex=Shadow] - ShadowDex entries
[dex=Normal] - Dex entries
[dex=Shadow Johto] - Johto ShadowDex entries
[dex=Shiny Emera] - Emera ShinyDex entries
The percentages could be calculated using the [dex=Normal,goal=1664] code.

Similar thing as before - plushie is
just faster to type than plushiedex. The dex numbers should also
follow the site's system.
[plushie=DEX NO]
Examples -
[plushie=0129] - Magikarp plushies collected
[plushie=1744] - Shiny Rockruff plushies collected
[plushie=0447s] - Rokkyu plushies collected
[plushie=0448m] - Mega Lucario plushies collected
[plushie=DEX NO]
Examples -
[plushie=0129] - Magikarp plushies collected
[plushie=1744] - Shiny Rockruff plushies collected
[plushie=0447s] - Rokkyu plushies collected
[plushie=0448m] - Mega Lucario plushies collected